The Importance Of Attitude In Organizational Behavior

Defining Organizational Behavior and Attitude


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Discuss About The Human Behavior In Organizational Settings?

Organizational behavior is the study of the way organizational members interact with each other. It is the study of human behavior in the organizational settings (To, Martin and Billy 2015). The study will discuss about the circumstances, when attitude determines the behavior of the employees at their work. On the other hand, the study will also determine the usefulness of attitude for a person. Furthermore, the study will discuss several factors, which determine either job satisfaction or organizational commitment. Apart from that, the study will demonstrate the extent to which managers should care about the commitment level of the employees. 

Attitude defines the way one person thinks or feels about someone or something. Work attitude defines the set of evaluation about one’s job, which constitutes one’s belief about, feeling towards and attachment his/her job. Work attitude can positively or negatively affects and determines the behavior of people in their workplace. According to Valentine and Godkin (2016), a person having positive attitude on their work and their co-workers can influence positively around them. On the other hand, the person having negative attitude on their jobs and co-workers can have negative influence on the people around them. Furthermore, the impact of attitude on employee’s behavior can be much more apparent by looking at the average behavior of that employee rather than his isolated behavior.

As per Heponiemi et al. (2014), cognitive dissonance defines the feelings of inconsistency in the belief, feelings and behavior of an employee. Such feelings or attitude regarding the work motivates the employees in rectifying the work situation by modifying their behavior, which causes dissonance. On the other hand, Gursoy, Chi and Karadag (2013) opined that self fulfilling prophecy is the process, where employees try to convert their attitude in reality. In such situation, attitude determines the behavior of the employees in real situation. Attitude often determines the behavior of the employees, when they make their attitude potent. It actually defines mindless reaction, which is adaptable in all situations. It frees the mind of the employees towards showing specific behavior in some specific situation at work.

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Attitude is an extremely important factor, which facilitates a person to get through the highs and lows in his/her life. Olafsen et al. (2015) pointed out that Living life requires predominantly positive attitude because of its nature of high and low cycle. Attitude shapes the behavior of the employees in the workplace, which actually affect the organizational culture. In this way, having positive attitude facilitates a person to make warm and collaborative relationship with their co-workers. On the other hand, Van der Walt and de Klerk (2014) opined that right attitude towards the work encourage them to be more productive. Attitude develops personal experience of the employees and interaction with others towards dealing with complex situation of the organization. Furthermore, Kim (2014) opined that positive attitude creates positive environment within organization, which acts as motivators for other employees towards performing their best for improving overall organization productivity. Right attitude enhances the power of visualization of the employees. Moreover, positive attitude towards any work lead the employees towards seeing the big perspectives behind the particular work. Therefore, positive attitude enhances the forecasting power of the employees for future productivity.

The Impact of Attitude on Employee Behavior

Positive attitude among the employees also encourages creativity among the employees. In this way, they can better involve in the success of the organizations. Moreover, Ko and Hur (2014) stated that right attitude among the employees enables the employees towards developing new ideas and coming up with creative solution for solving complex organizational problems. On the other hand, Sousa?Lima, Michel and Caetano (2013) opined that negative attitude restricts the creativity among the employees, as they do not feel obliged towards contributing in the organizational success. Proper attitude direction directs a person towards gaining success in their life. Moreover, right attitude among the people facilitates in facing difficult challenges in their life. Furthermore, positive attitude among the employees enhances their determination level, which helps in gaining better career progress in their life.

Job satisfaction defines the level of fulfillment or enjoyment, which an employee feels about his/her job. Job satisfaction is the positive emotional attachment of an employee, which works as motivational factor within them towards greater productivity. On the other hand, organizational commitment is the level of bonding an employee experience with their organization. Committed employees high level of connection with their organization. Moreover, more satisfied customers are generally committed in their organization. However, there are several factors for fostering the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees.

According to Waqas et al. (2014), payment is the most basic factor, which is mostly responsible for the satisfaction of the employees. Moreover, right amount of payment encourages the employees to be motivated in continuing their work in their organization. It actually fosters organizational commitment of the employees in their organization. On the other hand, Shooshtarian, Ameli and Aminilari (2013) opined that proper working condition is also highly responsible for increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees. Moreover, the working condition of organizations should be flexible enough for the employees. There should be reduced workload and work stress in the workplace. Such working condition would enhance the job satisfaction level of the employees, which in turn enhance their organizational commitment level. Furthermore, Froese and Peltokorpi (2013) stated that collaborative working culture and respect from the co-workers are needed for increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees. Employees always need social attachment for taking interest in their workplace. Moreover, there should be proper bonding among employees for increasing their interest level in their organization. Therefore, collaborative working environment and respect from the co-workers enhances the job satisfaction and organizational commitment level of the employees.

The Importance of Positive Attitude

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employee are high dependent on their relationship with the supervisors. Moreover, the employees are more likely to show organizational commitment in their organization, when they get adequate support from their supervisors. Furthermore, the more warm relationship the employees have with their supervisors, they more they are satisfied in their workplace. On the other hand, Olafsen et al. (2015) employees are more satisfied with their current job, when they see an opportunities for career advancement in their organization. The employees are more encouraged to show their organizational commitment, when they have the opportunities of advanced career path.

Organizational commitment refers to the psychological attachment or bonding of the employees with their organizations. Employees are more committed to their organizations, when their needs and wants are fulfilled as per their expectation. According to Valentine and Godkin (2016), committed employees feel greater connection with the organizational goals. They have high level of determination in respect to the organizational goals. Furthermore, Ko and Hur (2014) opined that committed employees are much more involved in the organizational goals and objectives. Such employees are more productive than other employees towards achieving organizational goals. Therefore, the managers of organizations should ensure that the employees are committed in the organizational goals. On the other hand, Waqas et al. (2014) opined that committed employees feel high level of connection with their job role. Therefore, they are highly encouraged to perform their job role in an effective manner. Highly committed employees are enthusiastic about performing their job role efficient for enhancing overall organizational efficiency. Therefore, the managers should ensure that the employees have high level of organizational commitment.

According to Froese and Peltokorpi (2013), committed employees are highly loyal to their organizations and they are less likely to leave their organizations, even if they are offered with any better job opportunities. Moreover, the positive psychological state behind organizational commitment binds the employees to their organizations. In this way, organizational commitment ensures increasing rate of employee retention in the organizations. Therefore, the managers of the organizations should ensure that the employees are committed in their organizations. On the other hand, Kim (2014) opined that committed employees are more likely to foster encouraging work environment within workplace with their positive work attitude. Therefore, committed employees enhance the ultimate productivity of the organization through positive working environment.


While concluding the study, it can be said that employees having positive attitude are more likely to show enthusiastic behavior in achieving organizational goals. Positive attitude fosters positive work environment within the workplace, which can act as motivator for other employees towards enhancing their overall productivity. Right attitude also encourages the employees in showing their creativity on their job role. It enhances the uniqueness in the organization. Highly satisfied employees are more likely to show high level of organizational commitment. Fair salary package encourage the employees to be more loyal towards their organizations. Collaborative and supportive work environment encourage the employees enhances the satisfaction level of the employees. Furthermore, the employees are more likely to show organizational commitment, when they can see scope of career advancement in their organization. Committed employees are highly productive, as they are encouraged towards performing their job role effectively. Furthermore, committed employees are less likely to leave their organization, even if they are offered with any other lucrative job offers. Therefore, the managers must ensure that their employees are committed in their organizations.

Reference List

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