Teamwork And Integrated Marketing Plan: Formation, Recommendations, And Conflict Resolution

Importance of Teamwork in Forming Integrated Marketing Plan for Lion

Teamwork refers to the process of working together in a collaborative manner in a group that can help them in achieving objective. Teamwork acts as an important part of a business and it is important that colleagues should work together in all kinds of circumstances. People use their individual skills within a team and it helps in providing a constructive feedback inspite of any kind of personal conflict existing between the individuals (Costa, Passos & Bakker, 2014).  This essay reflects on the process of formation of the teams in the context of my team. It also discusses whether my team has been successful in deriving recommendations. It states whether the team has been successful in managing the schedule in relation to making of Integrated Marketing Plan (IMP). It also elaborates that in the event of being the chairman how I would handle the various options and whether I would do things in a different manner as compared to my team.

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The members of a team have complementary skills and they generate synergy with the help of co-ordinated effort that allows each member of the team for maximising the strengths. A team also plays an important role in minimizing the aspect of weakness. The members of the team helps one another and it helps an individual in realizing the true potential. The members of a team have mutual commitment that gives rise to effective performance within the framework of a team. A team is formed so that it can work on a project or a task. The team is generally disbanded in the event of completion of the task. Our team was formed by the students who were in the doing the marketing management program at the college. The team was formed so that it could make an integrated marketing plan of the company named Lion that is a food company of Australia (, 2018). The company focuses on the aspect of sustainable growth and they want to build their presence in the high value categories in relation to the targeted Asian market.  The integrated marketing plan of the company can help them in extending their business and it can play an important role in transforming the dairy along with juice business of Australia. Our team was formed so that it could make the Integrated Marketing Plan that can help it in spreading its influence across the world. Our team was formed of the people who had in-depth knowledge in the field of marketing that can help them in devising a successful marketing plan for the company (Mäkikangas et al., 2016).  Our team was formed of people who had the similar background that can reduce the conflict along with miscommunication within the team. The same background that we had can effectively increase the efficiency of our functioning that can help in creating a valuable piece of work.

Our team has been successfully in deriving the recommendations as they have been able to work together effectively. Our team has agreed on the important points that has helped them in their effective functioning. Our team has managed the schedule perfectly that can prove to be an important cause for the success of our work. Our group studied the current marketing plan of the company and the loopholes that were present in it.  This helped us in creating a successful integrated marketing plan that could effectively reach a broader audience. Our group studied the current situation of the company and the target audience of the company which helped us in forming the integrated marketing plan (Housley, 2017).  Competitiveness level is very high in the case of a food and the beverage company and hence it is important to create an innovative marketing plan that can help in reaching a broader audience. Our group made the recommendations for the integrated marketing plan on the basis of the marketing goals. Our team made the recommendations in a way that can help in addressing the marketing challenges and deliver solution on the basis of a holistic approach. Our team identified the challenges that should be met and the opportunities that should be seized that can help in the aspect of marketing of Lion. Our team was successful in managing the schedule by making priorities and establishing the deadlines (Costa, Passos & Bakker, 2014).  The primary priorities that our team had to detect was the goal of marketing of Lion and its target audience. We had maintained a schedule review that helped us in managing the project in the right manner. We used to have daily meetings that helped us in communicating messages that ensured that our work was co-ordinated that can make it effective. In the first meeting, our team identified the customer by taking into consideration the demographic factors. The behavioural along with psychological traits were also taken into account in the meeting that helped us in making the IMP (Sandoff & Nilsson, 2016). The second meeting helped us in setting clear objectives that is integral to the making of an IMP. The third meeting was devoted to crafting the campaign that can help Lion in emerging as a successful brand (Biswas, 2014). Our team thought about the channels that can help it increasing its revenue and make it more popular among the urban audience. In the fourth meeting, we talked about the key performance indicators (KPI) that can help in measuring the results (Fuster-Parra et al., 2016). The tracking will help in measuring whether the coupons and the promo codes have been able to convert across the different platforms.

Assessing the Team’s Success in Deriving Recommendations and Managing Schedule

In the event of being the chairman of the company, I would handle the different opinions in the team by respecting the differences of the team members. I would not impose my influence but respect unique differences that exist in the people. Being the chairman, I would see the thing from various point of view that can help in the aspect of avoiding conflict. I would direct the board members to confront tension instead of allowing it to fester that can help our team in resolving the quarrel. I would encourage the board members to propose solutions that can help in meeting their own needs along with the interest of other people (Jaworski, 2018). In my team I made use of the co-operative process that helped me in creating integrated marketing plan. In the event of working in a team one has to set aside the ideas in a particular point of time for resolving conflict. I would not do things differently from my team because I feel that co-operative process can act as the best method that can help in resolving conflict within a team. I think that with the help of open communication one can successfully resolve a particular conflict (Baber & Fletcher-Chen, 2015).The people who are involved in a conflict should discuss their feelings and talk about issue that can help in the aspect of conflict resolution. I acknowledged the conflict that helped me in resolving conflict when I was making the IMP with my team and I would also take recourse to this method as a chairman to handle the differing opinions among the team. I would hence work along the same line in the event of being the chairman of Lion for the resolution of conflict.

In the event of being a board member and having a recommendation to the other board members I would handle the discussion in a different manner in the future. I shall take recourse to negotiation in the future that can act as a useful technique to find a common ground in the case of a dispute arising among the team members. I will try to make use of the element of compromise in the future that can the team in resolving differences (Goldberg et al., 2014).  They can find a common ground and this different approach can successfully help me in meeting the team goals. Negotiation can help in resolving the conflict that can benefit all the parties who are involved in the conflict. They would take part in direct discussion that can help the team in arriving at a common ground.

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A team works together collaboratively that can help them in realizing their aims. Teamwork is an important component in relation to a business and it can help in the successful running of a business. Team is formed so that they can together work in a project. A team is disbanded when the task is completed. Our team was made so that it could make the marketing plan of company called Lion. Our team was able to derive recommendations after working together effectively. Our team has been successful in making recommendations that can address the challenges within the market. In the position of chairman, I would respect the opinion of other team members and this would help me in dandling different opinions. I would respect the differences existing in people and refrain from using my influence that can help me in working together in a team. I would make use of negotiation in future that can help me in finding common ground and resolve dispute within the team. 


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