The Importance Of Project Management In Theater Restoration

Factors That Facilitated the Project

How do you think the use of project management was able to facilitate this?

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In simple words, it could be said that project management is undertaking a group of activities that are actually preordained in order to accomplish definite goals. This accomplishment of the goal will require certain factors such as communication/collaboration, effective manager, human resources, and also at the same time the required skills to poise the services that affect the quality, cost, scope and time of the project (Martens and Carvalho 2017). The fact that cannot be overstated is the importance of project management in the process of planning. The right implementation of the project management every part of any plan to run smoothly. It enables the team to particularly focus on the area that tends to matter the most (Jena and Satpathy 2017). It removes the distractions caused by the parts of the plan going off track for various reasons, such as budget spinning out of control and similar issues.

In relevance to the case study, it could be identified that in the process of planning, the factors that have played an important role are the tools that have been implemented for the purpose of renovation. Manpower is one of the most important factors in project management. Without the presence of sufficient manpower, completing the project would have nearly been impossible (Gunduz and Almuajebh 2020). Also, the most important factor that could be identified is scheduling, and without the presence of proper scheduling, no plan could ever be executed. Another important aspect of project management is the Gannt chart. In simple words, Gantt chart could be identified as the project management tool which has been assisting in the process of planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes. However, it needs to be mentioned that they are specifically implemented in order to simplify complex projects (Wilson 2003). Implementation of the Gannt chart in the process has helped in the process of scheduling, and the restoration was able to be done while the area was under use. Lastly, it also needs to be stated that breaking the entire project into smaller parts and focusing on those smaller parts has proved to be extremely beneficial in the process of facilitating the process of theatre restoration.

What processes would have been necessary before the start of the project?

The first process that would have been extremely important before the start of the project is planning. As stated by Soni (2020), project planning tends to play a significantly indispensable part in helping guide the teams, stakeholders, sponsors, and the project manager with the implementation of the different project phases. It could be seen that the process of planning is required in order to recognize anticipated goals, decrease risks, and also at the same time avoid missed deadlines. Adding to that, it is important to mention that eventually deliver the arranged result which are the products and the services. Post that, the most important part of this plan has been budgeting. Based on the case study, it could be realized that in relevance to the manpower, there should be a financial support team that actually plans out the entire process and the relevant area of expanses. It gets important to mention that budgeting allows an individual to create a spending plan for the money that has been allocated for the project (Brody 2021). The next factor that should be considered as important is the timeline set by the team leader.

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Necessary Processes Before Starting the Project

For every project management, there should be a team leader assigned who will look after the entire assignment and will also make sure that the entire process gets done without any major issues. Therefore, it could be realized that this particular person looks after the functionality of the entire project (van der Haar et al. 2017). Based on that, it also needs to be stated that maintaining the timeline assigned by the team leader has proved to be one of the most important factors in the process of making this project successful. Lastly, the factor that could have been necessary before the start of the project is risk and mitigation plans. Multiple studies have claimed that risk mitigation should be considered as one of the most important crucial factors to regulate risks becoming into major issues which would have the ability to negatively disturb all the relevant business operations and finally it will hamper the bottom line (Ahmed 2017). Lastly, it is also important to mention that if a particular project tends to carry a lot of risks and if there is the absence of a strong mitigation strategy, it needs to be stated that the industry peers or clients may be significantly less interested in working in connection with that specific plan.

Who would be the project stakeholders?

Answer 3:

To begin with, it needs to be stated that for the project that has been mentioned in the cases study, there are multiple stakeholders. The very first stakeholders that could be identified are the actors and the producers. They are the most important stakeholder, based on the fact that without their presence, it would be nearly impossible to continue with the venture. As stated by Greenwood (2001), stakeholder management does play a significant role where it could be seen that the stakeholders are surely involved in the entire decision-making process. It also needs to be stated that engaged stakeholders will help in the process of informed decision making. At the same time, the relevant stakeholders support the need in relevance to long-term sustainability. Along with them, another important stakeholder will be the theatre-goers, and if they did not visit the theatres, there would not be any point in continuing the show.

The construction company that has been hired for the process of rebuilding should also be considered as one of the most important stakeholders in this entire process. Based on the timeline that has been presented to them, completing the project was of utmost priority for the construction company. Also, it could be identified that sticking to the budget has also been a difficult task for the construction company. Adding to that, it gets important to talk about the city regulators, and without their presence as a stakeholder, the process could not even be started. To be more specific, city regulators include stakeholders as important as financiers of the entire project and also, at the same time, construction law investors as they are the one that enables the basic permission to even start the project (Yoshino and Wisuttisak 2020). Lastly, it is also important to mention that the entire project management team selected will be considered the stakeholder of the project as all of them have a significant role to play in the entire process.

Identification of Project Stakeholders

What was the project scope?

In simple terms, project scope could easily be identified as the thorough outline of all the relevant facets of a project, that tends to include different related actions, resources, timelines, and deliverables, and also at the same time it tends to include all the relevant project boundaries (Fageha and Aibinu 2013). Adding to that, it also needs to be stated that the project scope also tends to include collecting all the relevant information that are generally required in order to start a project (Fageha and Aibinu 2014). Now, this also tends to include the different aspects that the product requires in order to meet its stakeholders’ requirements. Therefore, it could be realized that the project scope contains all the factors that determines the boundaries of the project that has been selected for analysis.

Now in relevance to the case study that has been presented, it gets important to understand to realize the project scope specific to this particular case study. It could be found that strengthening the foundation and also at the same time refinishing all the exterior as well as the interior walls are one of the most important project scopes that could be identified in this particular case. The next project scope that could be identified is that the stage and the props need to be properly replaced. These are the two project scope that could be identified in connection to the present plan that has been presented in the case study. Based on this two project scope, it could be realized that without the presence of these project scope it would be nearly impossible to even start the project under any circumstances. Adding to that, it could be said that also at the same time they play a significant role in creating a relevant path foe project on which the entire project will be based on.

What were the project constraints?

Based on the case study, few project could be easily identified. In order to identify the same, it is important to enlighten the readers with the exact meaning of project constraints. Multiple studies states that project constraints could be easily identified as the general boundaries that that an individual or project manager need to give specific attention to those aspects especially during the project life cycle. For instance, it could be identified that, a cost constraint could be identified as the factor which is limited to a detailed project budget. Whereas on the other hand, it could be identified that time constraint tends to imply the fact that an individual or to be more specific, a project manager must complete the given project in relevance to the specified timeframe.

Project Scope

In this case study, on introspection, it could be easily identified that the major constraint of this project was that the fact, the theatre should remain open during the time of renovation. Therefore, the work has to be divided into smaller parts, in order to get the best out of the project resources that has been applied. Budgeting could also be an issue under certain circumstances and simultaneously, there would be need of huge amount of manpower, that would again be a major constraint in relevance to the whole process. The restrain that could be seen as the most difficult issues, which again have been overcome with the implementation of project management is the fact that the original building structure needs to be retained and also at the same time it has been clearly mentioned that the exterior cannot change under any circumstances. Therefore, this are the main three factors which could be highlighted as the possible constraints during the process of restructuring the theatre.  

What worked well to complete this project?

There are certain factors that really worked well in the process of completing the project that has been mentioned in the case study. This answer will thoroughly talk about all the points that has been highlighted and realized from the given case study. To begin with, it could be identified that due to the implementation of the effective planning and also at the same time efficient planning, it could be easily identified that the primary reason behind the work being completed with the scheduled time is based on the fact that there was this presence of effective planning. Without the presence of the same, it would have been nearly impossible to complete the project under any circumstances. As mentioned earlier, time could be seen as one of the majors restrain, therefore it could be easily stated that effective planning has been one of the most crucial factors.

Another factor that needs to be highlighted is that all the deliverables were clearly defined from the beginning during the process of budgeting and this helped the project manager with the clarity of choosing the right course of action. Also, it is also important to mention that, in relevance to the plan, the stakeholders were also onboard and they were able to properly invest in the project. Lastly, the right implementation of the project management every part of any plan to run smoothly. It enables the team to particularly focus on the area that tends to matter the most


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