The Importance Of Curiosity And Learning In HR And Talent Development

Important Events in Relation to Curiosity and HR

What do you consider were the 2 most important events (planned or unplanned) that you experienced last year in relation to this behaviour? Please also briefly critically reflect on the events and identify what you learned?

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One of the important events which occurred last year while serving my tenure as the HR personnel of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council in United Kingdom was during  a special recruitment drive, which was rather an unplanned initiative decided by the organization. In fact, the other incident, which I experienced in context of the curiousness, was during the one off event arrangements and procedures in order to integrate all the important collaborators of the federations under the same platform. In spite of the fact, that though I have faced and conducted several sessions with the prospective recruite, the specific employment drive helped me to develop my cognition to interpret and analyze the best of the opportunities for resourcing the best of the practices, which is valuable for the organization. On the other hand, the collaborative event has enhanced my expertise in ascertaining to be more accurately informed with issues pertaining to any official event and formalities by exercising my level of curiosity.

Please summarise what value the development of this behaviour might add to your organisation/clients/customers

Curiosity is regarded as the mother of all invention therefore the incorporation of my new visions and insights shall lead to the development of my behavioral approach as a role of HR.  Efficient learning outcomes will allow me to effectively employ through my characteristics so that it might aid my customers in better comprehension and there shall hardly be any scope for miscommunication while interacting with any high officials of the organization. In fact, by pursuing curiosity and awareness in regards to crucial circumstances of decision making as competent Human Resource personnel it will be an enhancer to interpret and understand the best of the situation while dealing with my client. 

What are the 2 main professional development targets you have set in relation to this behaviour in the next year?

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The two main professional development targets that I have set in  relation to this behavior of curiousness is to integrate it in terms of more knowledge expansion by recognizing and regarding different perspective and coordinating my approach in order to strategically and critically tackle various aspects.

What will the tangible outcomes of your development of this behaviour be over the next year? What difference will it make to you, your role, organisation, clients & customers?

The tangible outcomes of the development of curiousness entail the values, which I must seek for the betterment of the organization I am employed as a Human Resource Personnel. It will allow me to inculcate the best of the resources in understanding and clarifying several doubts, which shall help in better learning and developing skills that will influence my professional attitude to do communicate and perform activities, which will purposefully be used to cause about an improving shift in the development of communication channel between the customers. It will also enhance the attitude of the roles of the organization and the clients will be satisfied accordingly.  

Chosen Professional Area =

Learning and Talent Development

What do you consider were the 2 most important events (planned or unplanned) that you experienced last year in relation to this professional area? Please also briefly critically reflect on the events and identify what you learned?

The two most important events in regards to the learning and talent development that I have experienced over the last year is during the training procedures of the first term of recruitment and the involvement during one of the experiential session in which I had participated in order to enhance my competence.

Please summarise what value the development of this professional area might add to your organisation/clients/customers

Learning and Talent Development is one of the significant parts of the professional outcomes that must be implemented in order to enhance the development of the value that will necessarily aid in accuracy and precision of the requirement that is required for the best of the organization. This fundamental area will aid in organizing and making a coherent preparation regarding the task which is yet to occur. It can be strategically utilized as a tool in order to combat all the organizational procedures and complications that may arise in the operations of any function that involves the interaction with an employee or any individual of the managerial level.

What are the 2 main professional development targets you have set in relation to this professional area in the next year?

Proficient learning outcomes from the training and development sessions will allow me to effectively employ through my characteristics so that it might aid my customers in better comprehension and there shall hardly be any scope for miscommunication while interacting with any high officials of the organization. In fact, by pursuing training in terms of learning and performing unique tasks in regards to crucial circumstances of decision-making procedures  I will ensure that it will enable everyone to have the same  right towards the claiming the opportunities of training sessions.

What will the tangible outcomes of your development of this professional area be over the next year? What difference will it make to you, your role, organisation, clients & customers?

The tangible outcomes will allow customizing and helping in practicing the best of the efforts for professionally handling my role. Accordingly, I have to inculcate the best of the resources in understanding and clarifying several doubts, which shall help with better learning procedures and developing skills that will influence my professional attitude to communicate and perform activities, which will purposefully be used to cause about an improving shift in the development of communication channel between the customers. It will also enhance the attitude of the roles of the organization and the clients will be satisfied accordingly as the efforts to make a diversity of competency is reflected through this chosen professional area.   

I am a very passionate individual with certain zeal in order to accomplish the goals, which have been assigned to me.  Moreover, I also possess an enthusiastic attitude along with a sturdy set of cognitive as well as analytical skills, which I employ in order to achieve the personal as well as my organizational goals.  In regards to fulfilling the workplace responsibilities, I have empowered my level of competence, motivations and knowledge in order to make myself more productive by implementing the best set of professional values and features.  Owing to the positive bent of  mind and a enthusiastic attitude  I can effectively enhance my  performance ability and capacity which will successfully be incorporated in dutifully following my role as a  great HR professional. The development and operational strategies that are in line with the functions and management of the HR which  is implicated by the nature of my job on which I have a  track record  for the last 5 years. The mega drivers for the best development of the accurate HR practice shall be followed in a strategic manner as follows: Successfully investigating information and data that are accessible as requirements of the services that are assigned to the HR department.

Devising a fully-fledged plan in creating alternative approaches for the instance that are not easily resistant and dealing with areas which pose as challenge and threats to the organizational structure. Associating in resourceful interactions and feasible communication with business associates like the effective stakeholder accesses. I have prior experience of leading a number of teams and coordinating their activities along with compiling and organizing the final requirement within the approved deadline. I have garnered the best of the experience in delivering the service and while formulating provisions so that both the ends meet in a coercive manner. I have the required efficiency to lead a specific set of operations and have been practicing my multipurpose skills of a successful mediator as the only link between the managerial decisions and the staff. I have the proficiency of maintaining the allegiance towards the responsibility and successfully contribute to cause about reformation and changes in the workforce with a purpose of betterment.

This is the foremost criteria which is required for the sound professional development in  regards to learning and acquiring talented job seekers for the meeting the workforce goals and requirement. Over the last couple of years while learning and practicing the required skills, I have developed a set of skills in order to formulate and devise learning strategy and plans, which will enable the participants to evaluate their skills, and learning outcome through the learning sessions.  I was responsible for training internal house tutors for delivering the best of the requirements of the job profile of subject matters. In fact, my role required to instruct and guide the new joining candidates under the quality assessment team in order to ensure that they perform their role in a sound manner. This role required me to analyze, review and develop several modules and PowerPoint presentations that would facilitate the training procedures. The learning and talent development involves preparing the outcome of the training sessions and devising structure of course which is required to achieve within a timeline of about 3 weeks.  I have also made arrangements that make resourceful use of technology, which has stimulated the impacts, and goals of the development model.  The learning materials consist of a feedback form and whiteboards, which entails the constituents of the learning process and had other audible and visual mediums in order to provide a real time accesses to several issues and situations.  Therefore, in order to successfully implement the plan I have designed the training module, which would be feasible to ensure that all the development must be successfully generated so that the drive and the initiative for the engagement of this developing this learning and talent developments. I have introduced and segregated the course modules for meeting all the approaches that will lead to the best of the outcomes in these cases of training schedules. I have ensured that all the services must support the development of the participants and deliver the accurate set of requirements.  Following to all these affairs the training and learning development tendencies are inclined for facilitating the concerns of the participants for evaluating and strategizing a valuable learning impact.

I have acknowledged that in regards to the implementation of the analysis of the Continuing Professional Development the behavioral intentions are very important.   The relevant outcome of putting my best foot forward has been initiated though the sound level of curiosity that maintains my eagerness   to have a well informed structure. Therefore,   in order to consider and elucidate the situations that exists in concerning to the curiosity. I have developed this behavioral aptitude of curiosity that enhance and helps in maintaining my performance in contributing to the   personal as well as organizational success. I have made the best use of various challenging circumstance by implementing the knowledge and skills of curiosity which shall seek to integrate several operations. I have diligently updated and maintained all the amendments in any official papers and have provided for all the entitlements within the payroll of the organization. In fact I have also proactively made provisions with by encouraging experimentation and innovation that have associated many business associations and alike for collaborations. Accordingly curiosity have led to better reflections and as a responsible HR I have always managed to provide the chain of reference which is utilizes majorly as an evidence of all the communication process that takes place with the organizational resources in terms of the everyday operational and official activities. I have served as a proactive employee in the organizations I served previously, by self-driving and encouraging my inquisitiveness. In order to promote and leverage better opportunities I have recognized and communicated with the management and with the line manager, with whom I worked in close coordination with. I have also employed unique and tried out new avenues and efforts by ensuring my curiosity and awareness to develop the urge to know and explore various unchartered territories. In case of my role as an able and competent HR, I have ensured the presence of dynamic capabilities and flexibilities to undertake practices that has a significant impact on the mode of operations in a corporate scenario.  Moreover, the opportunities of self development have eventually been enhanced due to the improving and evolving varieties of learning and development procedures that have been incorporated.  The concerned behavioral approaches have fostered my abilities in skillfully trailing and leading my functions. In the same way, it has gradually strengthened my skills through this process.