The Problem Of Reduction In Workforce Due To Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the major changes that has occurred in the 21st century and which has changed the whole scenario of workplace (Russell & Norvig, 2016). With more and more companies adopting the concept of artificial intelligence, there has been a constant deduction of manual workers. A number of benefits of artificial intelligence have made it a pro and possess advantageous benefits over the manual workload that employees possess. The report deals with the problem of reduction in workforce in various companies due to the formulation and implementation of artificial intelligence. The following paragraphs highlight the different aspects associated with the same.

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The case study here deals with the implications and benefits that the concept of artificial intelligence holds in the field of developing and programming in the software industries (Rich & Waters, 2014). With the advancement in the field of technological sector, more and more companies are promoting and shifting towards the field of artificial intelligence in the sectors of developing programmes and their execution. This helps the companies to achieve their targets within a stipulated effort and period. In contrast to manual labour, this gives better productivity and profit to the company making the work of both the workers and the authorities a lot easier (Schulz & Nakamoto, 2013). However, on a different scale, the employment of the concept of artificial intelligence has negative impacts on the workers of the organization who have limited and low capacity of talent. This addition of the technological advancement has posed a negative impact on the overall employment of the sector as a number of workers used to get under the shade of non-profit but still used to get away because of the fact that the companies needed more manual labour to do a task (Strohmeier & Piazza, 2015). The expense of artificial intelligence has increased by over three times by various companies leading to the acknowledgement that surely, this has taken the place of human labour in various sectors. 

With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence in 2016 and its development in 2018, the whole scenario of workplace has taken a positive turn (Flasi?ski, 2016). Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the level of intelligence that has been displayed by the machines in comparison to the human intelligence (Michalski, Carbonell & Mitchell, 2013). With better technological advancement, every company has the opportunity to serve their clients better with good work, quick result and a great customer satisfaction. The involvement of artificial intelligence in the different sectors of the organization has driven a number of workers into the realm of unemployment as in comparison to manual workers, artificial intelligence has made the whole work process very easy to execute. The employees who have a lower level of talent and who do not work with all their passion will be asked to leave the organization when their works will be done by the technology of artificial intelligence with perfection at a comparatively lesser time (Ford, 2013). With the development and introduction of better technological intelligence in machines, the machines are able to take better decisions in different matters related to workplace and strategies making it a bigger expense for the companies to hire and train humans for the same work. Rather the companies will be interested in spending more amount of their financial resources on the development and better implication of the concept of Artificial Intelligence as that can provide them with better productivity in a considerable less amount of time and effort. For the companies, Artificial Intelligence will help in receiving and understanding big data (IoT Data) and also to provide them with better customer service. The investment in artificial intelligence is worthy for the company as it brings a number of positive changes to the workings of the company within a short period. It is mandatory for an organization to develop continuously in the field of technical strategy and so the workings of the institution is highly dependent on the various technical advancements that has taken place since the beginning (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). With more and more companies starting to use more complex systems of technology that has pertained to the whole concept of advanced analytics and machine learned systems, the utilisation of manual labour in every sector has come to a standstill. According to the reports of IDC, digital transformation initiatives will be supported by the concept of Artificial Intelligence by 40% and the support for IoT initiatives will be done by 100% by the year 2019 (Anita & Abhinav, 2017). The whole concept of Information Technology will be changed by the development of DevOps and with its influence on the theory of Automation Technology (Bass, Weber & Zhu, 2015). The concept of Artificial Intelligence has a positive role on the software development and information technological development as the software programme developers will totally rely on the concept of technological advancements rather than relying on the manual labour done by the human mind. In this way, the more strategic tasks that require better human intervention will be done in an effective way by the human workers making the planning and execution of the whole task real quick and effective. It is absolutely not essential for the human brain to work on a regular basis and do the works that can be easily done by a machine which has the process embedded in them. However, it has been stated by the experts in the required field that in the recent years that most of the programming and developing tasks will be done by the technology of Artificial Intelligence and not by manual workers (Copeland, 2015). The development will take phase in four different phases namely Application Phase, Integration Phase, Self-Development Phase and Sublimation Phase. The main development of the concept will take place in programmes and not in developers field that requires expertise of manual labour that can be from any field related to the IT or even fields related to the fields of military and defence. The concept is worthy in the fields as it can provide better benefits to the overall sector making the process easier and hassle-free to achieve. This concept has a number of pros to the overall scenario which again is making the concept really feasible in the modern day world.

Benefits of AI and its Implications on Manual Workers

The changed vision in the direction of future state holds that Artificial Intelligence will take place of most of the employees working for the programming and development fields in the various sector of the organizations related to software and defence. The less talented employees will be expelled from services in lieu of the new advancement in technology.


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Figure: Change Vision

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the field related to software or even other sectors is a fresh change that has been welcomed here with all zeal. The implementation of the said technology in the said sectors requires some intervention process by the authorities to make the process smooth and easy to operate. As the development of the concept of Artificial Intelligence will take place according to the needs of the companies and their set goals, one of the most important ways to make the above-mentioned change happen is to manufacture and develop the chip that enables the application of the technology easier and more employee-friendly. The development of the chip should be done in such a manner that the programmes stored and executed by the said should not be easily accessible to the larger frame of audience so that no one can utilise the information stored in the chips in an inappropriate way (Augusto et al., 2013). The invention of the chip should be done in such a way that it can implement a constructive communication channel between the human mind and the machine intelligence in a positive way. The machine will imitate the level of human intelligence so that proper communication can be achieved. Another intervention that can be done by the associated companies and organizations is the development of the Artificial Neural Network that can stimulate the connection of the human brain cells to a great extent. With a signal to activate the neuron in a brain cell, an output is generated by the brain in a better way. The concept of associating memories and retaining the same also has its place that can influence the overall activities of the sector. The machine intelligence has the capacity to activate the neurons of the cells and make them work according to the inputs received by the human brain cells. These following interventions, if implemented in a proper way, is likely to surpass a little fraction of human intelligence in every field but will suely require manual modification to continue with the same. The whole concept of artificial intelligence will take a backseat if the modification process is not met at a proper rate. The intervention of the authorities is required at a greater level, as without the constant human participation, the completely accumulated techniques will end. No machine can compete with the human mind in terms of strategies and so proper manual interference in matters related to the works of artificial intelligence is of great value. With constant efforts, the level of machine intelligence has been achieved by the authorities and with proper and complete intervention of the same, it can attain great heights of success in the next 30 to 40 years. It has been expected that by then most of the organizations in the said sector related to software and programming will cater to the field of artificial intelligence instead of manual labour.

Digital Transformation and Automation Technology

One of the most pivotal interpretation is to store the information and facts listed in the systems that contain the forms of Artificial Intelligence in chips that is more user-friendly and accessible at the required time. The concept chip should be developed in such a framework that it enables proper security measures to the stored information that cannot be read by the normal audience who are operating the system in the search for information that should not be used professionally (Cellan-Jones, 2014).

The choice is justified on the basis that without proper privacy, any intervention of any of the features cannot be stated at a proper level. Privacy is the act of protecting the information and fact listed at a particular place with utmost intelligence so that no foul means can be applied to the state to make the information available for the people who donot have any professional inclinations for the same (Koontz, 2013). When a chip is manufactured followed by the concept of Artificial Intelligence, it is of pivotal importance to secure the chip as with the advancement of technology, the artificial intelligence can perform a number of tasks related to the important arenas of human mind, which needs to be well-protected to avoid any discrepancy.



1. Planning for a change

At the very outset of the idea, a plan is needed that will make sure about the changes that are going to happen. A meeting and planning for any change is required to make sure that the plans have no loopholes into it and is apt for the best interest of the company both in the shorter and longer period. Also, the plan should be done keeping in mind the positives and negatives of the phenomenon and the rate to which the plan will pose success against the regular plan that is being executed by the brand.

2. Buying the required devices

Buying the required technical devices for the changes is an essential step that will make sure that all the required elements are there in the change process. In case of Artificial Intelligence, the devices and technical requirements needed for the same has to be purchased from the outer source, which again has to be in accordance to the task the device is expected to perform.

3. Setting up and up gradation

Setting up and upgrading the technical devices is one of the major tasks that the associated employees are expected to perform. The work should be done by the experts of the required field and should be done within a stipulated period. Up gradation of the same should be done on a regular basis so to make the process easy to execute and very advanced in comparison to the manual process done by the regular workers of that stated organization.

4. Filtering the weak employees

Filtering of employees should be done on a regular basis to see which workers of the organization are suitable for the job stated and who are the ones that needs to be filtered out as they lack the required working capacity and talent. Weak employees should not be a part of any organization as they lack the capacity to deliver the target assigned to them and produce required profit for the organization.

5. Recruitment of employees who can cope up with the changes

Recruitment process should be done by the HR team in accordance to the needs of the company on a regular basis. With the introduction of the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the sector of programming and development, the employees should be recruited in a manner that can cope up with the changes taking place and have the capability to upgrade their level with the introduction of any new technical changes.

6. Giving training and developmental ideas to the plan

Training and development is one of the most important ways to train an employee and make that person work according to the needs of the company. Due to the vast importance of training, a number of training modules are to be developed by the company.

7. Using the new process for the development

The new process that has been installed should be made to use with immediate effect as that can make the whole working process easy to execute and within the limited time span.

Ethics are really important in any sector of development and so is the case with Artificial Intelligence. The development of Artificial Intelligence is on a major forward move and it is needed in our lives to perform the tasks better without much effort that can arise more productivity in the longer period. One of the ethical implication is to make the whole process of Artificial Intelligence free from bias and any discrepancy that can lead to results affecting the working of the organization. Even the ethical considerations of the persons performing and developing the technology should be stated well while making the changes in the organization.


According to the above analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of Artificial Intelligence is on a rolling spree that is likely to affect the overall sector of developing and programming software. This whole concept can eventually affect the employment of the organization of the sector by filtering out the weaker employees and retaining the employees who have higher level of knowledge in the concerned sector (Bostrom & Yudkowsky, 2014). The role of Artificial Intelligence is therefore major in modern world both for working and for development in accordance to technical advantage. 


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