Target Audience Analysis Of KFC: Primary, Secondary And Tertiary Customers

Primary Customer of KFC

As per the mood board created according to the six dimensions of Kapferer’s prism, the analysis of the dimension is as follows (Pich and Dean 2015) –

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  1. Physique – The basis of the brand on which the identity of the brand stands is termed as the physique of the brand. The basis of KFC is its innovative and inclusive food menu that caters to all the age groups.
  2. Personality – The attitude of the brand towards its customers is termed as the personality of the brand that makes the brand find its unique value in the eyes of the customers. The personality of KFC is to be one of the best markets for snacking and give innovative non-veg items.
  3. Culture – The holistic view of any organization in terms of the purpose and values with principles makes the culture of any brand. The culture of KFC is to be the best fast food chain globally with its innovative and reasonably-priced menu.
  4. Relationships – The relationship between the brand and the customer comes under the header of relationships. KFC is a customer-friendly brand as it gives ample amount of discounts to its loyal customer base and also to the new customers to retain them (Ephraim 2015).
  5. Reflection – The way a customer perceives the brand is termed as the reflection of the brand. The customer has a clear reflection of the brand as the brand targets a set group of people who love to have chicken and are willing to spend for it, mainly the youngsters.
  6. Self-image – The way the customer sees itself by using the brand is termed as Self Image of the customer. The customer who are loyal to the brand have always been treated with good quality and tasty food that have made them happy and satisfied in the longer run.

KFC is one of the major food and beverage brand that has a major target audience in the premises of all age groups. KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken is an American fast food chain that gained popularity with the inclusion of their trademark fried chicken and various other dishes that are unique to their tastes (Mamat et al. 2012). The making of the food using their secret recipes and ingredients attracted a large group of customers from all over the globe and the increase of their stores and food stalls to the various parts of the world made the food chain even popular.

There are three types of audiences of the brand namely primary, secondary and tertiary audience who help the brand get a basic amount of details about the customer that the brand is trying to attract (Kapferer 2012). Primary Customer is defined as the type of customer that finds a level of tangible value in the product and pays for that value with utmost interest. Secondary customer is defined as the consumer that is dependent on the primary consumer and have needs underlying the product and is satisfied by the primary consumers (Lim and Weaver 2014). Tertiary consumers or customers are that kind of customers that has the capability to enhance the value of the other two groups of the customers for the service and pays for the service at the end.

The primary, secondary and tertiary target audiences are the people who are affected by the brand of KFC and derives their interest from the brand either directly or indirectly. The brand needs to maintain their level of communication with all the three kinds of target audiences and make sure that they are loyal to the brand when they are opting for any fast food genre (Wijaya 2013). The customers as well as the brand is defined by some set of personas of the different kind of target audience that makes the brand know the set of people that they should mark to increase their sales. The various aspects of the persona of the target audiences are as follows –

Primary Target Audience

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The primary target audience of KFC are its consumers who are willing to pay for the meal at KFC. The loyal customers of KFC are those who under any circumstances are not willing to go for the other brand which make them the primary audience that the brand targets.

  1. Demographics – The demographics of the primary target audience is the younger generation of the population who are more into the fast food life. The set target age of the primary target is between the age group of 15-35 years who value the brand and are the loyal customers.
  2. Behaviour patterns – The behavioural patterns of the brand are the set of communication that is done between the customers and the brand itself. The behavioural pattern of the brand is by mouth-to-mouth communication and also through the websites and other food delivery app.
  3. Motivations- The motivation of the target customer is to find food that is both unique and tasty at the same time.
  4. Frustrations- One of the major frustrations of the primary target audience is the price of food that the brand has. Most of the customers of the fast food chain belong to the younger generation among which many are students. They do not have the sufficient amount of money to purchase very high-priced dishes.
  5. Goals – The goal of the brand for the primary consumer is to give them the best and tasty food at a good and reasonable price.
  6. Biography – The primary target audience are the set of younger generation who love to have fast food mainly non-vegetarian.
  7. An image of the typical person who represents that segment – An image of the typical person that represents that primary consumer are the younger group of people who are willing to try some new kind of food items and also give reasonable price for the same.
  8. Typical media consumption – The typical media consumption of the primary target audience is to give the media enough bites for the consideration of the various aspects of the brand including the customer service and taste of the products.

Secondary Target Audience

The secondary target audience are the restaurants and groups of food stalls that are following and making food items like KFC and providing a touch of orientalism to the local food genre.

  1. Demographics- The demographics of the secondary target audience are restaurants and owners of the food stalls that sell and market their version of the KFC fried chicken.
  2. Behaviour patterns – The kind of behavioural patterns applicable for the secondary target audiences are the social media and customer reviews that determine the level of popularity of the brand.
  3. Motivations- The motivation of the secondary target audience is to improve their business by providing the same kind of taste and quality like KFC.
  4. Frustrations- The frustrations of the secondary target audience is not to get the same kind of business and loyalty like KFC as well as not getting enough profit.
  5. Goals- The goals of the secondary target audience is to become successful on the lines of KFC and make sure that the brand can get a tough competition from the local market.
  6. Biography – The biography of the secondary target audience are stores and local food stalls that wish to be successful on the lines of KFC and provide quality and taste like the brand itself.
  7. An image of the typical person who represents that segment – The image of the typical person who represent the segment of secondary customers are local stalls and food restaurants that wish to provide the customers with localised version of KFC food items.
  8. Typical media consumption – Integrated media consumption is mainly focussed on the interviews and other media that focusses on the marketing and recipes of KFC so that the smaller brands can get an idea of their own workings.

Tertiary Target Audience

The tertiary audience of KFC are any person who loves to have fried chicken as their snacks or main menu. Any chicken lover especially people with an affinity for non-vegetarian food can be the tertiary target audience of KFC.

  1. Demographics – The demographic range of target customer of KFC is any person who loves to have chicken and can of any age group. The age group of 15-65 can be a probable age group of the brand.
  2. Behaviour patterns – The behavioural patterns of the tertiary customer is the various social media campaign and running modules that attract the customers. Also, recommendations from friends and KFC loyalist can be a source.
  3. Motivations – The motivation of the tertiary form of customer is to get various kinds of food and newer kind of recipe so that it can help changing their taste and preference if needed.
  4. Frustrations – The frustration of the tertiary type of consumer is to not get the required amount of food and the type of food that they wish to get through the brand.
  5. Goals – The goal of the tertiary type of consumer is to get desired change in their taste of food without having any loyalty for the brand.
  6. Biography – The biography of the tertiary customer is just a regular customer who wish to make suitable changes in their taste and items that they want to have.
  7. An image of the typical person who represents that segment – The typical person who represent the tertiary group of customer is the one that has no loyalty for the brand but just want to taste something new and innovative from a new brand.
  8. Typical media consumption – The typical media consumption is done through the advertisements and social media offers and discounts offered by the brand in order to attract the group of customers.


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