The Importance Of Social Media In Business Development And Enhancement

Platforms and Processes of Social Networking

Discuss about the Social Media and International Advertising.

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The use of social media is an important aspect for the organisation as the process help in business acceleration and makes a sustainable position in this globalised business market. Social networking is generally operated from certain platforms and use of web tools affects the business development and enhancement process. The process starts with the recruitment and that enhancement of risk-oriented situation are handled effectively by the organisation as well. Innovation process and positive implementation of business is the concern thinking that every organisation tries to implement so that their product will reach to the wider customers and this is the best beneficiary activity of social networking (Baltar and Brunet 2012). As the technology grows business opportunities also grows in an effective manner. So the full use of this activity is the most influencing factor for an organisation. The small business owners have got an opportunity to use social media for the business development and in most of the cases they are doing lots of promotions of their products so that people get know about their products. The utmost challenging situation has been faced by an organization, when cons of this social media have come in business progression. The use of social networking is different and all these businesses have used the different social media platforms. In some cases, small business holders are relatively meeting their all aspects of business and in that case their business has not even published in social media and that is the reason products are unknown top people. Marketing plan is the best applied plan for this and through the social media marketing process can be evolved. In each case of network planning most of the business participation is new and organisations have to decide that right platform to promote their brands.

  • To identify the advantages of social networking and implement more practices over it.
  • To determine the disadvantages of social networking and mitigates those problems by the effective use of alternative perceptions.
  • To evaluate the features, process, development and awareness of social networking and deliver the best networking facility for the organisation.
  • To understand the business opportunities that can be extracted by the use of social media in workplace.

The scope of the project is to identify the use of social media in business and that is the reason most of the promotional activities are forecasted in social media. It is a geographical scope that in what state the social media justice is being used and that is the reason most of the social media platforms are highly acclaimed by business executives. There are some selective approaches that business marketing has done and enhance their business process for the sustainable business condition. Social media is a powerful tool to take advantage for the growth company revenue and boost the company’s visibility online and widen and targeted customer base. This is a process where extra management execution is not needed rather the basic business opportunity is to develop the business at different level by the use of social media.

Innovative Approaches and Positive Implementation

In this 21st century, the entire marketing is formulated by the use of social media. This is one of the best promotional tools and it helps to get the better business opportunity for the existing business to grow at a range. The cross geographical effect is another barrier of promoting their product in different countries. Through the social media this process becomes easier and companies are promoting their product through this social media (Picazo-Vela, Gutiérrez-Martínez and Luna-Reyes 2012). The features that introduced by the social media is web-based promotional strategy and exponential dissemination of trust and the contacts that evolve by the effect of the social media. The effective insight approach of the products and importance of communication is the major aspect that delivers the promotional activity in case of upgrade the social media marketing. There are so many shapes in social media use in marketing. The traditional Facebook model or Tangible process of the interacting with social friends is the way to advertise the product and this can be called as promotion of the product. On the other hand, some of the social channels are very popular right now and 72% people engaged most of their times with social media rather than anything else (Leonardi, Huysman and Steinfield 2013). The information, brand awareness, feedbacks, and the product approaches are accepted from this social media sites. These are significantly used for the evaluation of products. Some of the sections are editable in social media section so people have less opportunity to gather actual stage of the product as per the brand name and approaches. Blogs, advertisement, newspaper report all these are promoting the product to make an improvising approach in the market but people have the authority to evaluate the products through the feedback gathered from the respective products approaches.   

There are different advantages of social media and these advantages influence the business opportunities also. Brand marketing and promotional aspect of the business is the major role that social media has done in regular basis. Additionally, the use of direct customer strategy is not popular in market right now. People are the medium of evaluation for a product, if they state the product good then the market value of the product definitely rises up and if the negative approach has come up then the company become concern to make sustainable use of that. The crucial advantages are

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This is the most notable perspective of social media is to interact with people. People may interact in a normal way for and that is considered as social interaction also, but in case of online business dealing or to know about the product is the concern aspect of the interaction and after satisfying the process, people can buy the product and that is the importance of social interaction (Aljabre 2012). Consumer behaviour has changed due to that strategy and this change behaviour influence the best decision making for customers and that also impact over the product choice. The interaction is virtual still the trust and belief over the company has come as use of media benefit and behavioural studies have been précised through the social interaction.

Promotion of Products through Social Media

Another benefit is the interactivity, and the process signifies the use of passive recipients and the trust of people by that process. This is one of such situation where, people are claiming the right and good but the way it goes through in direction of another people is the process of voice or by the virtual medium (Batjargal et al. 2013). Interactivity depends on the contexts and depending upon the context of the networking process the set of range has been declared.

The most useful aspect of the business is their market position and revenue generation, and both these aspects are depending on the advertisement of the product. This is a necessary aspect of business and advertisements are considered as word of mouth (Baruah 2012). The realistic nature of commercials is the important aspect for the business and that is the reason most of the companies put their strengths in advertisement. The presentable approach of an organisation is always attractive for the customers and they ordered that product for this only. Advertisements are categorised into two sections like the positive advertisement and the negative advertisement. The source of the advertisement may be different but the actual state or the demand of the advertisement is the concern aspect for the company. Quality service of companies and satisfied customers review is the concern aspect for the business to retain their existing customers (Borgatti, Everett and Johnson 2018). In case of prevent something or something which is harmful for the health a warning advertisement is delivered by the government authorities or different non-governmental organisation also. The reach of these advertisements are huge but online growth of those advertisement is grand also. There are millions of active people who choices their product after watching the advertisement, so in case of social media uses is impactful.

Outsourcing is a valid process that most of the organisations are following for the development of business process. In case of getting better fund accumulation traditional marketing process can be addressed as a drain process. On the other hand social media marketing is quite low budget process and that is helpful for the business also (Lin 2017). That is the reason networking and outsourcing is the most important aspect for the company. They segment their particular job role through the outsourced process and that process help to gain customer satisfaction and increase revenue generation of the company. Most businesses try and thrust their message onto possible customers; social media brings them into the conversation. Most businesses get fixed in the trap of using social media as another conventional media channel. The truly successful ones on social media are appealing their customers by creating fans and fanatics (Sashi 2012). In addition with the situation, company needs to understand the competitors of the company and their position in the market by using social media. In case of core network making use of existing customers and professional collaboration of employees are the key aspect of business acceleration.

Advantages of Social Media in Business Opportunities

Research and development is the key factors of social media as the information are gathered from the customers side are implemented in that process. The new idea in a product or to develop the strategies is the concern aspect for the development. The trending nature of the products is coming from the research process and that is reason most of the companies use social media as their promotional medium (Nielsen and Schrøder 2014). All the social platforms are helping the promotional aspect of business and that is the reason most of the companies are taken this policies. Some of the boost advertisement requires money but most of them are free and companies are taking advantage of that thing. The availability of social media is so effective that market positioning of a company can be evaluated through this process.

There is a lot of commotion in business owners when the topic of social media comes up. Some people declare that this is a waste of time while others hail it as the best marketing conduit. This is an art of promoting the products and social media deliver the utmost sincerity of to this awareness. Some of the social awareness programs are pre-planned and company used to do this kind of things for the promotion of the company (Bryman 2015). The section of assistance and building communities are done through the process of these gathering these awareness programmes are important for the community, where people from different community gather together and deliver their best possible understanding and views over the incidents (Chu and Du 2013). The main aspect of the community building is to make proper engagement in form of promotion. In that case, if any situation arises when the company has to make their mark again in business, the aspect of social media promotion helps the situation a lot.

There are some challenges are also found in case of social media and reinforcement of planning and design is require in that end. The challenges in marketing perspective and get some online information which is considered as out of control is the main aspect of business understanding. Most of the disadvantages are lost their control over the marketing communication. The rejection of ideas and innovative thoughts are the issues of stagnant situation of the market so better planning and understanding is required for that case (Bruhn, Schoenmueller and Schäfer 2012). Lack of privacy and low grade over company ratings are the concern issue for the company. The first mistake many brands make believes they need to be everywhere. Covering as much ground as possible seems like a good idea, but the reality is company should know about the limitation of the company and then extend their reach. The disadvantages of social media in business are

Outsourcing and Research and Development

Brand value can be generated by the effective use of company’s reputation. In that case, social media understanding is one of the important aspects that company needs to understand where to implement these strategies for the development of marketing aspect. There are some direct and indirect aspects of evaluation and company’s confidentially is the concern aspect of business. Business reputation may get a threat by this process (Chen and Bryer 2012). Unconventional estate of business planning is the best way to process the business and in that case; enhancement of business is the key operation that need to be done in an effective way. The stages are free to utilize, and they also have paid advertising options noticeably for brands that wish for to reach even additional different addressees. Business expanse does not mean that existed in every social media. But they tried to and that is the main concern of the confidentiality as some negative review about the company may decrease the situation of the company and hamper the production of the company as well. If the negative review is trending in Facebook, the market value of the company will decrease as most of the people are mistrust the organization (Hrastinski and Aghaee 2012). This is the most challenging situation for the company to regain the former position back and that will take lots of time. 

Risks like stealing personal information are considered as external security threat for the employees. The situation of the company may not be stable in every condition and different security-related risks are persisted over the situation (Okazaki and Taylor 2013). In case of idle mail access the attackers are attacking the system and that will gain greater potential of the employee to be exploited by those hackers. All these situations are not justified for the employees and that is the reason a weak point is persisted in the genre.

The improvement in networking and development of the company image and increase in the productivity of the company is the prime aspect for the employees. But in most of the time employees are in social platforms rather than doing their respective responsibilities. Employees are not properly engaging with the work and that is the main concern of the organisation (Dubos 2017). Less productivity is considered as a challenge for the organisation and in that case employees are the concern aspect for the organisation. Most of the companies are imposed some rule against the unnecessary social networking system but in case of eider aspect the situation is persisted in the company and that affects the company in a wider margin

Social Media as a Marketing Conduit

This is a concern process where people create a fake account and try to scam from the organisation. This is a process that accumulates threats for the organisation as well and has a risk to make a loss in financial aspect (Okazaki and Taylor 2013). This process is formulated through internet and makes chaos in society. The concern person is not being arrested as they have misguided their identification. This process is very easy to bullying anyone system and accumulate data from that.

Other disadvantages are like fraud, scam and through social networking sites these are very common in these days. The commitment of organisational reactiveness and provide safe and secure workplace for employees is the concern aspect of this situation (Leonardi, Huysman and Steinfield 2013). Hacking of such issues that are illegal as well as the efficiency of a person to hack someone’s system and try to accumulate all the data that the computer has. In case of mitigating this process firewall protection of improved security protection for computers is the most implemented option for the organisation. 

Most of organisation relationship is mitigated due to the performance in the organisation. If the process continues for long then the particular employee will not understand the organisation process and management will provide a harsh look over the employee (Sashi 2012). The attempt of relationship ends at the beginning and that will be a challenge for the company. 


Therefore it can be concluded that, there are some aspect of social media and some of the aspects are really upgrade the position of the company and this section is the advantages one. On the other hand, challenges will be there by the use of social media and that is the constructional drawback of social media. Regardless of the possibility that runs a little operation, utilizing an organization page and associating it with employees profile is a decent move. It permits to post updates and include data that goes over. Much preferable brand from the market and preferable aspect of the employee engagement is the concern matter of social media aspect.


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