The Use Of Intranet In Business Communication: A Case Study Of Nursing Division In Singapore General Hospital

Purpose and Audience

Discuss About The Use Of Intranet In Business Communication.

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Intranet has contributed much significantly in developing the current business communication process. It is one of the most convenient and cost-effective communication tools that help in developing the organisational strategic functionalities (Uysal, 2016). The study would concentrate on exploring the usage of intranet in business communication process in nursing division of Singapore General Hospital (SGH). It has implemented the intranet solutions for training and delivery of each update through the e-learning modules. The clear elaboration of the purpose and the selected audience would be discussed in this study. The clarified ideas about the segment would strengthen the enriched knowledge about the significance of intranet use in business field.

Intranet is much useful tool in a business context. It acts as the communication hubs for the internal staffs. According to Sisko Maarit Lipiäinen, Ensio Karjaluoto, and Nevalainen (2014), intranet helps the businesses to store the corporate information, including staff news, memos, and important announcements. It ensures that the staffs also receive the frequent access to this important information. Nursing Division of Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has been concentrating widely on distributing the training and developing session by improving internal communication with the staffs. The intranet is used as one of the most effective tools for transmitting the information among the internal employees. The intranet solution is utilized for training the nurses in an efficient and cost effective way by sharing the information rapidly and leveraging the experiences of the associated nurses (ul Haq, Drogendijk & Holm, 2017). SGH has been expanding the use of intranet over the period by collecting sufficient funds. This cost-effective business communication process has helped SGH to become more successful. The business operations became much smoother that is leading towards success. There are some of the specific benefits derived from the intranet usages. The following advantages are extracted from the use of intranet.

  • Collaboration
  • Information flow
  • News update
  • Business communication
  • Networking
  • Employee Training
  • Mentoring
  • Communicating culture
  • Discussion
  • Updating procedures and policy
  • Up to date materials

The study would provide the insightful knowledge regarding the use of the intranet by stating the purposes. The appropriate communication methods and activities will be discussed in this study to develop the understanding regarding the business communication process.

The purpose of this report is to develop the clarified understanding regarding the effective use of the intranet as the most effective and cost saving business communication tool in SGH. The study also attempts to identify the method of delivering the effective training process and establishing the transparent communication process.

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The Significance of Intranet in Business Communication

The objective of the research is to investigate the benefits of intranet use for establishing the fruitful business communication process. In fact, the objective of the study is to understand the effectiveness of the intranet use for delivering the effective training process for the associated employees.

In order to identify the helpfulness of the intranet use, the study was conducted among the employees and managers of 500 businesses in Hong Kong. The major focus of this research was to investigate how intranet helped the businesses in Hong Kong for achieving the business success. The nursing department of Singapore General Hospital is mostly focused for developing knowledge on this particular segment. The implementation of the intranet solution for developing efficient business communication process is identified in this research process.

According to McNeely et al., (2018), intranet is the powerful networking hub, which connects the employees within an organisation and delivers the useful information related to the professional segmentations. In today’s world, the technological advancements have become a major part of the business activities. Intranet is one of the most fruitful business tools to deliver the significant training session to the employees (Liaw et al., 2014). It also helps those employees to achieve the determined success. Intranet is conceptualized as the power player in the effective delivery of the internal updates, communication between employees, necessary updates, or technological training to develop the synchronized and successful business functionalities (Hairston & Nafukho, 2015). If the employees communicated through using the printed document, it creates impact on the production value. The business stakeholders can easily communicate with the external clients and structure the business functions accordingly. It is notable that the business communication consists of horizontal and vertical communication, which is sometimes quite difficult (Fallon & Brown, 2016). However, intranet makes it much simpler since it creates the specific channel based on the organisational needs.

Intranet creates the information flow from one department to another and sometimes from one office to another. Many of the multinational corporations use the intranet for establishing the internal network by connecting the computers that are protected by firewalls and other antivirus hardware and software (Baptista et al., 2017). The business professionals view intranet as the most effective tool to mentor the employees and motivate them to perform with more skillfulness. They become more skilled in performing the organisational functionalities. The effective mentorship delivered through intranet develops the professional efficiency among the employees that would help them achieving their business targets. Moreover, the employees who have already gained the experiences can also share their experiences with other employees to make them more skilled (Men, 2014). Intranet helps in sharing such information and enhancing their performance productivity with better technological help. The following communication method and activities through intranet are much helpful for the employees within an organisation.

Benefits of Intranet Use

In past few years, the business companies have changed the business processes drastically. It has been observed that the employees deal with more advanced communication tools and methods for improving the business functions and their work efficiency. Responsive IC is one of those fundamental shifts identified in the internal communicational process among the employees of the organisation (Capriotti, 2017). This cost-effective business communication process has helped SGH to become more successful. The business operations became much smoother that is leading towards success (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The responsive IC updates the employees and receives the feedback to make the necessary modifications in the internal processes of the organisation. This transmission of the responses is developed through the intranet process.

  • Video

The video presentation is another most successful approach established through intranet to train the employees. It is noticeable that the exploding YouTube is one of the most usable tools for developing internal organisational activities (Liaw et al., 2014). Employees become more knowledgeable when they get the proper demonstration of the techniques and business methods used for achieving the success. However, development of the video presentation demands a bit of investment upfront, but the information amount and internal brand strength are much difficult to imitate the function by other competitors (Llopis, Gonzalez, & Gasco, 2005). It develops the higher level of internal communication by creating the information flow from one department to another. The larger companies use this technique to train the employees in a more skillful way.

  • Print

The internal communication process is developed through the printing method, which increases the quality of work (Sisko Maarit Lipiäinen, Ensio Karjaluoto, and Nevalainen, 2014). The printing method is not so much in practice these days, but it has the most efficient method of developing internal communication (Zwick, 2015). If the employees communicated through using the printed document, it creates impact on the production value. The proper use of the print media sometimes leads towards the huge creation costs, but much effective for the employees to ensure the higher focus towards the business requirements (Proctor, 2017).

The above methods are quite helpful for the organisation to develop the better communication process. Moreover, it would provide the better solutions for establishing transparent communication and deliver the efficient training for the employees.

The development of the fruitful communication is not the only process for developing better internal functionalities (Liaw et al., 2014). The delivery activities are equally important. Intranet suggest such delivery process with proper ease and ensures the derive benefits in a significant way. It is noticeable that it helps to maintain internal updates, communication between employees, necessary updates, or technological training to develop the synchronized and successful business functionalities (Michalski, 2014). The business professionals perceive intranet as the most effective tool to mentor the employees and motivate them to perform with more skillfulness. They therefore identify the most useful process of delivering the knowledge to the employees with the help of the intranet technologies (Rusdi et al., 2017).

  • Publishing

Communication Methods and Activities for Effective Communication

The business professional publish the different documents and the business status through which the employees derive the knowledge about the future functionalities that are needed to be undertake (Hairston & Nafukho, 2015). These published documents provide the insightful knowledge about the internal techniques and investment process. Publishing these documents is much beneficial for the internal staffs to work accordingly for meeting their targets.

  • Emails

The business companies integrate the business contents with the email services. The email process is the most useful method of distributing the information among the employees. The employees are always connected with the internal system through email process (Baptista et al., 2017). The business professionals often require deliver the information instantly in which email process works much significantly. Hence, it can be implied that the personnel in Singapore General Hospital can implement the email process for flowing the information among the internal employee.

The nursing division of Singapore General Hospital requires updated information through the e-learning modules, which would help in providing the continuous training. The on-the-job training process would be much beneficial in such context. The experienced nurses would also be able to help the junior nurses through the e-learning process. The visual demonstration of the internal activities helps the nurses to develop their ideas about the use f the nursing technologies for treating the patients and scheduling their activities (Hairston & Nafukho, 2015). The technological equipments used in the hospital need the association of the trained staffs. The intranet helps in providing the visual demonstration for using these technologies.

  • Arrangements of the Discussion Group

Arranging the discussion group by gathering the associated staffs in which the more advanced method of e-learning would be used. The employees from different branches would be able to join in this discussion through the computer intranet facilities. The network would connect the staffs from different location (Sisko Maarit Lipiäinen, Ensio Karjaluoto, and Nevalainen, 2014). It ensures that the staffs also receive the frequent access to this important information. The staffs would receive the necessary information about the functionalities adopted within the hospital for providing better treatment to the service users.

The intranet solution is utilized for training the nurses in an efficient and cost effective way by sharing the information rapidly and leveraging the experiences of the associated nurses. With the help of the discussion and development of the intranet solutions, the staffs would receive the necessary training process in terms of using the medical equipment (Liaw et al., 2014). It is one of the most helpful techniques to develop the more advanced method of using the latest technologies.

Delivery Process for Effective Communication


The study develops the clear understanding regarding the effective use of intranet to establish the transparent and efficient internal business communication in Singapore General Hospital. In addition to this, the study also develops the idea about the significant if intranet in providing the effective training session to the employees associated with this hospital. The study depicts that intranet creates the information flow from one department to another and sometimes from one office to another. Nursing Division of SGH has been expanding the use of intranet over the period by collecting sufficient funds. The effective mentorship delivered through intranet develops the professional efficiency among the employees that would help them achieving their business targets. It is noticeable that it helps to maintain internal updates, communication between employees, necessary updates, or technological training to develop the synchronized and successful business functionalities. The intranet solution is utilized for training the nurses in an efficient and cost effective. It helps widely in sharing the information rapidly and leveraging the experiences of the associated nurses.


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