The Importance Of Social Media Communication In The Workplace: A Case Study Of Foxtel

Overview of the Significance of Social Media Communication in the Workplace

The process of communicating in the workplace is very important to mitigate the gap in communication. In that aspect, social media has taken on a big responsibility in this modern era. The process of social media communication is acknowledged by some organisations but there are several traditional organisation, which haven’t use the process, so ethical consideration of the advantages of communication is important in that case. In case of the distribution in communication, recruitment and hiring and research and personal development in the workplace, social media communication is important (Vaast & Kaganer, 2013). The process of employee recognition and engagement with employees, social media works for the development. Though this is the learning process and collaborative one to make the process convenient and important to use for the monitoring aspect of the workforce.

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In that case, the telecommunication process of Foxtel needs to be strong so that attachment with the customers’ employees will be stable and customers have the great personal experience to use their service for long. Average Americans spend 1.9 hours a day with their mobile devices, this is a chance to engage them with the organisation. In case of productivity, use of mobile device in the organisation enhances the communication. In Foxtel, a better communication needs to be followed. The process of communication gap may decrease the level of production, so sharing thoughts through the social media devices or engaged them in a suitable way that meetings and interaction need no bars at that moment.

The involvement of social media in the organisation through new channels are important for the development of the organisation. Employees are getting distracted if communication is not processed in a suitable way. The skill of communication is important in that situation. The deeper understanding between employees will grow through the manner. The personal lives may not be clearly open to all but the situation analysis is there and social media take the responsibility for that process (Sunstein, 2018). The social media platform provide them with enough opportunities to engage and employees can make comment in any occasions. They can even share the particular post through social media. In case of virtual decision making some engagement like collective intelligence, working nature and development of teamwork is important. In case of big or reputed organisations, cloud-based or intranet software is there that engaged with social media like Bitrix or Zoho are important in that case as the process strengthen the communication at its best. The communication can be verbal or non-verbal but in both the cases, the motive of communication must be clear. Social networking system is important in this time for the promotional purposes as well as for the internal communication between employees.

Advantages of Social Media Communication in the Workplace

In the case of Foxtel, they have to strengthen their positional aspect of business and operational approach is that case is very relevant (, 2018). The process of internal communication with management and relationship with them is important in that case. Foxtel needs to maintain that thing and need to introduce the modern form of communication (Majchrzak et al., 2013). LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the major promotional platforms that are used in the recent times. Customers know the product culture, the business mentality of the company. In the case of social media operation, these are important things that need to be done from the organisation’s end and the aspect of getting success is also aligned with the process. The process of communication and using special software that connected in the office is sensible in case of managing communication. The process also mitigates the issues between employees and management.

There are some advantages of social media and it is important that implementation of the process so that legitimate opportunities can be obtained through the process. The advantages are:

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  • Mental break of employees is the major reason that social media needs to implement in the workplace. The encouragement and simplification of employees’ activities are smoothening through the process (Sergeant & Tagg, 2014). This is the reason employees feel more relaxed and through the social media, they have created their social platform where the interaction is crucial and relevant that provide the metal satisfaction in between works.
  • To make the professional connection and to support the opportunities, employees feel very connected to their management and others. This is the kind of situation that creates new ideas and innovative culture to embrace the position of employees.
  • Through the process of social media implementation, employees can solve their problem as well. Through the post or from the news feed or notification, employees know about the new regulations and rules that consolidated by the company, so social media is useful in that context.
  • The process strengthens the entire system and builds personal development with employees (Mai & Hoffmann, 2014). The morale engagement is the key matter in that case and formation of team or effectiveness of teams are important in that matter.
  • The deliverance of information is effective as at the one point of time all the employees get notified through this process and this is the reason most of the companies use the social media platform to understand the need of the employees’ activity and operational relation with them.
  • This the process the reward and recognition of the employee show to everyone and each of the employees will know about one’s improvement in the organisation. This is a process of advancement of reputation that the company can do for the development of the employees’ sustainability (Leonardi, Huysman & Steinfield, 2013). The reason for sustainability depends on the treatment that given by the organisation to their employees. The value, they have provided to the employees is the real concern in that case. So the effective communication sustains at that moment.  
  • The productivity of the organisation is another concern in that case.  The process of low-cost investment, target market and network capabilities, these are important in that process and communication has made this process easier for employees.  

There are some challenges in social media too and these challenges create some difficulties in the organised nature of the business. The challenges are:

  • There are some policies of using the social media network and bullying or harassment is one of the strong points in midst of that. There are some negative comments as well on the platform and employees or managers have to accustom with that process (Bucher, Fieseler & Suphan, 2013). Negative perception is there but the impact of this on the employees will not be effective enough, and that is the major feedback that an organisation wants.
  • The relationship with employees may damage through the social media. Some news of the promotion or positional change retain in the portal, so highlight the thing may have increased the relational gap between employees (Kernbach, Eppler & Bresciani, 2015).
  • Social media uses for the long hour may hamper the productivity and these work-related cautions are very practical from the organisation’s perspectives. The prevention of this process may help in the workplace, the misuse or the extra use may counter some trouble as well.
  • The process of keeping the password safe is another concern and employees need to save their password as well (Leftheriotis & Giannakos, 2014). This is the process that most of the negative activities and spam work has been done. Thus, to stop this process change in password after every week may sustain the business relation.
  • All the personal information can be leaked through the process. Some of the information needs to be stored in a secret way but they bring out in a drastic manner that may create the problem for the employee as well.

In case of the direct marketing process, the privacy policy of OPT-OUT Method is important in that aspect. This is the updated version of communication that makes specific communication with customers (, 2018). In case of direct marketing, when customers demand some specific subscription, that connected through email and better habit of process orientation has done. The IQ3, Foxtel Now, Foxtel Kids, Foxtel App (Go) and My Foxtel Application all these are important for the channelling the process in that way business can strengthen the market (, 2018). In case of the android system, Foxtel Now option is there, whereas, in iPhone, iPad Foxtel Now can be addressed from the toggle set up option.

The company has channel partners to promote their quality works as well but the multiple opportunities that people have found in that aspect may change the mindset of people and that causes a decrease in production (Habibi, Laroche & Richard, 2014). The process of generalising marketing is not the ultimate motive of the company, so the innovative process is the key mentions that company has to take for the better commitment with customers and to communicate with internal employees as well (, 2018).   

Challenges of Social Media Communication in the Workplace

The organisation can use social media application for communication within the workplace as it can improve the quick response of the management and the employees can have the notification once any post or notice shares. The traditional way of communication within the organisation is verbal and it leads to the lower reach and the clients’ dissatisfaction (Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2016). Important news and conversation can be shared effectively through social media application. In addition, business communication can be shared through social media applications and the management can use the social media for the recruitment purpose. In addition, Foxtel Company uses the social media for the promotional purposes; however, they do not use social media for internal business communication (, 2018). Social media applications can help the organisation to engage the employees while the digital age is rapidly spreading to the employees’ communication (Fuchs, 2017). Communication flow of the employees will be very effective and employees can communicate with the clients as well. It is very inexpensive media to continue the business communication. On the other side, social media platforms increase the power of the employees as the employees can share the concern in front of the employees; therefore, this transparency can agitate the employees.

In addition, employees’ issues will be introduced forefront in front of the other employees very easily. If Foxtel Company allows the employees to use the social media communication during the working hour; it can lead to the employees’ engagement on social media for gossiping and chatting with friends and family (Razmerita, Kirchner & Nielsen, 2016). Social media can allow the employees to spend a large amount of time in the virtual world and it can reduce the employee productivity.

Recommendation and Conclusion: 

Social media platforms have opened up the business communication as these platforms allow the management to make the virtual platforms to discuss the organizational matters and reach to the employees very easily. The power of connection with employees irrespective of all groups; help the management to trust thier employees. It is becoming easier for the management to conduct the campaign through social media and the employees can be connected to the management easily. Foxtel can connect with the employees who work in different regions very easily and on a real-time basis.  Availability of the employees will become higher with the implementation of the business communication through social media.

Foxtel can use cloud-based software to communicate with the employees from different geographical regions. Cloud-based software provides the benefits of aligning with Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, if the management shares anything on cloud-based software as an intranet platform, these posts can be seen on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, social media is inexpensive and Foxtel can use the social media platform for communicating the employees living in different part through visual, written and vocal communication. Social media communication can be sued as a sense of urgency basis as it can improve the crisis communication.


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