Technology In Data Maintenance And Storage

Introduction to Cloud-Based Storage

Discuss About The Technology In Data Maintenance And Storage.

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In the present world we have been asking what and how this current technology have come to be what it is, asking more to what is cloud storage and how and where cloud storage is applied. Making it to be real but not a fact it might be hard to explain what it is theoretically but indeed is a very promising technology that has taken over globally when ICT is concerned. Understanding it theoretically as the way we describe and illustrate cloud based storage as a computing model in circumstances the data and information is stored on very secure and servers that are remotely located then using the normal hard disks we used to.

In referring to cloud way of defining we can term it as servers which are collaborative and serves as host which host all the information they always acquire and receive from the requests done globally anywhere and anytime as far as there is some internet connections. The below report will be based on how the cloud-based storage work, cloud storage types and the pros and cos of cloud-based storage especially when one have an idea of migrating to cloud storage. Some of the major and significant areas to be discussed will be as follows.

  • Cloud storage definition
  • Cloud-based storage background
  • Pros and Cons of Cloud-based Storage
  • Types of cloud-based storage
  • Research methodology
  • Computing in clouds
  • Conclusions and recommendations.

In comparisons with other storage devices in cloud storage the data and information in entirely stored on storage of servers that are virtual other than on devices such as CDs and the disks may it be hard or flash where it is entirely stored on physical gadgets. The figure below shows a diagram illustrating a simple cloud-based storage explaining the concept of virtualization.

There has been recent research and investigations done where more than 1200 decision makers in businesses and client (users) globally, there has been a gain in the competitive advantage through the survey due to this storage over the cloud being adopted at a very high ratio actually almost doubling to what the previous years had achieved. The survey also noted that by 2016 public cloud predictions exceedingly was over $244 billion (baiju, 2014).

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The history of cloud based storage is termed as a computer model because of its functional capabilities making to go back to the old days. It is assumed to go back to late 70s & 80s where we used computer network (CNET) and the Advanced Research Projects Administration Network (ARPANET), all of which has acted as the forerunners of internet presently in use as they controlled in big ways to what we have today as storage and even what to expect in the world of cloud storage even in future.

How Cloud-Based Storage Works

There has been an improvement in the cost of most hard drive which has really helped the technology globally in growing exponentially.  There has been problem even in watching movies online while streaming. Nowadays movies such as the avatar, avengers etc. that have huge bandwidth in loading as they are in petabytes are now possible to upload and download. Sites and search engines such as Steam, google and Netflix being some of the few from many sites and engines have been on the frontline in helping in such cheap and always available storage (Claypool, 2013). It is an inspiring to see how even big data can be searched which was difficult in the past due to inadequate computer storage.

The research design proposed for this study is experimental. (Blakstad, 2008) argues that experimental research answers the question of” what if?” scenarios. The researcher manipulates independent variables and measures dependent variables in order to establish cause and-effect relationships between them. The independent variable is controlled or set by the researcher. The dependent variable I measured by the researcher. Experiment are undertaken to produce new knowledge. Experimental research is important to society as it helps us to improve our everyday lives.

Data gathering is termed to be ways through which raw facts are collected, and later used for computation after being analysed and organized in a specific and orderly manner. There are two types of data collection namely the primary data  which involves the data from its original sources and the secondary data is the data collected from other sources like journals and books or even online this study we used primary data in data collection in helping understanding the advantages and disadvantages of migrating to cloud-based services.

Cloud services has made the world and specific individuals or users in sharing, storing and much more hosting over the internet. New industry has led to combining of servers that are synchronized allowing you to carry out computation processes that are sophisticated. Here the system does the conversion of the significant and vital data on the available cloud provider, which can be accessed remotely and hence cutting down the space requirement as one would have used when using one’s own hard drive (jacob, 2013).

This upgrade has resulted to where many people are sourcing the storage of data to providers of the cloud due to saving of the rated cost and ease of their use.  Many people are using cloud services in protecting their sensitive data and as well in sharing data that require a lot of bandwidth in uploading and downloading such as the videos and audios. With this knowledge one now can know which type of cloud storage fits ones needs (Di-carto, 2015). The three are as follows:

Types of Cloud-Based Storage

In this type of cloud service there are much administrative controls and can be accessed at any time by anyone as far as one has authentication. One may get the security but the maintenance of the system is not on your side.

Just like the name suggest the system here is well designed for a single person or just for a company for helping in tackling specific needs for the individual. Here it comes in two formats where one is called the On-premise and the externally hosted. Both private clouds works fine but they are good when running a business but not for home use.

The hybrid cloud covers or combines both the private and the pubic clouds. One can customize own features and characteristics by inserting the applications that may meet one needs as well as the resources that points to one target and goals. Here the sensitive data is stored on private cloud storage where the one  which is non-sensitive is stored on public cloud storage but to save cost and time one may opt to save and store the data in an efficient storage environment.

Traditionally the cost of desktops in maintaining and upgrading was very high and hence costing many companies a lot. When we consider even the additional of such licenses for software even for multiple users it was still costly but with remote storage servers used in cloud computing have really helped in cutting the cost of storage.

When one stores info or data may it be sensitive or non-sensitive one earns almost the storage capacity that is almost unlimited. This has made one nit to worry about cases of running out of the available storage space and hence one cannot worry about such. Storage is always in plenty and at affordable prices as compared to physical storages (Blau, 2017).

Data storage over the cloud is relatively easier when backing up and hence restoring it is not like when one is storing on a similar physical device. This importance has made many cloud services providers to be competent enough to handle information recovery. This has made the process of backing up and recovery to be very simpler than in traditional data storage methods.

Once an individual gets an account with the cloud, it helps one to access the information from anywhere as far as there is some internet connection.

Lastly but not least cloud storage gives an additional advantage of deployment quickly. When one opt for the functioning method, one entire system will be functional fully just in a few minutes. Time needed is proportional to the dependence of the technology that is needed by the business.

In vindictiveness of the so many merits mentioned and discussed above cloud-based storage has its demerits in one way or another as discussed below.

Not in all times as there may arise some dysfunction of the remote systems accessed? One have to be able to understand when such arise and with this knowledge they are man-made therefore such faults must be expected.

When one stores info in cloud makes an individual or company info prone and vulnerable to hackers and external threats. So one has to understand that nothing that is on the internet is completely secure and hence there might be a lack of data sensitivity of data in one way or another (Viswanathan, 2017).

Lastly before one adopts this type of technology, one should know that you are giving out one’s sensitive info to a 3rd party who is the cloud service. This may be termed as a great risk hence one has to be very keen in choosing the best and most reliable cloud service provider who will help in keeping the information very secure.


Like in everything else cloud-based storage may have its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Technology to any current or present company without considering what the company deals with has been a vital resource and asset. Technology helps in data maintenance and storage and hence the use of cloud storage come in where one have to understands the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud-based storage and if it meets one needs and requirements if one has to migrate to it.


baiju, N., 2014. 5 advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Storage. big data made simple, 27th July.p. 66.

Blau, K., 2017. quora. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 29 march 2018].

Claypool, K., 2013. The History of Computer and Cloud Storage, s.l.: s.n.

Di-carto, 2015. What is Cloud Storage , Types, Advantages and Disadvantages. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 29 march 2018].

jacob, 2013. Different Cloud Storage Types. [Online]
Available at:

Stratosphere, 2018. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 march 2018].

Viswanathan, P., 2017. Cloud Computing and Is it Really All That Beneficial?, s.l.: s.n.