The Importance Of Sustainable Development In Engineering And Effective Information Management For Organizations

Sustainable development and its impact on communities

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Sustainable development is a very essential element This may be viewed differently as per the peoples’ life styles or nationality (Ibem, 2010). To ensure effective sustainable development, its effects and interests must be adequately addressed and evaluated Therefore, engineers need to embrace sustainable development in the day to day activities at any circumstance.

To ensure this it is important to provide the necessary equipment and infrastructure that necessitate formation of an efficient environment which helps develop and increasing metropolitan population (Lele, 1991). Engineers formulate strategies, plans and models that help dictate needs for the present and generate plans for the future.

Therefore, the engineers need to look at the impacts as they provide infrastructure for their communities. This impacts could be both positive and negative effects like:

Firstly, sustainable development incorporates the people living around the area hence offering them rewarding, instant income, education and work. Another positive impact of sustainable development is that it conserves diversity and functionality of the system therefore, being able to provide a range of economic benefits (Jansen, 2003). It also leads to expansion of forest products such as products that are non-wood therefore being able of taking care of the natural services that are offered to mankind by the forest.

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Sustainable development also has its own negative implication. For instance, the cost incurred for running and maintaining sustainable development are very high as compared to the non-environmentally friendly approaches costs. Another demerit of is that sustainable development requires analysis of the existing system that will enhance the upcoming changes which also makes the system extremely expensive and unattainable. (Lele, 1991).

The following need to be addressed and evaluated when designing projects: Ensuring positive developments to the communities, affordable community projects, optimum resource use, positive impact to social and cultural environment, human development and easy project maintenance and management. It is quite evident that in the future we will have to look at the consequences after developments and look at actions while making developments (Katsuma, 2017). It has come to my knowledge that roles and responsibilities of engineers need to be adjusted so that there is a maintained cycle in development.

Their roles must be processed in an efficient way with safety. The roles include the programs and processes that need to be divided and maintained for improvements (Harris, 2000). The roles need to be divided into different parts then this parts are differentiated into different ways for optimum improvement and maintenance at any circumstances. Additionally, differentiating the roles help in wise problem analysis and proper decision making. Engineers have different capabilities and roles, though others work more perfect than others (Subramanian, 2007). Engineers also have to undertake some social roles such as ensuring safety to public, equally contribution to the community, follow community obligations, and equal contribution to future community developments. They should also be ready to think morally and critically and be ready to make positive creations. They should also be ready to carry out tasks professionally and ready to specialize in case need arises. They have to be confident and be able to handle trust issues. It is also worth noting that motivation is an important issue that help shape the performance of employees.

Roles and responsibilities of engineers in sustainable development

It is very crucial for any organization to realize that, for expansion and improvements to occur there must to appropriate documentation of information. It is important to note that information builds or destroys an organization (Adetunji, 2010). Over my long years as a business person and an engineer I have noticed that organizations with reliable, accurate and on time information are more advantaged than those that do not have the above elements of information management. Skillful and appropriate management of information in an organization helps develop and improve efficiency in that organization as well as improving productivity (Cristina, 2007).

For easier management of information then the source of that particular information must be identified, analyzed and then evaluated on how it impacts an organization. The sources of this information must be improved in case need arises. Concurrently, the business world is changing and growing at a faster rate and hence management of information must be well planned. Information management corresponds to success in an organization. As per this assessment, before making proper information management there is always need to first understand the different conceptions of information management. Information makes changes in an organization such as structural, development and other changes in an organization.

As per now most organizations have shifted to knowledge management rather than information management (Bromley, 2013). The following are the reasons for the shift. Appropriate customer relationships, low risks incurred by the company, increased transparency in organization and easy and proper decision making in the company. Despite having a lot of positive impacts information management also has its negative implications like information being vulnerable in the current world and the MIS equipment being extremely expensive for some organizations to acquire

To hasten the entire process of information and knowledge management, then there is need to appropriately document all the business proceedings, assets, financial statements and many other information and also make it simple to get in touch with business expertise (Pieterse, 2012). A proper system of managing documents must be put in place that will help manage this knowledge and scanty information. Generally, the above three elements (knowledge, information and document management) are occasionally taken as single items but they definitely have different definitions and must never be confused.

For any organization a single byte of data is quite important and that is why management must be keen on how to manage information (Sage Journals, 2008). In most organizations even ours, provisions have been made to help ensure proper information management. Hard drives are being used to store information about company assets then stored properly in storage facilities. Information is now documented properly by IT specialists to ensure proper information management. Computers, phones, organizational books are now integrated together to help document company information appropriately. Any information about company developments and financial statements that need to be relayed to the public is well analyzed and evaluated then properly documented for websites or newsletters.

Effective information management in organizations

Communication is an important tool in developing and managing improvements in any organization. In every organization effective communication helps build employees, departments and the entire operations (Husain, 2013). The business environment is always dynamic with new expansions approaching the markets. New tribes, cultures and races are approaching the environment and that is why we have to diversify our communication strategies and tools.

Effective communication delivers information efficiently. Simplicity and clarity are the major elements of an effective communication. Communicating effectively has the following elements: Open meetings which helps communicate passionately to a team, emails such as professional emails like, meeting emails, interview emails, job networking emails, sales follow- up emails and non- professional emails such as, short requests emails within the office, and passive- aggressive emails, help in dissipating information without actual contact with the employees, appropriate tonal use, humor helps build cooperation, simplicity and clarity helps create an effective environment. Language is also an important aspect that must be looked (Sage Journals, 2008). Effective   communication has several implications to an organization such as bringing the workers together, for instance one staff talking to another staff that enhances team work, eventually leading the growth of the company. Also, good communication makes things clear especially when passing information or instruction it helps prevent confusion. Additionally, good communication promotes good working relationships at work areas, leading to positive business environment. 

Organizations that do not abide by good communication principles incur the following limitations. For example, poor communication renders the entire organization ineffective. Ineffective communication makes it difficult to identify the needs of customers and make better deliveries. Furthermore, ineffective communication also causes the organization to lose time and money. Another demerit of poor communication is that it leads to lack of professionalism. Individuals may use poor grammar and bad punctuation when communicating.

Better communication tools and strategies create good relationships among people and trust. Efficient coordination is assured among people through effective communication. Since the world is changing into a one bigger village then we need to ensure that communication process in our organization expands to help manage businesses. Engineers have to come up with communication techniques that will hasten business processes aimed at helping organizations to succeed (Pieterse, 2012).

To achieve effective communication, techniques have been intensified in communication processes like setting up of websites that can easily be accessed by customers, and intensified customer care services to ensure that customers and employees are well served. During open meetings proper facilities (speakers) are installed to help enhance proper communication with employees. Since the world is advancing to a certain level then there is need to advance the communication systems in the organization (Bromley, 2013). The management must create online platforms that will communicate efficiently with clients, suppliers and distributors. Proper machines of information must be purchased that will help dissipate information in an efficient manner. As I have noticed most organizations fail since their customer service assistants are not responsive and qualified enough to handle client complains and this leads to lose of contact between the customers and the organization. The organizations have ensured that customers are well received by competent staff. Since language matters a lot communication systems are intensified so that people from different tribes, races and regions understand the company. Our team of staffs is nowadays ready to help. The above adjustments have ensured that there is effective communication.


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Israel Adetunji, A. P. P. F. a. P. K., 2010. The Barriers and Possible Solution to Achieve Suistainable Development, Leicestershire: Centre for Innovative Construction Engineering, Department of Building and Civil Engineering.

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