The Impact Of Leadership Roles On Organizational Performance: A Research Study

Relationship between Organizational Culture and Leadership

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This is a research which will examine the impact of leadership roles on the performance of organizations.  This will consist of using relevant literatures to identify the gap in literature which will be later on evaluated to provide new perspective in the research topic.

There have always been contradicting opinions regarding the different leadership styles and approaches where it has been said leadership characteristics can be acquired. On the other hand, some claimed that leadership quality cannot be developed. Moreover, the role of leadership is another aspect that has developed contrasting opinion among the researchers.  The analysis of various successful companies in the past few decades shows that a deep relationship between organizational culture and leadership. This shows that culture will always be linked when superior performance of the firm is concerned.  However, while determining the cultural aspects the role of leadership is considered to be very minimal. This study will identify the deep relationship between leadership and it role on organizational performance.

The study will identify the effect of leadership roles on the performance of the organization. This will consist of identifying the different leadership styles and their respective roles. Moreover, the influence of these leadership styles on elements of company performance will be evaluated.

  • To identify the different leadership styles, traits and approaches
  • To identify different elements of leadership roles affecting organizational performance
  • To identify the different elements of organizational performance
  • To evaluate the different roles of leadership on organizational performance
  • To recommend suitable strategies for improving organizational performance using leadership approaches
  • What are the different leadership styles, traits and approaches in leadership?
  • What are the different elements of leadership roles affecting organizational performance?
  • What are the different factors affecting the organizational performance?
  • What are different roles of leadership in company’s performance?

H0: Leadership roles have no impact on performances of organizations

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H1: Leadership roles have impact on performances of organizations

As stated by Saleem (2015), an organization can considered to be efficient if there is balance between the employee needs and the internal stakeholders’ demands. Leadership has deep effect on the performance of the company as it will ensure economic growth and prosperity of the organization.  Effective leaders motivate their employees to perform to their fullest potential to increase the productivity of the organization.  This is one of the popular topics of discussion between the practitioners as leader is essential for gaining competitive advantage in the market. The present study will identify the association between leadership and firm’s performance in modern organizational context.

According to Spangler (2015), the trait theory described the attributes, personality and abilities of being an effective leader. However, the limitation of the trait theory that it is based on subjective judgement and this theory those leaders are born with innate traits which make them successful in leadership. On the other hand, Jing and Avery (2016) argued that leadership qualities can be acquired by the individuals which will enable them to become successful leaders.  The contingency theory of leadership states that there is no right style of leadership and different leadership approaches should be used at different times based on the situation to evaluate the changes.  The complexity of the trait theory guided to the formation of the different leadership styles and approaches for instance autocratic, laissez-faire and democracy. The different approaches to leadership are transformational and transactional. Birasnav (2014) states that different leadership styles and approaches are guidelines for providing a visions and developing a suitable organizational culture to promote growth within the organization. The role will vary depending upon the approaches and the styles taken by the leaders.

Effect of Leadership Roles on Organizational Performance

As stated by Bottomley et al. (2016), the most widely used theories of leadership are the leadership approaches. These consist of transactional and transformational styles of leadership which are widely used to understand the role of leadership in organizational context. As opined Vermeeren, Kuipers and Steijn (2014), the transformation leadership is the style of leadership where the subordinates are motivate by the leader to enhance their level of perception, beliefs and morals. On the contrary, transactional style of leadership is based on exchange where punishments and rewards are exchanged based on the productivity of the subordinates. The transactional leaders are less engaging and they interfere with the work of the employees based on their self interest.

According to Zhang et al. (2015), the transformation of the organizations input into the desired output is known as performance. Organizational performance is effective if maximum output can be achieved using minimum input. Goal approach is one of the major approaches of measuring performance of the organization which based on the goals set by the stakeholders. The relationship between its corresponding environment and the organization defines the system resource approach which evaluates the performance of the organization based on its ability to take advantage of the surrounding environment (Won, Wan & Sharif, 2017). The constituency approach perceives the organization as effective if most of the stakeholders within the organization consider the performance of the organization as effective.

Leadership has deeply influenced the organizational productivity and leadership provides the path of achieving the goals set by the stakeholders.  As stated by Boies, Fiset and Gill (2015), leaders are the key decisions makers with the organization and they have the capability of guiding the management of making crucial choices in effective use of the organizational resources.   According to Pradhan and Pradhan (2015), different leaders use different approaches to gain operational excellence even though transformational leadership has been considered as the most effective way of leadership.  However, it has been seen that different leaders have used different leadership approaches to gain competitive advantage in the market. Moreover, it has been seen most of the leaders have both transaction and transformational qualities which they use according to the requirement of the situation.

The literatures evaluated in the study focuses on theoretical aspect of leadership where ot shows that transformational approaches of leadership are more effective that transactional style of leadership. However, this lacks empirical literature which will cite the cases of different leaders that have been successful using different styles and approaches.

Leadership Styles and Approaches

The organized way of evaluating different frameworks and methods needed for conducting the study is known as the research methodology. This current study is a applied research as it deals with a management problem with specific conclusion to it (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). The findings in the research will help the managers in different organization to improve the quality of their performance.

In this present study, positivism will be the selected research philosophy which will facilitate observation of data to identify hidden samples in the study. The data collected in positivism should be discrete and observable so that the data can be quantified (Saunders et al., 2015). Thus, factual knowledge can be gained by observing the overall phenomenon. This will facilitate in conducting statistical analysis of data.

In this study, deductive approach is the suitable research approach as it proof the existing theories discussed in the literature review (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). This will be done by conducting hypothesis testing where statistical techniques will be used. The observation scope can be improved by using the deductive approach.

This study will use conclusive research design where the study will draw the specified conclusion (Lewis, 2015). The conclusive research design will maintain the objectivity of the study by using quantitative analysis of data.

In this study, primary data collection will be the method of data collection. The study will conduct a survey consisting of close ended question asked to the lower level of employees in different organizations. This will also facilitate in develop significant answers as the employee may not have enough knowledge about the research topic (Ikpeze, 2015). The close ended questionnaire will provide discrete observations which will facilitate in conducting quantitative analysis of data. The quantitative analysis of data will consist of developing graphs and tables based on the frequency of response. The study will also conduct regression analysis to identify the nature and degree of association between the leadership role and organizational performance.

In this study, simple random sampling will be used to randomly select population from the overall sample population (Palinkas et al., 2015). Initially, survey will be conducted for more than 200 respondents and then random sampling will be used to select 100 respondents which will represent the whole population. The respondents will consist of lower level employees in different organizations.

Reliability is the capacity of the research to reproduce same result using different tools and techniques.  In this study, pilot testing will be conducted to evaluate whether the questionnaire is appropriate for the study. Test rated reliability will be conducted where multiple sample population will be used to identify whether the desired result is obtained in the study or not (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014). Validity will determine whether the prescribed methods are followed or not and construct validity will be used to measure the validity of the tools and techniques.

Performance Measures

In this study, privacy of the participants will be kept by maintaining the secrecy of the respondents. The participants will be provided information about the purpose of the investigation for maintaining the objectivity of the study (Manhas & Oberle, 2015). The respondents will take part on their own free will and they will never be forced to take part in the study. Moreover, the data collected will not be manipulated to obtain the desired result in the study.

Task Name




Project Plan

55 days

Thu 4/19/18

Wed 7/4/18

Selecting the Topic

1 wk

Thu 4/19/18

Wed 4/25/18

Secondary data collection

1 wk

Thu 4/26/18

Wed 5/2/18

Framing research layout

1 wk

Thu 5/3/18

Wed 5/9/18

Literature review

1 wk

Thu 5/10/18

Wed 5/16/18

Formation of the research Plan

1 wk

Thu 5/17/18

Wed 5/23/18

Selection of the Appropriate Techniques for Research

1 wk

Thu 5/24/18

Wed 5/30/18

Primary collection of data

1 wk

Thu 5/31/18

Wed 6/6/18

Analyzing and Interpreting collected data

1 wk

Thu 6/7/18

Wed 6/13/18

Research Conclusion

1 wk

Thu 6/14/18

Wed 6/20/18

Formation of Rough Draft

1 wk

Thu 6/21/18

Wed 6/27/18

Submission of Final Work

1 wk

Thu 6/28/18

Wed 7/4/18


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