The Importance Of Time Management Training For Total Quality Management In Engineering Firms

Background and Definition of the Problem/Issue

In the engineering profession, quality management is quite relevant because it is the engineers who actually develop numerous systems that are used by the wider population in the world. As a result, it is prudent for people who are in the engineering profession to have a proper time management training so that we can have a clear comprehension of the various tools that are used in quality management (Oakland, 2014). Total Quality Management is a management structure defined specially for manufacturing firms. Various authors have given different definitions as well as principles regarding quality and time management. There are various principles of total quality management which have to be followed by every organization. Some of these principles include among others having a vision on what quality is, being customer focused and ensuring that quality is achieved within the set timeframes, and using scientific approach that will ensure engineers are capable of implementing total quality management for their organizations within the shortest time possible (Sallis, 2014). In addition to that, database analysis should be embraced to ensure that engineers develop solutions of high quality which will reduce the total time taken by the human population to execute different tasks.

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Total Quality Management is thus a philosophy that is being followed by engineering firms and other industries.  As engineers, Total Quality management should always be given utmost consideration and ensure that proper time management is effected in their endeavor to come up with quality solutions to be used by the human population (Kapur & Pecht, 2014). Their main focus of engineers should thus not just be the issue of ensuring there is proper time management but also ensure that thorough inspections as well as thorough quality checks are conducted in their specific departments to not only get assured of best quality but also embrace total quality management or TQM

Time management refers to a process of both planning and exercising conscious control on the amount of time that is spent on particular activities especially with the aim of not only increasing effectiveness, but also with the aim of increasing productivity and efficiency.   Effective time management is quite important for not only managers but also for the general success of their respective organizations (Kerzner, 2013). On the other hand, managers cannot effectively manage Total Quality Management of their respective firms if they lack appropriate and suitable training on effective time management. Total Quality Management or TQM refers to a systematic enhancement of quality approach for the firm wide management with an aim of enhancing performance in terms of productivity, quality, profitability, and customer satisfaction. It is prudent to note that TQM is actually a management philosophy that is aimed at empowering each and every organizational member (Brauer, 2016). It is therefore intended at ensuring there is promotion of continuous, long-term, and sustained improvement in both productivity and quality and ensure that there is elimination of any fears to change by employees.   

It is quite apparent that most contemporary managers are faced with the problem of proper or effective time management that has compromised the Total quality management (TQM) of their respective firms. This has resulted in failure of their respective firms to meet the set targets, goals and objectives (Heizer, 2016). Indeed, this has made most of such managers to fail to meet the stipulated timeframes for the completion of their organizational projects. It was observed that most organizations fail to effectively meet the set deadlines and quality of their projects due to the fact that their managers do not actually have proper time management training that can help them to effectively complete the set targets within the specified time schedules (Stark, 2015). It was thus discovered that with proper and effective training on time management, such managers were not only capable of ensuring that the organizational projects are completed within the set time frames, but could also ensure that the total quality management (TQM) of their respective companies in relation to the products and services they offer was attained (Hubka, 2015).

Justification of the Problem

Having proper time management training for managers is quite essential in the contemporary world. On the other hand, it is prudent for all and sundry to become aware of the fact that total quality management or TQM is actually regarded as being a very vital factor that guarantees the long-term profitability and success of any firm in the world (Mortimer & Mortimer, 2015). This is attributed to the fact that the effective implementation of TQM is indeed an important aspect for ensuring that organizational efficiency is highly enhanced. It is thus a genuine fact that when given proper and appropriate training on better time management, organizational managers stood a higher chance of ensuring that the total quality management of their respective organizations was well enhanced (Evans & Lindsay, 2013). This is attributed to the fact that there is indeed a very high association between performance and TQM. This research paper will thus seek to proof why proper time management training for organizational managers will play a significant and crucial role in ensuring that the Total Quality Management if their firms is enhanced.   

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  • To ascertain the importance of effective time management skills for managers.
  • To ascertain the importance of total quality management (TQM) for firms.
  • To ascertain why managers need to have proper time management training to effectively manage the Total Quality management (TQM) of their respective firms (Smith, 2017).
  • To ascertain why Engineering professionals need to have effective time management training to manage their organization’s Total Quality Management.
  • Why is it important for managers to have effective time management skills?
  • What is the importance of Total quality management or TQM for firms?
  • Why is it important for managers to have proper time management training in the management of the TQM for their firms (Handzic et al, 2013).
  • Why should Engineering professionals have effective time management training in the management of their organization’s TQM?

Quality is the degree through which a series of “inherent characteristics” are capable of meeting the requirements. In the contemporary society, it can truly be asserted that quality not only refers to a particular quality of a product but it also implies to more emphasis that is placed on the product performance in order to attain the satisfaction of the customers (Haimes, 2015). It is asserted that the main aspect of Total quality Management or TQM is “three-full management”. This is comprised of comprehensive quality management, quality management that is involved in by entire staff of a firm, and the entire process of quality management (Dieter & Schmidt, 2013).

Owing to the fact that Total Quality management is indeed a vital catalyst that guarantees organizational success, it is important that organizational managers are accorded amble opportunity to train on proper time management. Indeed, numerous articles have been published regarding the matter of quality issues and thus the high level of interest placed on the issue should be an eye opener for organizations to ensure that their managers are well trained on time management skills (Qureshi et al, 2013). It is quite apparent that the concept of TQM has indeed highly captured the attention of each and every aspect of not only commerce and industry but also of academics as well as politicians.

It is important for organizational managers to have proper time management training so that they can have the relevant skills that can be used for the effective management of the total quality management for their companies. This is due to the fact that quality improvement or enhancement has in the past decade, become one of the crucial organizational strategies that have been used to achieve competitive advantage (Burtis & Bruns, 2014). It is important thus for managers to become equipped with proper time management skills that will enable them to effectively manage numerous issues to do with TQM. Enhancing the quality through which an organization can deliver both its products as well as services is quite important both when competing in local markets and when competing in the ever expanding or growing global markets (Lock, 2014). Having proper time management training for the managers will make them comprehend that all organizational employees must always work together and cooperate as team with each other so that the client’s quality needs are well achieved. 

Aims/Objectives of the Project

There are four major components that are cited as being critical towards ensuring the successful implementation of TQM strategies for an organization. The four components are employee involvement, process involvement and control, managerial leadership, and customer satisfaction. Marketing theory indeed asserts that customer satisfaction is important for ensuring that a business organization succeeds in its endeavors. Training managers on proper time management is important because it will help such managers to help their respective organizations to become quality focused (Ashworth & Perera, 2015). As a result, this will help them in ensuring that they effectively identify both their external and internal customers, ascertain the specific needs or requirements of their customers, integrate all organizational activities (e.g. HRM, finance, IS, production, and finance). This will greatly help such managers to ensure that the needs of such customers are not only well satisfied, but also ensure they make follow up to confirm that all the customers have been duly satisfied. It was ascertained that the cost of quality was regarded as being the primary or main tool that is used in the measurement of quality.

As custodians of their juniors, it is quite essential for organizational managers to have proper training proper training on time management so that their subjects deliver the best quality within the stipulated time (Alexander, 2013). Owing to the fact that time once gone never actually comes back, it is important for managers to have proper time management skills so that they ensure that the right thing is done at the right time. This can only be achieved if organizational managers get the much needed training on time management so that they can have proper planning and comprehension on how best quality can be achieved within stipulated time periods (Campbell & Reyes-Picknell, 2015). Indeed, time management is nothing unique other than ensuring that managers and other employees make the best possible results out of use of time.

 It was ascertained that managers as well as superiors play a vital role in ensuring that time management skills is well inculcated in their employees. This therefore calls that organizational managers should be effectively trained on proper time management skills since their role is not just to sit idle in the closed cabins but rather monitor their subordinates and ensure the highest quality is embraced by all and sundry (Miles, 2015). Total quality management can only be attained in an organization if all its managers are well trained on effective time management skills. Due to the fact that all organizational managers ought to lead by examples, training managers on proper time management skills will ensure that the same is transferred to their subjects thus ensuring that work is completed punctually and in good or desired client quality (Certo, 2015). 

Quality in an organization cannot be achieved if the managers do not appreciate the importance of time management and working within the set work schedules. This is quite true since managers cannot expect their subjects to reach at work on time if they are not disciplined on the issue of time management on their side (Alvarez, 2016). Even though managers are given the liberty to do each and everything within their powers, it is important that they should not misuse such powers especially to do with time management since doing so will compromise the issue of quality and bring disastrous impacts on the overall organization. This is quite true since both regulations and rules of the organization regarding time management and quality are not just meant for the subordinates but also for their team leaders as well as their superiors. Managers must therefore be well trained on effective time management so that they can become better placed in respecting or adhering to the set organizational guidelines (Benjamin & Cornell, 2014). This will quite ultimately make it easier for their team members or subordinates to respect the organizational policy regarding effective time management and ultimately result in enhanced quality for both products and services.

Research Questions

Various methods were used in collection of data to ascertain whether most organizational managers had been trained on proper time management methods (Sasaki & Hutchins, 2014). Data was thus gathered through the use of semi-structured observation and secondary data sources.

The researcher made use of information which had been collected by other people regarding time management. For instance, the researcher not only made use information from censuses but also made use of information which had been collected by the government departments as well as organizational records that had originally been collected for other purposes of research. The researcher made use of secondary data which were newspapers regarding the issue of time management skills among the managers. In order to collect the data, the researcher used friends from various libraries that collected newspapers which had titles to do with time management in Australia. The newspapers collected had to be between the years 2012 to the year 2017. 

The researcher observed managers in some of the best performing and worst performing companies in order to ascertain how effective they were in time management.

Based on the above discussions, it is quite apparent that managers are the best people that have to be trained on the importance of proper time management in the organization. This is attributed to the fact that they are the major people in the organization who can not only initiate change but also ensure that such change is effectively implemented. It was also found that time management is crucial for ensuring that an organization delivers quality products and services within the correct timeframes (Kellam et al, 2013). It was ascertained that organizational managers should always be trained and be trained constantly to ensure that they become aware of the modern skills that can be used in enhancing proper time management by all organizational stakeholders.

 It was realized that the lack of well trained organizational managers will quite ultimately make a company or a firm incur losses due to non-reinforcement of quality by managers to their juniors. Proper time management skills for the managers, it was ascertained, would play a significant role in the total success of the company because managers will have the relevant skills of ensuring that each and every subject is allocated tasks according to their specialty and delegate tasks to suitable employees. Proper time management skills and training for managers, it was revealed was quite essential for any successful company because it could ensure that employees are not only allocated the right tasks, but they are also allocated the right tasks at the right time and at the right place. The researcher took notes from the interviews which were later on analyzed.     

Based on the discussions above, it is quite apparent that there is great need for organizational managers to become well equipped with relevant training on proper time management. Having managers who are well versed with proper time management skills is quite essential because they will ensure that the same skills actually trickle down to people who are working under them. It can truly be ascertained based on the above discussions that total quality management is not the preserve of organizational leaders alone but rather, it is a collective responsibility of all the organizations personnel who must work together and cooperate as a team to make achievement of goals and objectives easier (Parasuraman, 2015). It was can truly be asserted that in order to enhance productivity as well as profitability, it is important for all organizations to ensure that the customer needs or requirements are well met or satisfied. The satisfaction of client needs and desires cannot be well achieved if the organizational managers lack proper time management skills. It is therefore important for companies across the world to ensure that their managers are properly trained on time management skills. 

Literature Review


Based on the above information, it can truly be ascertained that time management is an important aspect that should be embraced by all organizations in order to succeed. It has been ascertained that managers play an important role in ensuring that the quality of products and services offered by their respective companies are not only of high quality but are also capable of meeting the needs, requirements or aspirations of their respective customers. It is actually through the managers that the quality standards of an organization are either met or not met. Owing to that, it has been discovered that it is prudent to ensure that they are well trained in aspects of proper time management so that they can become in a better position of supervising their juniors to ensure that quality is not only achieved, but also achieved within the targeted time schedules or frames.

Training managers on proper time management is quite beneficial because it will enable them to effectively supervise their juniors and insist on meeting quality. It has been realized that that empowerment of managers through ensuring that they have proper training on proper time management is quite crucial in that it will enable effective coordination between managers who are team leaders and their employees (Yeo & Li, 2014). Effective time management by organizations plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of products and services offered by such organizations thus it is only through training managers in proper time management that the entire organization can have a collective spirit of embracing quality.

It is important for all organizations to become aware of the importance associated with quality and make efforts of ensuring that they are well trained on proper time management. This is because not only will it help them to effectively manage issues to do with Total Quality Management of their firms but also help in the reduction of time. This is quite true since embracing quality results in lowering of costs due to the reduction of defects. It is also important for all organizations to note that the achievement of total quality management is not a one man’s show that should be done by the management alone. Rather, attainment of quality should start in the boardroom and cannot be instilled into the organization without the commitment and initiative of an organization’s top management.

It is prudent for organizations to ensure that there is elimination of any numerical slogans, quotas, targets, and exhortation for its workforce and champion for the promotion of both continuous and sustained enhancement of processes as well as the quality of the output. Organizations should always aim at achieving quality in both the services and products that it offers to its clients. This is because the achievement of quality helps organizations to have both a value or price advantage over its competitors and also make it possible for it to charge higher prices through differentiation.

It is important for the leadership of organizations to understand that the attainment of Total Quality management is not the responsibility of managers alone. Rather, it should be a collective responsibility of all the people in the organizations. It is also important for organizational leaders to note the fact that there is a strong link and association between an organization’s financial performance and Total Quality Management. 


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