The Importance Of Non-Governmental Organizations And The Role Of Organisation Intersex International

Organisation Intersex International – Its Role in Promoting Gender Equality and Human Rights


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Disucss about the Importance of Non-Government Organisations.

This report is based on the importance of Non-government Organisations and their role on the various subjects and to promote the idea of human rights. It has been observed that the NGOs are certain kinds of non-profit organisations and active in the fields like education, healthcare, public policy, environment and other related issues (Coe and Majot 2013). The citizen found these organisations and in recent times, the importance of these organisations is becoming more effective. Considering their importance, 27th February is celebrating as World NGO Day. In this report, the role of the Organisation Intersex International has been discussed. This supportive measure has been taken for the interest of the intersex people (Carpenter 2016). Curtis Hinkle was the founder of this organisation and work of the organisation has begun in the year 2003. The main objective of this organisation is to maintain equality among the intersex personalities and in the words of sociologists Georgiann Davis, Organisation Intersex International is the activist organisation in that field. According to this organisation, many people have certain sexual disorders and it is the duty of the humankind to treat them equally. It has branches in different provinces such as Australia, Europe, USA and South Africa (Jones and Hillier 2013).

Organisation Intersex International in Australia:

The organisation has been established in Australia in the year 2009 and become a Public generous Organisation in the year 2010. Gina Wilson was the founding president of the organisation. The role of the organisation in the society of Australia is imperative in nature. It has been observed that the medical intervention of the organisation regarding the intersex-affected people has certain positive impacts and the organisation has been actively involved in the cosmetic surgeries to the affected personalities (Preves 2016). It has been stated by Gina Wilson that the organisation is capable to bring effective changes in the mentality of the society regarding the intersex persons. They have advertised certain news on equality regarding the sexual disorder persons and it has been noticed that the organisation, to certain extent, receives huge success in that particular field (Spencer, Meer and Müller 2017).

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In 2012, an inquiry committee has been established to look over the matters of the organisation and it has been alleged that the organisation is suffering from certain illicit sterilisation. It has been replied by the organisation that the projected impacts of the surgeries are more than the normal reconstruction. The sexual disorder has been termed as gender dysphoria by the organisation and it has been observed that the organisation is attempting to contact with the medicinal persons as well as the doctors to play their role effectively in such processes (Swartz and Erasmus 2016).

Activities of Organisation Intersex International in Australia


It has been observed that the organisation has to face a number of dilemmas while performing their job. The main objective of the organisation is to retain the gender equality and operate the affected persons to give them normal life like others. The organisation has submitted its report on its activities and it has been observed that the number of operations and medicinal sterilisation have been used invariably by the organisation (McDonald 2015). Due to the high use of the steroid, persons are becoming affected by this and the organisation has to face dilemmas in the sectors like Social, Political, Ethical and Legal arena.

Doughlas has extended the arena and importance of the Non-governmental organisations. However, the activities of the organisation in Australia are suffering from certain disabilities (Douglas, Levitan and Kiama 2017). It has been agreed by the Australians that the genital mutilation is a wise step regarding the bodily integrity and protecting the children from violence is a great job, but the organisation is taking step on behalf of the girls only. Many citizens have regarded this as unethical. In their view, steps should be taken for the interest of every child and there shall not be any discrimination regarding the point. It has been also observed that the organisation has attempted to operate children and there was no urgency regarding the same (Fraser 2016). Legal issues take place when it has been notified by the inquiry report that the organisation is involved in the surgery of underage children. Non-consensual intersex genital modification is illegal in the provinces of Australia. However, there are allegations that the organisation is involved in such activities and for that, the organisations are facing dilemmas.

Greenberg has stated that the organisation is facing certain legal and social issues and it has been rightly alleged that the process of the organisation is harmful in nature (Meyer-Bahlburg 2015). It has been observed that the organisation is involving in the genital normalising process. The children who are affected by the sexual disorder needs to be operated to this effect. The organisation does the same job. However, the main side effect of the same is that the operated children sometimes have to face physical abnormality and they have to undergo into a lifelong hormone sterilisation. It has been stated by the Australian Government that it is the right of the children to decide whether they want to be interchanged or stay same. The organisation has no right over the issue.

Challenges faced by Organisation Intersex International in Australia

Georgie Yovanovic in the year 1970 who was also affect ted by the forced medical treatments and surgery had bought allegations. Shon Klose, a musician was also pressurised to undergo into a genital surgery without any medical counselling. Form the side of politics too; the organisation has been suffered from certain dilemmas (Nokoff et al. 2017).  It has been stated that the children should be treated equally irrespective of their weak points or disorder. It is not wise step to change the problems by way of operating them. It has been mentioned by many human right activists and political ministers that interchange the sexual organs without obtaining their consent is a violation regarding the fundamental rights of the children and therefore, strong allegations have been made against the structure of the organisation.

Intersex in South Africa:

In the continents of South Africa, the sexual disorders are found in a more ratio. The term intersex can be applied to them who have certain sexual disorders and certain typical binary notions that can be effectively operated to make them normal (Muller 2014). It has been observed that the institution is engaging into a self-operated organisation. In South Africa, the human rights activists, Sally Gross, have established the institution on the intersex criteria. She was acting as a mentor in the arena of intersex activities and established an NGO that was affiliated with the Organisation Intersex International. It has been observed that the problem regarding the intersex is a burning topic in the territory of South Africa and therefore, certain measures have been taken for protecting the interest of the affected persons (Coe and Majot 2013).


In the states of South Africa too, the intersex organisation has to face certain dilemmas and to certain extent, the organisation is violating the rules of the fundamental rights. It has been observed that the organisation is not getting the consent of the children while interchanging their genital organs and the age of the child was also not legal (Carpenter 2016). It has been observed that the clitoral surgeries are become a serious concern and the organisation is alleged to operate those surgeries by the help of over sterilisation.

Comparison and contrast between two NGOs:

It has been noticed in the early descriptions that both the organisations have certain significant role over the intersex problems and getting success to certain extent. The term intersex is applied to the person who is suffering from the sexual disorders and has certain genital problem that differs them from others. In many states, it has been observed that the intersex persons have to face discrimination and that make them mentally ill. Certain non-government organisations are established to define the problem and curb the ill effect of the same (Jones and Hillier 2013). Organisation Intersex international is one of the NGO that is working for the interest of the intersex personalities. It has been observed that the organisation has done many activities and implemented certain medical policies and applied the same to the affected persons. The organisation was for the first time established in United Kingdom in the year 2003 and in 2009; it has its branch in Australia. The organisation has its branch in the states like South Africa, United States and Europe. In this report, the comparison regarding the activities of the two branches of the organisation has been mentioned. The comparisons are depend on the social structure of each states and the political and legal criteria of each of the states (McDonald 2015).

Activities of Organisation Intersex International in South Africa

It is no doubt to state that there are differences between the governmental and social structure of the two states. The activities and the nature of the two branches are also different. In the state of Australia, governmental approach on the genital transformation has been ob served. It has also been stated that the policies taken by the social activists and the human rights volunteers against the arbitrary policies of the organisation by stating that the institution is not obtaining consent from the children regarding the surgery (HUPF 2015). There are certain other allegations medical dilemmas and it has been observed that the patients have to undergo into the process of sterilisation that might affect their social life.

It has been observed that the organisation has taken certain policies in Australia by way of operating the discrepancies regarding the physical bodies and the steroid they are injecting has certain side effects. The Australian government has implemented certain policies regarding the intersex personalities and the term has not been included under the legal enactments (Douglas, Levitan and Kiama 2017).

On the other hand, in the provinces of South Africa, the works of the organisation regarding the intersex has been applauded and the government of South Africa is also extend their helping hand towards them so that the social disease like intersex can be curbed (Muller 2014). It has been observed that term intersex has been included in the anti-discrimination law for the protection of equality and justice. Certain documentation has been published to make aware the people regarding the intersex challenge such as Intersexion.                

Effectiveness of these NGOs:

The importance of this organisation in the intersex policies cannot be denied. This organisation has adopted certain policies to abolish the gender discrimination process form the society. It is obvious to state that the main object of the organisation is moral (Crerand, Sarwer and Ryan 2017). The others due to their sexual disorder are affecting many persons and it has been observed that the persons have to face serious conclusion and sometimes, they developed psychological problems. The policies taken by the organisation, to certain extent succeed to remove certain disabilities and awarded with certain prestigious respects. In Australia, the organisation had won United Nations Human Rights Award.

It has been observed that the organisation has committed certain surgical operation and many get relief from the curse of having sexual disorders. The main affected person of such disorders is being known as LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) community. The institution has tried to make equality among these classes. In the developing countries, the impact of the organisation is effective (Meyer-Bahlburg 2015). The organisation wants to become the voice for the intersex people. It helps to promote the concept over the bodily autonomy. This is a fact that the efforts of Sally Gross help the South African government to include the term in the legal enactment to curb the dispute of inequality.

Comparison of the Activities of Organisation Intersex International in Australia and South Africa


Therefore, it has been understood from the above-mentioned points that the Organisation intersex International is playing certain important roles to establish the concept of intersex equality. In the words of Stephanie Farrior, the mentality to the inequality has caused certain dilemma over the humankind (Farrior 2017). The contribution of Organisation Intersex International should be regarded in this case. It has implemented certain policies for the betterment of this community. It has been notified that this organisation has faced a number of criticisms regarding the arbitrary nature of working and over sterilisation. In certain states, the process of gender transformation has been regarded as illegal and the human rights activists are protesting against it. However, the importance of this organisation could not be denied. It is required to mention that the policy implementations are depended on the social structure of the states and therefore, difference has been observed in the territory of Australia and South Africa


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