The Impact Of Green House Gas Performance On Business And Environment

Empirical Analysis of Organizations and CPD Data

This research is based on the empirical analysis of organization on the basis if CPD data that provide the reluctant information to the corporation about the carbon gas emissions. This research is also aimed to attempt for the in-depth analysis over the impact of high carbon gas emissions that is affecting the corporation’s performance in context to the link with the external stakeholder, investors and general public. With this, greenhouse gas performance is important for the business to address the issue of higher emission of carbon gas that derives the negative impact on the organization’s performance and impact its market immensely. It is also depicted from the information of CPD data, major corporations are influencing the environmental factor and derailing the climate change through higher rate of carbon emission. The main issue for this research is raised as the role of stakeholder’s in relation to the green house gas performance over the years. This research study is important to consider the important aspects of environment because the corporations are affecting the climate by indulging into the manufacturing business and excerts the higher carbon gas that directly push the impact over the green house gas performance. It is also important from the reader’s aspect to gain the information that is concerned to the environmental protection through using the business management and strategies to reduce the carbon gas emission.   

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Green House Gas Performance has become an important issue for the researcher to proceed with the theoretical and practical aspect to consider the impact of carbon gas over the environmental changes that is important to protect for the betterment of corporations and stakeholder as well. Carbon gas emission has become a burning problem for the major stakeholders to consider the impact of carbon on business and environmental that really impacts the performance of business in relation to the financial, operations and marketing management of business. This above raised issue is important to practice for the different groups of people that are from internal and external environment. The issues is crucial for the regulators and controller to control over the carbon emission that is existed in the operational activities of business and affect the environmental functioning through tapping the higher temperature and make unbalance between the rain (Noda, 2014). The regulator are authorized to enforce the higher carbon existed because it influence the stakeholder to being with the organization for long time with a repetitive concern. Along with this, this issue is also important for the management and accountant to influence the investors and stakeholder through the performance of business in term of financial aspects. On the other hand, general public is an important aspect for that green house gas performance is very important to protect the environment in relation to control over the unbalance of environmental activities and higher carbon emission may also raise variant types of disease that may lead to the higher death rate of employees of organizations and general public as well.

Impact of High Carbon Gas Emissions on Business and Environment

The theoretical motivation for the projected research is also important to address the raised issue through managing the higher emission of carbon that really impacts the environment to disturb the natural activities. This research would be supportive to enhance the empirical analysis in concern to the green house gas that is important to research to identify the impact of carbon gas over the green house through aligning with the corporation’s performance. It would also be linked to the arguing the perceived theories and develop the new theoretical practices that would assist the management to have the significant strategies to control and reduce the emissions of carbon gas for benefit of general public and protect the interest of general public and stakeholders as well. This study would enable the researcher to make the specific judgment over the effective management of carbon related issues and satisfy the stakeholder’s intentions that create attraction towards the corporation. It also pertained the lacking in previous theories that are adopted to control the carbon emissions and protect the interest of stakeholder.  

Green house gas performance has become essential for the each and every corporation to meet the satisfaction level of stakeholders as well and the current rate of carbon emission has increased the debate over this issues. Rietbergen, et. Al, 2016, detained that carbon gas emission from the organizational performance has been increasing gradually from last two decades but the last five years percentage of GHG has reduced at higher level which indicates the negative relationship between the variables of carbon gas emissions and the strategies that are adopted by the organization to control over this situation. Carbon Trust argued that the organizational performance has been impacted by the higher carbon extraction because it affects the climate and leads to the changes in the environmental activities. On the other hand, stakeholders are an important factor for the business to develop the business at next level and if they are not happy with the organizational process, it is not good from entire aspect of corporations. CPD is an organization that is aimed to confer the information to the stakeholders and investors about the performance of corporation in relation to the finance and environment impact of its activities.

It is evident the only organizations are responsible for the high rate of carbon emissions. Sprengel, and Busch, 2011) argued that the agency theory establish the standards between the organizational goals and achieved objectives in relation to social disclosure. It is stated the two factors are considered important as principal interest of agent and another is the activities of agent through which the two variables fluctuates. It is endowed that the organizations have no control over its policies with reference to reduce the emission of GHG has also increased by 85% in 2010 to 96% in 2012. Authors also shaped that the energy audit and energy efficiency are the two factors that are liable to reduce the level of carbon gas but these are not effectively managed by the corporations.

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Role of Stakeholders in Reducing Carbon Emissions

Figure: Corporate Carbon Strategy Framework

(Source: Damert, et. al, 2017) 

Chakrabarty and Wang, 2013 found out that the corporations are adopting the strategies in order to control the emission of carbon as carbon governance, carbon reduction and carbon competitiveness in concurrent environment. Along with this, legitimacy practice is also adopted by the organization that led to the efficient management of energy and gain competitive advantages from the stakeholder aspect as stakeholder derives the turbulent success of business in this competitive era with corporate strategies that are supportive for the general public benefits. The strategies are emitted at the country level including the stakeholder’s perspective and another is corporate governance through which organizations assess the legitimacy to mitigate the extraction of carbon gas. From the evidence of various research studies it is extracted that the energy management model is and crucial theory and practice can subtle and supports the organizations to control over the decreasing in green house gas (Backman et al., 2017). So far, government has also initiated for the better solution for environment efficiency but the results are not up to the level. Previous research evidenced that the whole group of stakeholders is directly or indirectly linked to the carbon disclosure, in which stakeholder are customers, employees, media and general public. Furthermore, the research study concluded the relationship between the theoretical and practical motivation through statistical analysis as regression and CPD data to integrating the consequences and results at aimed there is no superiors decision was endeavor to found the modification in existing model that can enhance the reliability for organization to measure the controlling activities of carbon emissions and lead to the green environment to protect the green house gas performance (Xiongling, 2016). From the prolonged research study, it is stated that the organization can control over the carbon emission through integration of agency theory and legitimacy to achieve the carbon efficient targets that are measures by the CPD in relation to mitigate the GHG performance. It is perceived that the organization can tap the competitive advantages if there is the control over the emission over carbon and influence the stakeholders through responding the social and legitimacy issues. At the same time, environmental protective organization should be strictly treated if it not achieving the climate change target and organization should proceeded with the volunteer reduction in the carbon emissions which can be tapped through the competitive advantages deriving strategies.

Over the analysis, stakeholder theory also persist with the effective control strategies of carbon as the stakeholder are enforcing the corporation to control their rate of carbon emission in relation to maintain the long term relationships for sustainable development . It is also endowed that the organizations have potential to reduce the carbon emission and achieve the green house gas performance as targeted (Kimura and Noda, 2014). This theory might be more successful in relation to agency theory and legitimacy theory as the low power firms are pressurized by the stakeholder to behave according to that. With this, large corporation can also be affected by the challenges of stakeholders as they are committed to sustainability.   

The organizational performance for GHG and carbon emission control would be greater than the targets set 


Damert, M., Paul, A. and Baumgarterner, R. (2017) Exploring the determinants and long term performance of carbon strategies. Journal of Cleaner production, 160 (2017), pp. 123-138.

International Journal, 22(3), pp.223-236. 

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