The Importance Of Nursing: Learning Outcomes And Evaluation

Categories of Nursing

This assignment involves of the learning outcomes inherited from each semester. Nursing is an integral part of hospitality. Healthcare industry is totally dependent on the nurses to look after their patients. Intensive care is provided by them to improve the conditions in context to the health care service takers. Nurses are pivotal as they help the health care services users to heal and prevent their illness and injuries. This assignment will cater to the outcomes that I have learnt throughout the semesters and evaluate my study with details.

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At the beginning of the semester, I only knew about the basics of nursing and how they can help the healthcare service uses. There are several categories in context to nursing to which there are few major categories. They are an advanced practice nurse, staff nurse, nursing researchers, nurse managers, and nursing researchers. At the beginning of the semester, I hardly knew about the categories of nursing. The nursing educators are responsible for training and teaching future nurses. As commented by Holloway & Galvin (2016), the nurse managers are those who manage other nurses in a healthcare organization. Advanced practice nurse is those who work on context to primary care providers in their specialized area.  

There are several benefits in context to nursing which I hardly knew. There is a specialized area called trauma nursing. The trauma nursing is essential as it helps to deal with the emergency situations of the healthcare service users. Over time, I realized that nurses are not only important to provide medical or healthcare amenities but also to support the consumers and their family on spiritual grounds. The progress of the healthcare service users are monitored by the nurses and they can moderate the progress rate. Emotional and spiritual support is of innate importance in this context. I understood the importance of spiritual support over the semesters. As commented by Alligood (2017), the improvements of the users are more rapid in context to the spiritual grounds. Spiritual well being and the quality in context to health care service users’ life can progress. I learned that there are many positive responses in context to spiritual support. The potentiality in context to the health caters to a higher possibility in this regard. However, I realized that spiritual carte is a dimension in terms of nursing practice. I had learned the differences in context to spiritual need, and spiritual support. Different healthcare service users have different beliefs in context to religion. Nurses help them to cater to their beliefs without distinguishing in terms of their spiritual orientations. As commented by Butcher et al. (2018), it was evident from the early studies that the spiritual knowledge in context to the nurses was poor and they did not have adequate information to meet the needs in terms of their consumers. Several barriers came in between this in context to the professional, physical and personal grounds. Education was adhered highly important to deal with this persisting issue. There were several teaching sessions which helped me gather more information regarding nursing. Reflective teaching like group discussions, online discussions, role play, and others helped to learn a lot.

Benefits of Specialized Areas – Trauma Nursing

My goals and the personal outcomes regarding learning did change as a whole. Earlier I was only looking forward to helping the healthcare service users in context to their health needs. But now I know the need for emotional and spiritual support. As commented by Dougherty & Lister (2015), spiritual support is very important to the family members and the users as they help in retaining moral support. For example, if an individual is suffering with third stage cancer and has no hopes of survival. The nurse can make the situation better by talking to the healthcare service user and his or her family. Communication forms an integral part in relation to nursing. The responsibilities of the healthcare service providers are much higher and communication with their users can be effective in treating them.  

I have analyzed from my study that different age groups need different methods in terms of providing health care. According to a report it was found that there were more than 1775 deaths due to lack of communication. Communication gap prevails not only between the healthcare service users and the healthcare service providers but also with the other healthcare professionals. According to a survey it was found that a death had occurred due to the communication gap between the healthcare professional and the nurse. I understood that there are few skills that I need to acquire and improve over the course of time. Being flexible is important when it comes to nursing or treating healthcare service users. As commented by Moorhead et al. (2018), making assumptions will only cause issues. Instructions are needed to be generated to the users with ease and make them feel comfortable. As stated by Christmals & Gross (2017), the most important thing is that there are cultural differences in context to the health care uses and the health care providers. Effective treatment can only be procured when the health care providers do not differentiate the users in cultural or religious grounds.

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Economic importance

I learned that physical care is not only important but emotional support can give more speedy results. Education about the illness or the disease to the family members can help the healthcare service user as a whole. As opined by Parahoo (2014), specialization in context to nursing gives them innate knowledge and responsibilities. The charges of the nurses are comparatively lower than the other healthcare professionals which make the burden of the family a little less.

Emotional and Spiritual Support for Healthcare Service Users

Social importance of nursing

As commented by Christmals & Gross (2017), apart from the physical labor that the nurse assures to their health care users, they also provide emotional and social care and support. As commented by Johnstone (2015), emotional care and support gives a stress relief in terms of psychological grounds. For example, when someone is suffering from a chronic disease and the chances of survival are less, giving them psychological support will help the healthcare service user and their family members.

I learned that this profession has future impacts relating to all levels in context to the society. The field of nursing is growing vividly and the role of the healthcare service providers has expanded tremendously. As commented by O’brien (2017), this profession is growing to cater to the demands of the users and provide them with specialized care.

I strongly believe that there are more actions needed to incorporate better-using facilities in context to the healthcare service providers. There is an innate need to be people oriented rather than task oriented. Multitasking is always prevalent in all departments and as health care providers; it is a duty that the consumers are not laid back. Connection and communication with healthcare service users will entail more effective results rather than only providing physical labor. As commented by Oermann & Gaberson (2016), the health conditions are very delicate and the healthcare service providers need to understand the impact.

As commented by Townsend & Morgan (2017), communication is very important and communications with the consumers of all ages are pivotal. Communication in context to the generations is important. For example, a child will acquire different help from the healthcare service provider than an adult. A healthcare service user with a third stage cancer will need different healthcare service than a user with the mild fever. I learned and evaluated from my study that trauma nurses provide innate care and emotional support to the families in context to the healthcare service users. As stated by Black (2016), they share their experiences and stories to motivate and encourage the users and their families. At the begging of the semester, I only thought that nursing is a job that helps the users and provides them relief. But after studying as a whole, I understood the importance of promoting care and support is mainstream in this regard. For example, a healthcare service user who is dying at the moment does not need any medical facility, but he or she needs psychological support and care.  


This assignment made me realize the importance of nursing as a whole. The duties and the responsibilities of nursing are integrated with the social and emotional wellbeing in context to the healthcare service users. Physical supports from the nurses are important but this study showed that emotional and psychological, support paves way for more effective recovery. By indulging in this study, I understood the importance of nursing and gained knowledge on how to provide more intensive care. I understood that connection and communication lend effective care to healthcare service users and motivates them in terms of their recovery.


Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.  ://

Black, B. (2016). Professional Nursing-E-Book: Concepts & Challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Butcher, H. K., Bulechek, G. M., Dochterman, J. M. M., & Wagner, C. (2018). Nursing Interventions classification (NIC)-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Christmals, C. D., & Gross, J. J. (2017). An integrative literature review framework for postgraduate nursing research reviews. European Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vol, 5(1).

Dougherty, L., & Lister, S. (Eds.). (2015). The Royal Marsden manual of clinical nursing procedures. John Wiley & Sons.

Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

Johnstone, M. J. (2015). Bioethics: a nursing perspective. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Moorhead, S., Johnson, M., Maas, M. L., & Swanson, E. (2018). Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)-E-Book: Measurement of Health Outcomes. Elsevier Health Sciences. 

O’brien, M. E. (2017). Spirituality in nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2016). Evaluation and testing in nursing education. Springer Publishing Company.

Parahoo, K. (2014). Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Townsend, M. C., & Morgan, K. I. (2017). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. FA Davis.