The Implications Of Electing Leaders By Employees

Electing the leader by employees

This paper focuses on different implications that can result when the employees have the mandate on choosing their leaders in every working environment. It explores how such ideas of electing leaders by employees can affect their operations, management of different services, and operations of leaders and managers. The successful team of employees within an organization is linkable to the democratic approach of choosing leaders by the employees (Gallo, 2016). Besides, the present business culture has changed because of the idea of allowing employees to elect their leaders that they see a potential of working within attaining the goals and objectives of an organization. Election of leaders by the employees remains to be the fundamental element of formation of a team of competent leadership along with the condition for the success of any organization that operates in the marketplace. Therefore, the election of leaders for every organization aids in improving the implications for shareholders in an organization (Leaders teaching leaders, 2015). Election of leaders by employees within an organization needs to master primary functions of a team of management that comprises of communication, planning, controlling all operations, and organizing every activity during the operations. Therefore, this paper examines the ideas behind the election of leaders by employees and implications on the shareholders within an organization.

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Voting allows employees to trust specific managers and leaders whom they must work with and through to realizes objectives of the organization. In every operation of institutions, the perception of employees, leaders, along with managers aid in shaping the climate along with the effectiveness of the working environment. The right to elect leaders by employees remains to be the best way that allows employees to interpret their experiences (Kramar et al., 2014). The choice of the right leaders comprises of the important skill for any effective leadership in an organization. It is important for every employee to involve in the election of his or her leaders, as it is the only way to the formation of the effective tool in leadership. Therefore, an election of leaders by employees within an organization continues to be the greatest factor to the success of every business operation. The vote allows elected leaders and managers to work efficiently by ensuring that they meet the needs of every employee during their operations. Therefore, the importance of the election of leaders focuses on how leaders can enact on trust by showing trustworthiness to subordinates.

Involvement of employees in the election of a leader is an essential program that aid in the utilization of tacit knowledge of employees to increase commitment and performance with the limited charges. The need to elect leaders allows employees to develop appropriate thinking in ways that allows them to make decisions on the ideal leaders that can help them in improving their service provisions. The perception during election process allows the employees to think about the rapid changes that exist in the management of the organization (Kawasak, 2012). Therefore, employees have to develop the best approaches to understanding every agenda of each candidate that wants to be a leader in the organization. The election of leaders aids employees to develop skills of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all activities within an organization. Development of such skills allows the employees within an organization to get operational results from the managers that the elect. They also get the excellence of operations by abilities of elected leaders in producing the degree of predictability and order using different systems along with operational processes. Therefore, leaders and managers have the mandate of depending on the operations of staff to perform their duties efficiently. Therefore, the right of employees to elect their leaders is a rewarding in relations to their skills development (Leaders teaching leaders, 2013). It persists as a challenging factor among employees in choosing qualified leaders that will ensure that the organization work within the set target and vision.

Implication of electing leaders for employees

The responsibility of every employee to elect the leader of their choices helps in improving different ways of thinking. The employees can develop their thinking approaches to focus on electing leaders with a clear vision for the operations of the organization. The employees’ remain to develop ideas of electing people with leadership potential skills to help in improving profits earned from different activities. The development of new skills of judgment on the best candidate with a clear vision remains to be an essential component of any leadership initiative. Therefore, development of new skills among the employees during leadership elections aids in the recruitment of excellent staff. Recruiting the staff to operations of an organization is the primary step that offers ideal opportunities to employees to head, to obtain the danger, and to study different failures (Katzenbach, 2001). The development of mentoring skills among employees during election process of various leaders helps in broadening the perspective of an individual employee concerning the actual nature of leadership together with management. The new skills also focus on the processes that employees take to effort change and work with complexity. Moreover, an election of leaders by employees leads to the course of building the valuable and valued staff that help in improving the operations of organizations that continues to rise or fall on the strength of the team.

Advanced skills and development of the understanding of operations of an organization are essential factors. They ensure that only capable leaders are electable to ensure that companies operate as the set strategies. Skills that look at the leadership along with management roles are vital as they form the actors in the juggling act between important activities that guide leaders to improve their operations (Kraus, 2011). These events set by advanced skills among employees comprises of leadership, management, and conducting operations. The duties of employees to elect leaders in an organization require spare time for them to think and plan for future organizational needs by ensuring that they elect eloquent leaders. The skills also allow elections of competent leaders that that focus on people who can efficiently work with them in improving the outcomes within an organization. Therefore, the election of leaders by the employee is a great idea as it benefits both the organization and developing the skills and operations of employees and leaders (Uusiautti, 2015). It helps in building a valuable along with the valued staff that helps in overlooking all the activities within an organization. Therefore, in meeting implications for employees, leaders and managers need to be ready to spend their valuable time in balancing their operations in competing activities.

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The effective performance of employees depends on the proper match between the abilities of elected leaders. The skills of elected leaders can lead to contingent upon situational factors that comprises of the capabilities of leaders, preferred styles by employees, competency, as well as the behavior of employees. Therefore, there is a need for the elected or vying candidates for leadership positions to adopt different management styles that are best for the situation and immediately stimulate the performance of employees. The responsibility of employees’ inflecting their leaders helps in improving the corporate cultures (Lamude, 2011). The leaders will enhance their understanding of organizational culture. The culture remains an essential issue that affects the operations of companies (Keeping employees motivated during difficult times, 2014). The leaders will have clear implications that come from the educational programs. Therefore, democratic process of electing leaders by employees influences the culture of leadership within and organizations. Human resource management has to work with the executive of every organization to facilitate the idea of defining what the organization considers as proper approaches concerning how different people around the society act, think, as well as behave.

Human resource management implications

Human resource management implications on the election of leaders by employees’ help in the provision of formal systems devised for the administration of operations of an organization. Employees only focus on electing leaders who can focus on ideas that allow the organization to maximize the productivity by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. The cognition of such ideas during the operations of employees allows leaders to focus on activities that improve the outcome of every action (Sheehan, 2013). Management of different resources within the organization help in recognizing that human resources used in election and operation of leaders to be valuable assets of the organization. Therefore, the election of leaders cannot be valid without proper management of resources that are available for operations of different organizations. Therefore, implications of human resource management aid in ensuring that employees can identify their strengths and weakness while correcting their shortcomings and making their best contributions to different organizations by electing qualified leaders to manage every operation. Election of trained leaders relies on various leadership skills carried out through the different activities that consist of a review of an individual’s performance, training of employees, and testing for the effectiveness of every candidate.

The right of an employee to elect their leaders allows the current or vying candidates to form managerial goals that are necessary rather than desires. The candidates focus on excelling at defusing conflicts between individual and departments by appeasing all sides of operations while ensuring that the daily business of the organization is achievable. According to Marquet (2013), election by employees allows the leaders and managers to focus on accepting personal and active attitudes towards goals of an organization as they aim to get a re-election. Leaders always tend to look for the best approaches, opportunities, and rewards that lie around them to inspiring subordinates while firing up the creative process with their competitors. The right for electing leaders by employees helps in improving the relationship with employees and coworkers that are always intense. In most cases, the democratic process of electing leaders and managers by employees make the leaders focus on developing goals out of necessities rather than their personal needs. Candidates for every leadership position for election to develop managerial personalities that the employees relies on during their operations (Samnani et al., 2012). The implication of election allows managers and leaders to have the managerial power of working ethics that favors collective leadership while seeking to avoid the occurrence of management risk during their organization processes.

Election of leaders by employees implies that leaders and managers to develop appropriate leadership personalities that are essential in operations. The election allows businesses to attain various techniques of training good managers and develop leaders at the same moment. Election allows leaders to make distinctions of their operations to be clear while simultaneously seeking out different opportunities to develop and guide various individuals who have leadership prospects. According to Pulce (2015), the election of leaders by employees allows managers to promote stability while leaders press for change and only organizations that embrace sides of the equation that aim at thriving operations during the modification. Several leaders remain to determine different their stands about their roles as the leader or manager. Therefore, the ability of employees to elect their leaders is an essential factor because they have the capacity of ensuring that the leaders of their choices are responsible for handling and guiding them on how to do several operations. Moreover, leaders who are electable in different managerial positions can produce change as required by the employees (Lewer et al., 2013). The leaders elected remain focused on the creation of future viability for the organization by aligning people to the vision of the organization. Elected leader can then have the power needed in getting different managerial resources from the variety of stakeholders, communicate broadly, as well as providing motivation and aspirations to various employees.

Election of leaders by employees allows for the provision of essential directions in the process of operations. The elected leaders can then have the power invested on a theme by employees in establishing the appropriate vision that emphasizes the importance of leadership to every individual throughout the organization. The leaders and managers are also able to focus on ideas of pleasing the employees by developing the best strategies to make attainment of different operations by the employees to be possible (Marabella, 2014). Consequently, the election of leaders by employees enables the elected leaders to cope with various changes that result because of changes in strategies in operations to improve the outcome of every shareholder in a firm. As reported by Peterson (2013), democratic process in electing leaders by employees allows leaders and managers to align people in a particular direction. Leaders along with managers are always able to communicate the direction in the process of operation while making it alive for every individual that is responsible for activities of developing the organization. The election allows elected leaders and managers to focus on engagement of people in implementing different strategies by helping them to see the operational sectors that fit their qualifications. It also enables leaders as well as managers to build commitment towards the set objectives and vision of an organization (Engaging employees through social responsibility, 2017). The managers and leaders are thus committing to the organization of how to manage projects that require massive budgets and ensure that they reach completion within the set time.

The election process is an ideal way of motivating leaders and employees to ensure that they work as per their agenda that they set while campaigning. The leaders and managers can hold p the manner and wave the flag of increasing their operations. Election allows leaders to have the best opportunity of coaching and empowering their staff at all levels of the organization. Besides, leaders and managers can realize and reward successful employees during their operations. According to Kawasak (2012), rewarding and recognition of employees is essential in motivating them to increase in their activities even though the ideas in most cases are overlookable by employers. The power of electing leaders by employees allows the leaders o aim at achieving strategic outcomes by positioning the organization to add value to their operations (Mitchell & James, 2017). Leaders and managers remain to be responsible for devising for the excellent directions and strategies after their election towards the creation of new capabilities within an organization.


Election of leaders by employees remains to rely on trust that the employees have that the leader might be able to create an innovative and co-creative work environments. Employees should increase their awareness and knowledge concerning building trust on a particular candidate during the election process. The employees have to develop behavioral skills for demonstrating trustworthiness on leaders they are yet to elect. However, trust that employees have by electing a particular leader cannot overemphasize as the leadership trait along with skills of managerial. Trustworthiness should be on the top list of employees in preferring to choose an individual leader. The election of best leaders by employees forms the best source of actual operational processes. The elected leaders can be helpful and focus on the welfare of employees. The elected leaders must be ready to have the appropriate solutions and always know what to say in the process of reassuring and inspiring employees within an organization. Besides, various theories concern election of leaders by employees within an organization where different skills come into play. Nevertheless, no matter what approach the employees uses, all the outcomes of effective management and leadership by different shareholders within an organization relies on the trust, honesty, optimistic, direction, ways of communication, and characters of particular leaders elected during election processes.


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