The Importance Of Human Resource In Retail Industry: A Mixed Method Interpretivism Study

Theoretical body of knowledge used

Will focus on discussing how and why the human resource is important in retail so as to enhance the knowledge regarding the topic of the dissertation

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Theoretical body of knowledge used 

Human resource is crucial and this dissertation has been initiated with a motive to develop the knowledge regarding the importance of HR and reasons behind the importance of human resource in the retail industry (Reddy & Chandra, 2011). Human resource is vital for every industry as operations and performance of the organization are dependent on the human resource of the organization (Mehta & Mehta, 2013). Different approaches or methods will be applied in this dissertation with a motive to gather the relevant data and present the data effectively. These approaches will be used for the accumulation, arrangement, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of the information related to the topic. These approaches or methods are explained below:

Research method: different research methods are available and selection has been done after analyzing the different methods. The mixed method will be applied in the research for gathering data related to the topic of the dissertation. Mixed method is suitable for this research program as this method will apply qualitative and quantitative methods both for assembling of the quality data. The reason behind the selection of mixed method is the methods included in this design for the accumulation of the data. Qualitative research method will be used for the analysis of the importance of HR in the retail industry and reasons behind the importance of HR in the retail industry. Quantitative research method will use a questionnaire for the accumulation of the required data for the dissertation (Östlund, et. al., 2011).

Research philosophy: research philosophy is defined as the manner in which information for the dissertation is collected, analyzed and evaluated for the purpose of drawing a conclusion. Research philosophy which has been chosen for this dissertation is interpretivism (Edirisingha, 2012). Interpretivism philosophy has been selected as this approach places its focus on the humanistic qualitative methods for initiating the data collection process with the help of primary and secondary sources (Winit-Watjana, 2016).

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Research approach: A deductive approach has been chosen for this dissertation as the deductive approach will help in developing knowledge of the general as well as specific aspects related to the dissertation topic. In the deductive approach, researcher moves from a general aspect to a specific one. This approach will ensure that data related to the different aspects of the topic has been accumulated (DeValut, 2017).

Research strategy:  research strategy is adopted for the purpose of guiding the data collection and dissertation in the right direction for the accumulation of data on the basis of the research objectives and questions. For this dissertation, an explanatory research strategy has been chosen which will be used for the accumulation of the data related to the topic. Explanatory research strategy will help in developing knowledge and understanding of the various phenomena by analyzing the facts associated with the topic of the dissertation. This strategy will help in enhancing the knowledge regarding the factors or aspects related to the topic.

Research method

Data collection: data needs to be collected for the purpose of executing the dissertation effectively. Collection of the data is an important aspect as the whole research program is based on the data collected with the use of different methods or approaches. For the purpose of accumulation of the quality data for the dissertation, primary and secondary data will be gathered. Primary data will be used for accumulation of the raw form of data which will be collected with the help of a questionnaire. Secondary data will be used for the accumulation of the second-hand data which will be collected with the help of internet sources (Johnston, 2014).

Procedure or technique: random sampling technique will be used for the selection of samples for the initiation of the data analysis process. It is not possible to analyze the large quantity of data within the short span of time. This technique will provide an equal chance to every data of getting selected for the data analysis process (Kulshreshtha, 2013).

Resources required for the execution of dissertation: for the execution of this dissertation in a successful manner, few resources need to be required. These resources are human resource, time, finance and knowledge.

Limitations: few limitations need to be considered while conducting the dissertation so as to make sure that these limitations are not affecting the dissertation. These limitations include lack of permission to access the data sources, shortage of time, lack of availability finance and human resource in sufficient quantity.

Ethical considerations: ethics help in conducting the activity in the right manner by following the values or principles. Ethical considerations which will be considered in this dissertation are confidentiality, honesty, fairness, and integrity.

Context for the dissertation

Human resource plays a vital for every industry as human resource is responsible for the execution of the functions of the organization. This dissertation will discuss different aspects related to the human resource. Different aspects in this dissertation will be discussed in relation to the retail industry of the United Kingdom. Changes are taking place in the business environment and retail organizations are facing these changes for the attainment of the objectives (Retail Think Tank, 2016).

All the methods or approaches discussed in this report will be used for the collection of the data related to the role or importance of human resource in the retail industry and why the human resource is important. All these approaches will provide relevant data for the purpose of gaining knowledge related to the different aspects of the topic. All these approaches have been selected after analysis of the various alternatives available. Most appropriate approaches have been chosen for this dissertation (Bielby, 2017).

All these approaches or methods will be used for collecting data related to the retail industry of the United Kingdom. Human resource supports the organization of retail industry by building the capability of the organization operating in the industry. The retail sector is considered as a unorganized sector which has experienced changes related to the human resource. An organization meets the demand of the customers by producing the products or services (Agarwal, 2012). These products or services are the results of the efforts of the human resource of the organization. This dissertation will provide knowledge of the different aspects of the topic of the dissertation so as to execute the dissertation successfully and attaining the objectives set.


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Johnston, M. P., 2014, “Secondary Data Analysis: A Method of which the Time Has Come”, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, pp. 619 –626.

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Mehta, A.P. & Mehta, R., 2013, “Managing Human Resource in Retail Sector- An Upcoming Challenge”, International Journal of Scientific Research, 2(5), 374-376.

Östlund, U., Kidd, L., Wengström, Y. & Rowa-Dewar, N., 2011, “Combining qualitative and quantitative research within mixed method research designs: A methodological review”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48(3), 369-383.

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Reddy, D.M. & Chandra, S., 2011, “Human Resource Management Practices in Organized Retailing: A Study of Select Retailers”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(8), 523-534.

Retail Think Tank, 2016, “What changes are retailers making to their HR strategies and operational practices to adapt to the recession?”, Retailthinktank. Available at:

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Winit-Watjana, W., 2016, “Research philosophy in pharmacy practice: necessity and relevance”, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.