The Learning Process: Laws, Components, And Impact On Skills

Laws of the Learning Process


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Discuss about the Process of Learning.

Learning is the process in which people assimilate information which in turn leads to a change in the way in which they think and act. The learning process is continuous and does not stop when one becomes an adult. Learning can occur both formally when one is in class being taught by a teacher, or informally where one does not learn in a controlled environment such as at home in discussions. Learning is a process that requires the learners to have patience because it takes time (Jenkins, 2010).

There are six laws that have been given in regards to the learning process which I feel have greatly impacted the way I have been able to learn. First is the law of readiness. This law says that one must be mentally and physically ready to follow given instructions and they can only learn why they are ready to follow the instructions provided. The law of exercise asserts that the process of learning requires the learners to be active in mind and body. This enables the learners to learn by repetition and adequately respond to instructions provided (Gutierrez, 2014).

The law of effect states that people are motivated to learn when they gain feelings of satisfaction from what they achieve during the learning process. The law of association states that in the process of learner in case a learner receives new information, they compare this to the information they already possess. The law of recency speaks of the importance of repeating tasks in the learning process. Finally, the law of intensity asserts that real life experiences are very important in learning and these are the experiences that greatly contribute to permanent changes in human behavior (Gutierrez, 2014).

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The learning process that I have gone through has taught me different things. The critical components in the learning process that are of utmost importance include; the cognitive, metacognitive, and affective components. Cognitive learning is a learning component that is acquired through listening, reading, thinking, the process of relating information, memorizing, problem analysis, and the acquisition of psychomotor skills (Gregori, Torras and Guasch, 2012). It is a component that enables one to receive information and adequately process it.

The affective component involves the motivation that the learner has to begin and continue learning. This is shown both in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Prinz, 2004). This component is also inclusive of psychological attributes that may influence one’s learning process. These include; the ability to cope with different emotions, the presence of self-efficacy, and attribution styles.

Cognitive, Affective, and Metacognitive Components of Learning

The metacognitive component is also significant. It refers to how well the learner is able to learn. This component enables learners to process information acquired. In order to learn effectively, learners must identify their most favorable style of learning. Moreover, a learner needs to develop a plan that should be followed to guide in the learning activities. The plan aids in the evaluation and monitoring of the learning process. Monitoring the process enables learners to view their strengths in learning and capitalize on them as well as their weaknesses which they can then improve on (Crocker et al., 2013).

My learning experience has enabled me to gain all these skills which are vital in my everyday life, which I used when carrying out my business research, and which we will be used later in life in my career. Therefore, the learning process is very valuable to all human beings and it enables them improve the way they think and act for the better.

There are six main cognitive elements that I gained from the learning process that have come in very handy in my life. First, I gained skills on how to process information. These include spatial and sequential analysis of information. spatial analysis requires the use of order. Incidentally, it is vital in finding directions. On the other hand, organizing information in a sequential manner aids in timing activities. It is the skill that enables people to properly time their activities. This skill was very relevant when carrying out my business research in time management and in analysis of primary data (Clark and Harrelson, 2002).

The second skill is communication. Communication is carried out primarily by use of language (Rosengren, 2000). I learnt how to use language to express my personal opinions as well as read and listen to what other people are saying. Proper communication skills have enabled me to properly understand what is being taught and in discussions with fellow students. These skills have also aided me in relation with other students.

The third skill is higher order thinking. It enables people to receive information and then manipulate it to come up with different points of view and the right conclusion (Brookhart, 2010). This skill enables people to think creatively, analyze information, question information provided, and solve problems. This skill enables learners to reflect on their behavior and have self-mental management (Collins, 2014). It helps them to see things differently from other people and it is the skill that enables them to carry out things differently in society and bring in new innovations.

Impact of Learning Process on Critical Skills

The fourth skill that I gained through my learning is how to have a good memory. This is important because it enables people to receive information, store it in their minds and enables them to retrieve it when needed. People have different types of memories which are used in reference to different situations. These are the long, short, and medium-term memory. Vital information is mainly stored as a long-term memory (Baddeley, Eysenck and Anderson, 2015).

 The ability to pay attention is another vital skill that I learned (Rose, 2015). At first, it was easy to get distracted by different exciting things but with time I was able to pay attention even to issues I did not agree with, to hear the perspectives of other people. Finally, a skill that has proved very valuable to me since childhood is the skill of writing and that of typing. This is referred to as the graphomotor skill.

All these skills have impacted my life in a myriad of positive ways. When carrying out the business research, all these skills came in handy. The skills are important in my course because I need to always think critically when dealing with different challenges. Moreover, I am able to be creative in coming up with solutions. There is also need to be attentive in class as well as in group settings. There is also a need for memory to remember all the concepts I have learnt in the past and to connect them in the concepts we are currently studying to increase my comprehension level of different concepts.

The skills acquired in the learning process will also benefit my future career tremendously. In the professional setting, it is very important to communicate properly with peers, subordinates, and senior colleagues. The ability to receive information, analyze it, and respond appropriately is therefore very vital. The cognitive skill of paying attention will also come in handy especially in meetings. Moreover, it is vital that one remembers different things when working as a professional. Incidentally, it is important to remember the names of fellow employees, and tasks that need to be performed. The skill of time management will also be of much use.

It is therefore evident that the learning process makes lives easier. In life generally, these skills have enabled to interact and communicate with other people. They have also helped me to have a sense of direction and to manage time. The skills gained in the learning process have also aided me in making judgements on various matters by thinking critically and coming up with the most effective solution.

Knowing Your Learning Style and Creating a Personal Development Plan

My learning process occurred in the classroom with a teacher as well alone. In class, the teacher used interactive methods of teaching. This involved the use of questions which we were expected to answer as the lessons proceeded. Students who seemed to have lost attention were called upon to explain certain concepts that were being taught to bring back their attention. There were also practical activities that we used. Another tool that was incorporated in learning was the use of group discussions. Personally, I preferred to study literature on my own and then reflect back on it to ensure that all the concepts were understood. I also carried out practical activities on different issues that seemed difficult to comprehend to see how different results were achieved.

I have learnt that it is important for learners to know themselves and know the style of learning that works on them best. This will ensure that time is not wasted trying to grasp information with the use of styles of learning that do not suit them best. As a student and future professional I have learnt the importance of using a personal development plan to continually document how much I am learning.

Application of the Learning process in Relation to the Business Research

The business research required the use of very many skills acquired during the learning process. First, there was the need to use graphomotor skills in the creation of questionnaires to be used in the research process. Next, communication skills came in handy in the process of requesting people to fil in the questionnaires. Data received required analysis to draw insights that could be used in presenting the findings, drawing a conclusion, and making recommendations. This required the use of high order thinking skills. These include thinking critically and creatively (Sreejesh, Mohapatra, and Anusree, 2014).


It is very clear that the learning process is very important in all aspects of life. These include; everyday life, in learning institutions, and professionally. It is therefore paramount for the stakeholders in the department of teaching people about these tools to learn about how best to maximize the learning experience for maximum gain of the learners.


Baddeley, Eysenck, and Anderson. (2015). Memory. London.

Brookhart. (2010). How to Assess Higher-order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom.

Clark, and Harrelson.  (2002). Designing instruction that supports cognitive learning processes. Journal of Athletic Training.

Collins. (2014). Skills for the 21st Century: Teaching Higher-Order Thinking. Curriculum and Leadership Journal.

Crocker, Heller, Warren, O’Hare, Infantolino, and Miller. (2013). Relationships among Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation. Frontiers in human neuroscience.

Gregori, Torras, and Guasch, (2012). Cognitive Attainment in Online Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environments.

Gutierrez. (2014). The 6 Laws of Learning No Instructional Designer Can Afford to Ignore. [online] [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017].

Jenkins. (2010). Exploring the learning process. Teaching and Learning in Nursing.

Prinz. (2004). Gut reactions: A perceptual theory of emotion. Oxford University Press.

Rose. (2015). Why Attention Is Essential to Learning and The Formation of Memory. [online] [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017].

Rosengren. (2000). Communication: An Introduction. SAGE.

Sreejesh, Mohapatra, and Anusree. (2014). Business Research Method. Springer.