The Significance Of Missio Dei In Enriching Human Life Through Christianity

Significance of Missio Dei for Church

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Missio Dei gives the essence of human life enrichment by practicing Christianity, which can be increased by enhancing the amount of churches globally. Missio Dei means, “sending of God”, which indicates the preachers need to follow the definition of missional church. In this essay, the significance of churches for practicing Christianity and the idea of Missio Dei will be explained. The ideas of incarnational practice, soteriology, christiology and ‘doctrine of Trinity’ and incarnational mission will be explained. The ideas will relate with the blessings of communities and cross-cultural benefits so that more individuals get the essence of divine nature of God.

Missio Dei is the theological term that has originated from Latin Christianity, which in English is known as “mission of God” or the “sending of God”. From the second half of 20th Century, the concept of missiology has come into dominance. Hartenstein was the first person who introduced the term “Missio Dei”. The term was initially not included into the “doctrine of Trinity”. According to Gill (2014), Trinity defines God in three different perspectives, which are ‘Father’, ‘Son’ and ‘Holy Spirit’. In the past half of 20th Century, the mission of God was not so much decisive, but with the extension of time, more amount of Churches were established with which Christianity started to expand all over the world. The message of God was not restricted to the responsibility of the Church, but with the persons who restored faith within themselves. The church was considered to be only the area or the medium through which message could be conveyed. The persons who are responsible for spreading Christianity are Bishop, Priest, Nun and Archbishiop. These people are considered to be the agent of God and restore the responsibility of spreading Christianity.

Spreading of Christianity is not an actual activity of Church, but the activities are restored within such people who have faith within themselves. The people who have faith within themselves are the sole person who has the essence of life and existence of humanity. According to Vanhoozer (2013), God never acts as the motive of spreading Christianity, but the disciples bestow faith within themselves who carry out Christianity all over the world. On the other hand, Kang (2015) pointed out that Christianity could be spread to such individuals who have faith within themselves. Individuals who love themselves retains the message of God within them and therefore they act is spreading more concepts of Christianity in the communities. Therefore, it can be said that Christianity concept can be only spread within such area where the essence of humanity is restored. People, who love the acceptance of divinity, are the sole person who can spread more concepts of Christianity.

Soteriological Terms, Cultural Terms, and Ecclesiastical Terms are Main Pillars of Theology

According to Oborji (2016), Christianity is the purest form of religion, which does not force any individual to be converted. The amount of conflict and disrespect is the lowest in Christianity. Therefore, it can be said that the amount of Christianity conversion will be highest in Christian religion.  If individuals are forced to be converted then differences in communities will raise conflict. Reimer (2013) pointed out that Christianity religion devotes peace within its disciples. God does not preach disrespect among its disciples, but encourages hearing the problems in their lives. Thus, it can be said that Christianity will not let any individual to be deviated with false rituals.

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According to Okesson (2015), the agent of God with respect to “Missio Dei”, must have the in-depth knowledge of Christianity. Missiological Criteria denotes that individuals have the opportunity to change their religion into Christianity without changing their culture. Cultural context does not hinder the individuals to be converted into Christian. Tan (2012) pointed out that “mission of God” is to bestow faith within individuals, which can be delivered by the Missiological Criteria. The Bishops and Pastors deliver this criterion to the individuals at every Friday. This can be said that the individuals who deliver Christianity theory do not have the required knowledge, as The Bible has a huge amount of concepts.

Skreslet (2012) pointed out that the amount of churches are increasing globally, which defines that the amount of individual conversion into Christianity are increasing. This is only happening because individuals do not have to change their culture with the change in religion. On the other hand, Bartlotti (2013) pointed out that “Missio Dei” though relates to the concepts of Christian Theology, but the conveyer in churches does not have the required knowledge of Christianity. As a result, many individuals are not getting the essence of divine power. Furthermore, Gallagher (2014) pointed out that members of Church conveys the message of God by using several lectures, seminars, meetings and by delivering leaflets around the society. Thus, it can be said that the amount of Christianity conversion has increased a lot where they has got the actual essence of life, faith and peace.

According to Loades (2013), the mission of God is divided into variety of ways, among which soteriological terms, cultural terms and ecclesiastical terms are the main pillars of theology. The soteriological terms       refer to saving the individuals from external damnation. Individuals who are converted into Christianity are getting the assistance from divine sources so that they are protected from any harm and for this, they do not need to change their culture and customs. According to ecclesiastical category, expansion of church helps in the formation of new communities who are having the best knowledge of Christianity (Gill 2014). Finally, according to cultural terms, individuals are to be included from South and East to get the blessings and privileges from Christian West.

The Importance of Churches in Spreading Christianity

According to Vanhoozer (2013), the “mission of God” is not the stallion activity of Church but it is actually the result of initiative taken by God so the individuals are healed and their purpose is restored. The word ‘mission’ means ‘sending’, which denotes the description of God’s purpose so that individuals carry out the mission of faith restoration within the divine nature of human history. On the other hand, Kang (2015) pointed out that The Biblical message is rather more radical and inclusive so that individuals get more interest in Christianity. The picture of Jesus Christ is not the actual nature of the “goal of the Gospel”, but it acts as the instrument or witness to influence human concept on Christianity. The missionary churches in the communities influence the motivation of getting more identify about the divine nature of God.

“Missio Dei” has a great significance for the church. This is because Church is the only location through which the voice of God can be reached to individuals (Oborji 2016). The translators try to inculcate the knowledge of Christianity by speaking more about the contribution of God. The preachers do not describe the complex nature of The Bible in the most efficient way as they lack in knowledge. Therefore, the true essence of “Missio Dei” needs to be learnt by the preachers. This can be increased with the increase in number of Churches. According to Reimer (2013), “A working definition of missional church is a community of God’s people that defines itself, and organizes its life around, it’s real purpose of being an agent of God’s mission to the world”. Therefore, it can be said that missional churches creates the obligated destiny of faith among the individuals. The “mission of God” flows though believer of community that adheres to the faith of Jesus. With the extension of community and intercultural differences, Christianity will act as the string of bonding among different peoples (Sanou 2013). The integrated relationship between soteriology, christiology and ‘doctrine of Trinity’ will displace the versions of ‘doctrine of grace’ among the individuals, which can be entertained by the increase in number of Churches. The argument of incarnational mission is justified by the increase in Churches. The following and imitating of Jesus will help in devoting peace within oneself and thus the quality of existence will be enriched through the broad scope of centrifugal missional practices (Verster 2015).

Mission of God is Result of Initiative Taken by God for the Betterment of Humanity

As described earlier, the missiological criteria can be figured out in the following “Father-son-spirit”. Three main pillars, which are father, son and spirit, have described the concept God and these are to be restored with the individuals who transform their religion into Christianity. This structure will be described according to “Appendix 1”, where it can be found that missional God sends ideas to missional church and then finally to global orientation where individuals are transformed through the God’s spirit. The mission is the incarnational practice of church where individuals get motivated about the essence of purity. According to Sanou (2015), church and missions are not separate entities. Only through the emergence of churches, individuals get in contact with God. Often it is found that individuals try to escalate their lifestyle issues in the churches to seek help from the prophets. At the time of addressing the issues, the preachers convey the essence of Christianity and the several theories of missional criteria. If the preachers of Christianity are able to deliver the best idea of God, then surely the individuals will be satisfied as God tries to save individuals from eternal damnation (Yong 2014).

Historical salvation, amenity and faith enhances the lifestyle of individuals. According to Kim (2016), People who have lost the essence of life, who have failed to gain faith and significance of religion, will be satisfied by the helping hand of God. Missio Dei communities enriches existence of life by preaching the biblical story. According to this story, the individuals act as a family, where God is the father. God cares his children and protects them from damnation. Individuals in the communities act as brothers and sisters, which acts as the opportunity of being the part of each other’s lives (Kim 2013). In this way, hatred and frustration among each other lives will be reduced.

Through the Missionaries, Jesus sends out blessing to the churches to engage and bless the communities all over the world. The churches act as the locations, where individuals get the idea of Christianity and communion with the almighty. The gospel is to be affirmed and established in substantial, understandable customs by individuals who are following Jesus (Ross 2014).  God has entitled individuals to be energetically occupied in His enduring toil in this planet and will cuddle this realism as a ‘put into practice’ on the lives of individuals. This aspect of mission is not thought to be the exemption to being, but the innate reaction to who God is and what He has done or is doing for the individuals (Stewart 2013). Thus, it can be said that emergence of churches will help in relating the essence of Christianity among the different classes of people, which will increase the possession of faith and love among individuals.

The Role of Missional Churches in Community-Building


While concluding it can be said that Missio Dei or the “mission of God” can be only enhanced by increase in churches. A church will act as the medium of giving message of God within several communities. It has been also found that churches will consist of several preachers of Christianity who will poses the believes of Gods. Missio Dei gave the idea of Missiological Criteria, which indicated that  individuals can change their religion into Christianity without changing their own traditional culture. It can be said that with the increase in number of churches, more individuals will get to know about the divine nature of God. When individuals will get to know about the fact that own culture need not be changed for getting converted into Christian, then surely more amount of individuals will get the essence of divine nature of God. On the other hand, it can be said that when communities find that there is different culture for same religion, and then conflict may arise in the society in future. It is sure that with extension of churches, Missiological Criteria will be enlarged in different parts of the nation. Thus, the significance of church regarding Missio Dei is justified as it has been found that only by the extension of churches more individuals can be converted into Christianity.

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