Toyota: A Case Study Of Quality, Innovation, And Efficiency In The Automobile Industry

Toyota: A Global Presence in the Automobile Industry

The report will discuss in detail about Toyota which is one of the best known for its best quality vehicles in car and truck category. The company is working in twenty-six countries for sale in more than one hundred and sixty markets all across the world (Khuong and Chau, 2017). The production all across the world was almost eleven million in the year 2015.

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An important part of the success of the company is its strong commitment and dedication to curetting perfect designs, manufacturing cars in the world where it can be sold. In the country like Europe, there is production policy which was introduced around 1989 and the Toyota motor foundation was set up in the UK and along with one manufacturing unit in Europe, and other car plants and engine factory in another part of the world (Khuong and Chau, 2017). In the year 2004, the company made an investment of almost fifty million pounds to enhance the capacity of production at some parts. In the year 2009, the company made Burnaston as a leader in power models and further goes on to build a version for a hatchback from the year 2010. In the year 2011, the company also made an investment of hundred million pounds was further announced to manufacture more advanced hatchback and vehicles which also includes different versions of different kind of body styles. As an outcome, the company also added valuable new jobs, with additional business as well as employment get advantage from various supplier firms. The company always believed in maintaining qualities like innovation, safety, durability and great kind of styles are considered some of the factors that attract so many people and wait for the new product arrival from the company (Lecomte and Toyota, 2016). Technology can be the bit confusing to many people who are comfortable with it and with so many options it can add to their confusion. The customer review of the company is also very helpful in understanding the performance of the vehicles launched by the company. The company is considered as only automobile company to hold different status as one of the bestsellers for a very extended period which is considered very impressive, and it is one of the many reasons that lead the customers to choose the model again and again (Lecomte and Toyota, 2016). As per the number of automobile companies the company has included following features recently:  

  1. In 2016, the company included IIHS in cars like Camrys which is considered as a leading safety pick along with features like operational front crash and prevention features.
  2. Also, in the same year, more than ninety percent of Camry’s was sold in a decade and are still found on the road (Lecomte and Toyota, 2016).
  3. In 2016 only the care came under the category of Kelley Blue Book Best Buy Award and further become the finalist.  
  4. The US news as well other new portals across the world termed this car as best in midsize category and value for money (Edirisooriya et al., 2016).

Toyota’s Strong Commitment to Design and Innovation

Therefore Toyota Camry is one of the most renowned automobile manufactured by the company; consumer also feels quite sure and confident while buying any new car from the company. The company has always been identified for manufacturing safe as well as durable vehicles of every kind. Following are some of the recognition and awards for the same:

  1. The company is considered as longest and everlasting vehicles of any kind.
  2. The brand is also recognized as one of the most trusted brands in the same category.
  3. The company is also first to introduce no-cost maintenance plan.
  4. In the year 2016, the company received the best overall value awards (Cummings, 2016).

Every vehicle introduced by Toyota is perceived to be best for reliability, safety, and a long lasting solution with great value. However, the needs are also changing among the drivers, and they are expecting more in terms versatility and efficiency regarding fuel.  The level of commitment towards innovation, the company is one of the best and is considered as a leader in manufacturing vehicles that utilizes different options in energy sources without sacrificing any important characteristics that make the experience more pleasurable. The company is also considered as the most popular company in the world along with sales of different other hybrids present in the market at the current time. Prius car from the company is considered one of the important models which are being sold since the year 2005 and are still in usage. Moreover, the Mirai model of the company in 2017 is a car that utilizes different kinds of fuel cells to function on hydrogen as well as get fantastic 312 EPA (Albino et al., 2016). The company is also a proud family of many cars which are award winning and it is expected this car will follow the tradition and also earn many praises and awards. An automobile like Mirai is supposed to follow the tradition and earn the lot of praises and award that is presented as the future of energy efficient cars. The producers also take pride in the capacity to present consumers with high style and also the dependability that is searching for at a time when they are in the market for high-quality vehicles.  

The company production systems which is also called as TPS is believed in the concept of the eliminating every kind of waste based on aspects of manufacturing in pursuits of the becoming one of the most efficient ways to trace the roots. The TPS is in existence for many years, and method trial and error was used to enhance the effectiveness of methods which is considered as a Just in Time concept which was developed by the founder of the company (Albino et al., 2016).

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Toyota: A Leader in Manufacturing Safe and Durable Vehicles

Waste can be taken as one of the excess inventory and also in certain cases is part of extraneous processing methods in another kind of cases, and there are defective cases also in certain situations. All kind of waste and element associated with it create more amount of waste which in the end also impacts the overall management of the corporation. There is a loom called automotive loom which was invented by the founder, Sakichi Toyoda which is used for automated work but also works by manual performance but also manufactures the capacities to form a judgment into the machine itself (Wu et al., 2016). Elimination of defective pieces of product and the related wasteful functions, the founder found success in improving the productivity as well as the efficiency at work. The founder who also follows the philosophy of analysis and a belief that in an ideal kind situation for building things are built when machines and other facilities in which employees work to add some efficiency and value without much waste (Hamazaki et al., 2016). There are tools and techniques for removing the waste between different functions and also exist between the processes and lines. The outcomes were based on Just-in-Time process. While working on the concept improvement on the routine basis and also positive thinking lead to the right products, the TPS become one of the best production systems. Also, all the division of Toyota is also based on improvement to the system TPS to make sure that there is evolution constantly. In the recent time, the company believes in making things which are considered as the way of Toyota, and the company has also adopted different companies inside Japan but also within the circumference of the automobile industry (Milner et al., 2016). However, the production activities are happening in different parts of the world, and it continues to evolve on an international level. The range and interests of the company are not only limited to the automobile sector. It goes beyond it and also has textile weaving company and the company also expanded in prefabricated housing concept with right kind of telecommunication and boatbuilding (Hamazaki et al., 2016).  In Europe, the production function continues to develop and in the year 2005 building of Aygo city car started at new factories in places like the Czech Republic. A new joint venture is also formed between PSA Peugeot Citroen and Toyota along with an engine plant established in Poland which came on stream in manufacturing of various new generations of diesel engines (Duan and Chiang, 2016).


The company will now have to focus on certain things like consolidated management on the international scale, and the company must increase the power of the workplace and diversity in the usage of human resources and further strive to nurture international human resource. Moreover, to consider safety as the main priority, the company must enforce some compliance which will include several observations of regulations and laws. At the same time also participate actively in many other social activities (Anderson, 2016).


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