The Impact Of E Technologies On Social Life

Changing the process of communication and social interaction

E technologies play a great role in changing the social life of the people. It has been seen that with the help of technologies people started sharing their opinion in a proper manner. In the present scenario, there are different technologies which have changed the people mindset. If there is no proper technology then it can be difficult for the people to complete the activities within the given time frame. The social life of the people has been changed as it has been analyzed that different types of technologies which are available for the people saves time and also make the process, of completing the activities in an easy manner (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014).

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The modern social life of the people has a drastic change as it has been analyzed that process of communication is easy in the present situation through latest technologies. Now day’s people are able to communicate in a proper manner which has given positive impact on the life of the people. There are various applications like Facebook and Instagram through which people can easily communicate with each other (Katz, Lazarsfeld and Roper, 2017).Now various services are also introduced like video calling and calls can be done through application.  It has made the process of communication easy and also less time consuming. Facebook and twitter are considered as a great platform that can assist the people to stay in touch with the new as well as with the old people (Beukeboom, Kerkhof and de Vries, 2015). It has been evaluated that Facebook can be a platform through which social groups can be created for the people who have similar interest and it also allow the friends to join. Individuals can also invite their friends so that connections can be maintained. Through twitter the users can easily follow and can share the relevant news that can be beneficial or interesting for the people. It is also the platform through which opinion and views of the people can be shared. The best thing about this is that it is free of cost and people can use as much as they want (Bakshy, Messing and Adamic, 2015).

Now people are becoming more social by sharing their pictures on the social platform through these websites. On social platform people share their pictures, quotes and also their ideas in which the other individual comments and give opinion. It enhances the social interaction of the people and they can easily communicate in a proper manner. It has been seen that process of communication and relations of the people is also maintained (Grant and Meadows, 2016). There are many people also who take views and opinions from other people by sharing their questions on their account (Castells, 2015). Therefore, it can be stated that process of communication and interaction between people is simple through various websites that are available to the users. People are making new friends through social sites which not only enhanced the social skill but also teach them how to maintain relation. In earlier times people were not able to communicate in an easy manner but now through various applications and websites people can easily communicate through video conferencing. By sitting at any place people can easily see each other through video conferencing if there is proper connectivity of the internet. It has made the life of the people comfortable and it is easy for them to achieve what they want (Chen et al., 2014).

The role of social platforms in enhancing communication and relations

There are also many websites who are offering many services to the customers so that purchasing behavior can be improved. People are now days purchasing the products through online websites like Amazon which has brought improvisation in the purchasing decision of the customers. People can easily order the products by sitting at their home. Through this social skill has been also enhanced as it has been seen that people stated sharing their views and opinions on the product page (Oeldorf-Hirsch and Sundar, 2015).  

When customers purchase the products it has been seen that they have the opportunity or the chance to share the feedback on the company website. By sharing their ideas they can also give guidance to the other people who are interested in purchasing the products. The mindset of the people has been changed with the help of various websites like Amazon and Flip kart. It has been seen that there are many customers who can interact with the other customers so that they can get accurate feedback in context to the products and services of the company. In the present situation people can communicate with each and other and by considering the feedback they can easily purchase the products and services in a proper manner. E technologies have changed the people buying behavior as well and made them social in the society.

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It has been seen that stitch is also one of the mobile application which connect the seniors with peers based on the same interest. This application offer emotional joy for the new friendships and it can also be one of the effective sources for the social circle. This can help to make proper connections and also to make the friendship effective which is important for the people in the recent scenario (Yang et al., 2015).

It has also been seen that there are also many news websites through which accurate news and updated information can be gained.  In the recent scenario, people can easily gain the information by visiting to the websites or by uploading the applications. It not only makes people aware about the society but also helps to give a platform to discuss on the particular topic. It is easy and comfortable for the people to be updated by visiting the sites and applications (Soffer and Gordoni, 2018). It is a great platform which has given positive impact on the people and has made people extrovert to convey their information to people. It has been seen that people can easily discuss their ideas with other people and it is also the platform of discussion for the people. Social skills of the people have been enhanced through various e technologies that are introduced for the users.  It has made the life of the individual simple and also people are now days focusing on being socially engaged with the people (Ksiazek, 2018).

When emphasis is given on threats and risks it has been seen that when e technologies is taken into consideration high risk has to be faced by the suppliers. Suppliers like Amazon, Flip kart, twitter and Instagram have sought to minimize the risks so that people can easily use the website and social media platforms. There are many risks which are associated with the use of e technologies. Cyber-attacks have been grown in the present case and there is high percentage which is emphasizing on targeting the individuals. With the use of advanced tools cyber criminals are targeting the people. There are many hackers who are sending malicious attachment to the people so that their account can be hacked in an easy manner. By hacking the account people are taking use of the personal information of the people and misusing it for their own benefit. It is important for the suppliers to focus on minimizing the threat so that it can be simple for them to enhance the level of satisfaction. It is important for the people to consider the steps so that proper protection can be done of the customers (Turcotte et al., 2015).

Improving purchasing behavior

By focusing on e technologies it has been seen that major threat is related with privacy of the information. It is important to maintain the privacy of the users so that it can simple for them to conduct the operations. Privacy is one of the important factors that should be considered by the people so that it can be simple for the people to trust the websites and application. One of the important factors to safeguard the privacy of the people is related with the strong password (Nisar and Whitehead, 2016). Facebook has introduced the setting of strong password that should be considered by the people so that their privacy can be reduced. It is seen that it is important for the people to maintain their safety so that their privacy cannot be hindered. It has been analyzed that weak password if set by the user can give chance to the hackers to hack the information of the people. There are many cases which have taken into consideration of Facebook account hacking that should be reduced so that it can be simple for the users to trust the websites. Company is also focusing on two factor authentication by adding the phone numbers so that if anyone wants to change the setting the information can be given to the account holder. So, it has been seen that there is a security which is seen at the time of signing in into the account and when any setting is changed then information is given to the people (Kumar and Patel, 2014).

Antivirus it also one of the factor on which focus is given by the people so that privacy can be maintained. Through anti-virus it can be easy for the people to safeguard the information and also it can help to identify the threat. By using antivirus the threat can be identified which is important for the users to be minimized. Misuse of the information can give negative impact on the people and also it can affect the entire growth of the company. When there is no privacy of the information then it can be difficult for the people to give and use the application and website. Firewall focuses on securing the data of the people and also web traffic can be controlled.

Next step on which focus should be given is related with updating the operating system. It is the responsibility of the people to use updated operating system so that high level of security can be maintained.  When updated technology is used it has been seen that the overall information can be maintained and secured in the right direction. The updated version can protect the data of the users and can also restrict the cyber criminals from taking advantage of the technology and misusing the information. The company is focusing on securing the information so that it can be simple to attract the interest of the users and also to motivate the people towards using the services of the company (Susskind and Susskind, 2015).

The risks and threats associated with e technologies

Next aspect that is taken into consideration by the suppliers is to restrict the information. It is important to restrict the information by the unauthorized people so that privacy can be maintained and misuse of the information cannot take place. Also information is transferred to the users to focus on the websites which are secured and transactions should be done through authorized source so that privacy of the information can be maintained.  There are many messages which are conveyed by the people (Weaver et al., 2017).

By analyzing the report, it has been concluded that e technologies has given impact on the social skills of the people. Now people are extrovert and share their information in a proper manner. Now individuals are free to share their views and opinions which motivate the people and also create interest in context to social background. It is important for the suppliers to maintain proper privacy so that it can be simple to gain the trust of the people. Suppliers take into consideration various techniques like Anti-virus, strong password and restrict on the information. Therefore, privacy should be maintained so that it can be simple to gain the interest of the individuals. Through e technologies people are nowadays are more extrovert and they are also free to communicate their ideas and views.    


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