Systems Analysis And Design Reflection: Food Fair Data Flow Diagram And Object-Oriented Design

Data Flow Diagram

Main goals of this project is to demonstrate the understanding of fundamental concepts of system analysis and design. This projects perform the week 5 to week 11 exercise to learn the system analysis and design. In week 5, user needs to create the data flow diagram for provided case study which is large food fair with food stalls. In week 6, user needs to read the provided case study which is Sandra Medical Devices to answer the questions. In week 7, user needs to create the design class diagram for provided case study and also lists the objects for the case study. In week 8, user needs to develop the domain class diagram and communication diagram for university library system. In week 9, user needs to read the computing publishing Inc. case study to draw the class diagram. In week 10, user needs to implement the new system for parcel courier Service Company. In week 11, user needs to read the Custom Load Trucking case study to answer the questions. These are will be discussed in detail.

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Data Flow Diagram for Food and Drinks scenario is illustrated as below (“Data Flow Diagram – Everything You Need to Know About DFD”, 2018).

  1. The real time glucose monitoring system is use the HIPAA. The health insurance portability and accountability (HIPAA) act of 1996 is used to mandates the particular responsibility with respects to the privacy and security of electronic protected health information.
  2. The RTGM system must be ensure the system data security during the transmission between the patients servers and mobile devices because the ePHI system create, receive and maintain to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality.
  • This is an intriguing issue, most patients won’t have any desire to need to enter a secret phrase or a stick each time they have to get to their alarm message or enact the transmission of checking information. It isn’t clear how much duty lays on the patients (to keep/his/her telephone secure), and how much obligation lays on Sandia (to require a secret word or stick to enact). The information itself could be scrambled on the advanced mobile phone; the application can unscramble it to get to it. Maybe center may be to require a stick when the PDA is turned on, or once every day.
  1. Requirements for medicinal services experts can be more stringent to get to anchor ePHI information. Every human services individual can be required to enter ID and secret word to get to the information inside the office on workstations or PC registering gadgets. Cell phones can likewise require a login procedure all together for the expert to get to the information. Also, the information ought to be encoded when it is transmitted. Something as basic as a 4 digit stick for cell phones isn’t excessively oppressive yet still gives a level of security. An entrance to the information ought to likewise be logged with the goal that Sandia knows who approaches and who has gotten to the information. The framework will keep up login data for approved clients (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012).
  2. Security of wired and remote information transmission and transmission and facilitated servers required first that the servers are facilitated in a protected situation and second that all information, put away and transmitted be scrambled. Encryption of neighbourhood information is less demanding in light of the fact that the entrance program keeps up the encryption key. Transmitted information is more unpredictable on the grounds that the encryption must be dynamic because of the remote idea of cell phones and circulated PCs. The arrangement should be same whether the servers are facilitated or with a third-gathering supplier. The physical offices and access to the server themselves must be in an IPAA secure office (, 2018).

In customer Class, it has below objects.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact Number
  • CNIC
  • Email
  • City
  • Date of Purchase
  • Amount Payed

In Supplier class, it has below objects.

  • Name
  • Date of delivery
  • Quantity
  • Amount Paid

In Car Class, it has below objects.

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  • Name
  • Fuel type
  • Model
  • Brand
  • Year
  • Chassis No.
  • Price
  • Engine No.

In Employee Classes, it has below objects.

  • User name
  • Password
  • Contact Number
  • Full name
  • Address
  • Hire Date
  • Salary
  • Qualification

In admin class, it has below objects.

  • User name
  • Password

Class and Object diagram for Car Buying System

It is illustrated as below.

Objects are listed in below (Shalloway & Trott, 2010).

In Book classes,

  • Author
  • Address
  • Full name
  • Account
  • Format
  • Account State
  • Language

In Book Item classes,

  • Account
  • Library
  • Search
  • Catalog
  • Manage
  • Search
  • Patron
  • Librarian

Here, user needs to develop the four new systems such as (Kendall & Kendall, 2015),

  • Customer Account
  • Sales
  • Order Fulfilment
  • Scheduling sub system

To developing the above four sub system, it is used to minimize the parcel courier service company risk. So, user plan to develop the four subsystems by using the training users, support activities and deployment order. The development subsystem is done over a six weeks and operate both systems in parcel for at least three weeks beyond the developed new system deployment. The deployment of new system is shown below.

  1. Load Tracking is an across the nation trucking from that spends significant time in the development of cutting edge hardware. With the fast development of the interchanges and PC enterprises. CLT was feeling increasingly weight from its customers to over its heap all the more quickly are correctly. A few new data framework were arranged that would empower CLT to calendar and track shipments and truck areas nearly to the minutes. In any case, trucking wasn’t essential a high intrigue industry for data frameworks specialists (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2014).
  2. Customs Monica checked on Stewart’s record. She found that he had worked superbly as a group pioneer on his last undertaking. Where he was a blend group pioneer frameworks expert on a four man group. He had been associated with frameworks examination, Design, and programming and he had likewise dealt with crafted by the other three colleagues. They can great investigator of the task of the propelled vocation.
  3. Software task would track and oversee content through each phase of creation; content normal to various items would be put away in the database just once. Conditions inside and crosswise over items would be followed in the database. Programming would guarantee that any substance expansion or change would be reflected in all needy substance items, paying little heed to the last item type of the undertaking administration framework.
  4. It was the ideal opportunity for Stewart stock tons yearly execution survey as Monica Gibbons. A partner VP of data frameworks. Arranged for the meeting, she surveyed Stewart’s assignments in the course of the most recent year and has execution. Stewart was one of the “best in class” frameworks examination in the organization, and she needed to make certain to give him strong counsel on the best way to propel his profession of the undertaking administrator framework administration.


Main goals of this project successfully demonstrated the understanding of fundamental concepts of system analysis and design. This projects effectively perform the week 5 to week 11 exercise to learn the system analysis and design. In week 5, user successfully created the data flow diagram for provided case study which is large food fair with food stalls. In week 6, user needs to read the provided case study which is Sandra Medical Devices to successfully answer the given questions. In week 7, user successfully created the design class diagram for provided case study and also listed the objects for the case study. In week 8, user successfully develop the domain class diagram and communication diagram for university library system. In week 9, user needs to read the computing publishing Inc. case study to successfully created the class diagram. In week 10, user successfully implemented the new system for parcel courier Service Company. In week 11, user needs to read the Custom Load Trucking case study to answer the questions. These are discussed in detail.

References (2018). UML 2 Use Case Diagrams: An Agile Introduction. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2018]. (2018). The class diagram. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2018].

Kendall, K. and Kendall, J. (2015). Systems analysis and design.

Satzinger, J., Jackson, R. and Burd, S. (2012). Systems analysis and design in a changing world. Boston, Mass.: Course Technology.

Satzinger, J., Jackson, R. and Burd, S. (2014). Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design. Belmont: Cengage Learning.

Shalloway, A. and Trott, J. (2010). Design patterns explained. Boston, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. (2018). Data Flow Diagram – Everything You Need to Know About DFD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2018]. (2018). Domain Modelling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2018].