The Role Of HR Manager In Developing A Healthy Organizational Atmosphere

Nature and Characteristics of HR Managers

Role of HR manager is very important in the case of understanding competitive advantages in the market (Lai et al., 2016). The HR plays an important role for developing healthy relationship between the employee and the employers in an organization.  It works to manage strategically the internal situation of an organization. Employee satisfaction and employee engagement in the workplace are the two major duties of the Human resource manager of an organization. According to Boehm, Kunze and Bruch (2014), using the motivational strategy the HR manager motivates the employees towards achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. Therefore, this can be said that in the current scenario, the role of HR manager is very important for developing the healthy internal atmosphere in an organization. The essay has shed light on nature and characteristics the nature and characteristics of HR. On the other hand, it has also discussed about the effective strategies in order to develop the public relationship in an organization. On the other hand, the study has shed light on the increasing the awareness among the human resource managers for bringing the evaluation in the business industry.

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As stated by Cascio (2018), after the introduction of modern technology in the business organization, the organizations are expanding their business in the fastest way. As its result, the rate of employment has been increased. Due to the increasing rate of employees in the organization named Tesco, the needs for managing the internal organizational situation has become more important. In order to manage the situation, Human Resource department has been introduced. The department has been introduced in the organizational structure, in order to reduce the financial and geographical barriers to developing the business (Story et al., 2014). With the introduction of HR department, different policies and strategies have been introduced by the business industry, which will be helping in the case of dealing with the issues regarding employer and employee relationship. Therefore, this can be said that Human Resource Department is needed to be developed in Tesco for developing the healthy atmosphere in the company.

As opined by Sikora and Ferris (2014), the Human resource department works to manage the selection and recruitment process. Therefore, by providing attractive job requirement ads, they try to attract the appropriate candidate. From the applied candidate, the HR manager selects the appropriate candidate required for the vacant post and company. As, this is a very important responsibility of the manager. Therefore this can be said that the main quality which is needed for the HR is the observing quality. According to Kerzner and Kerzner (2017), the person should be expert in the case of identifying the quality and ability to the candidate to whom they are going to select. With the help of good communicational skill, the person should maintain healthy relationship with its employees so that they will feel free to discuss their problems with the HR.

Effective Strategies for Developing Public Relationship in an Organization

Another way, Boon and Kalshoven (2014) stated that if the HR manager of the company will have the quality of integrity, this will attract the employees towards the person. The manager needs to be transparent to the employees about the rules and responsibility of them. On the other hand, HR manager is a true leader. Therefore, the person should have strong personality so that employees will treat the person as leader. By maintaining the leadership quality, Human resource manager of the company motivates the employees towards achieving the goals and objectives of the company. The most important quality of HR manager is, the person should be compassionate towards the employees so that the person will be able to understand the problems and needs of them.

People management strategies are very important in the case of managing the business activities. As stated by Saha et al., (2016), people management strategies are as important as the Marketing, Finance and Sales strategies. These all strategies are being influenced by the public strategy. In this study, it has been highlighted that in order to bring the development in an organization, the public management strategies adopted by the HR are also very important. Although there are various public management strategies in an organization, in this essay five important public management strategies have been highlighted. Recruitment and selection are the important public management strategy of an organization because it impacts in the Ultimate outcome of a business organization (Nataraja and Alamri, 2016). The HR plays an important role to higher the appropriate candidate required for the post. This is a critical process because depending on this the organizational growth gets influenced. To understand the recruitment process, the HR needs to focus on understanding the responsibilities, skills, knowledge, culture and core competencies, which are required for the job.

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According to Ali et al., (2015), training and development are considered as another important people management strategy. By monitoring the employee performance, the organization gets to know about the capability of employees. Human resource manager also identifies the weak employees, who are not being able to compete with their co-workers. After monitoring them, the company provides special training for improving their performance quality. This procedure is very fruitful for the organization to increase the confidence of the employee as well as it helps to improve the rate of productivity.

As stated by Kaufman (2015), employee engagement is another important factor to motivate their work. By involving the employees in the decision making process, the Human Resource manager helps the organization to get the loyal employees. On the other hand, if the employees will be involved in the decision making process, this increases their faith towards the organization. Depending on the performance quality the HR manager provides different rewards and incentives to the employees this is another smart strategy taken by the department to increase productivity. Here the study has discussed, by introducing opportunities and promotions, the employees get motivated. In order to implement the strategy, the organization provides different holiday trips for the employees against achieving a particular goal. By following this process, the organization gets the chance to increase its productivity as well as encourages the employees. Hence, this can be said that rewards an recognition are the smartest process to bring the organizational development.

Importance of People Management Strategies

In the current scenario, the people management tools have brought the higher level of impact in the business industry. In order to introduce development in the organization, different people management tools have been introduced. It has been identified that ‘Labor Time tracker’ is an effective tool by which the physical time sheet can be maintained (Goffin and Mitchell, 2016). It is responsibility of the company to provide flexible working hours to the employees so that the balance between the work and life can be maintained. By using time tracker, the working hours are being measured by the company. If it will be found that the employee has worked more than the working hours, the person will be provided extra payment. On the other hand, in this study, “Visual HR metrics’ is another important tool, which helps to indicate the rate of success and failure of the employees (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

 As stated by Jarzabkowski and Kaplan (2015), through this tool, the HR directly access the dash board for getting the real time report of performance quality of the employees. Mobile HR apps is another effective tool. Using this analytical software, the employees get the chance to maintain their performance record as well as the attendance. On the other hand, using this app absence requests and less time dealing regarding issues can be handled. By using this tools, the HR will be directly connected with the employees. On the other hand, this will also increase the attention of the employees towards their responsibility. People management tools help the organization to analyse employee performance. As the tool helps to interact with the employees directly, therefore, this can be said that by using this the HR gets to know about issues and conflicts among the employees. Depending on the requirements, HR manager of an organization takes strong step.

As the role of HR is very important for developing internal environment of an organization, therefore, this can be said the organization should be aware of the importance of HRM and SHRM activities. SHRM stands for ‘Society for Human Resource Management’, which is considered as the world’s largest professional society for HR. Total number of 285,000 members from 165 countries, control the procedure (Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). However, in the current scenario, most of the organizations are not aware of the responsibilities of HRM and SHRM. The aim of this management systems is to increase the financial condition on global business industry by involving the employees, positive way. On the other hand, this can be said that this is very effective in the case of increasing the effectiveness of Human resource management in the organization for achieving the goals and objectives. In order to increase awareness about HRM and SHRM activities in an organization, different workshops can be done (Chang, 2016). On the other hand, through campaigns, the importance of HR in an organization informed to the people. If the educational organizations incorporate the responsibility of HRM and SHRM, this can also be aware the people about its concept.

Importance of People Management Tools

After analysing the entire essay, I have identified that implementation of HR practices are very important in the case of a large organization. HRM practices are inter connected with the Health and personal care of the employees. I believe that HR practices impacts on the efficiency of the employees. In the case of improving the performance quality of the employees, the HR provides training to them. This has helped me to understand that through this HR practices, the company gets the chance to increase its efficiency and productivity. In the case of large organization, the HR practices are more transparent compared to the others small organizations. Depending on the HR practices, skill candidates are being attracted towards the company. Therefore, this can be said that the company needs to focus on improving its HR practices. On the other hand, I have identified that the recruitment and selection process of an organization is being controlled by the HR.

As this is an important component, which directly impacts on the outcome of the company, therefore this can be said that the HR manager plays an important role to choose the proper candidate. Through the ads in social media and newspapers, the job vacancy related information is being provided by the HR. I have analysed that after getting the application from the candidates, depending on the skills and qualification the appropriate candidates are being selected. On the other hand, in the case of rewards and recognitions, the HR manager provides the deserved employees different such as holiday trip or bonus offers. Hence, after analysing the entire study, it has been analysed by me that by implementing the HR practices in the organization, it will be able to achieve its goals and objectives.


In the above study it can be concluded that role of HR manager is very important for achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. It has also been identified in this study that the HR manager plays an important role in improving the relationship between employee and employers. Therefore this can be said that through this HR practices the organization will be able to increase its efficiency as well as the productivity. Here the study has focused on different people management strategies adopted by the HR manager, which are effective in the case of bringing the organizational growth. On the other hand, using the tools how the people management practices can be developed has also been discussed. Therefore, this can be said that by using this process the organization will be able to monitor the performance of the employees. On the other hand, in order to aware people about the practices of HRM and SHRM, the study has provided the different suggestion. By following this, the organization will be able to properly implement HR practices in the workplace.

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