Transformational Leadership And Employee Psychological Well-Being: A Literature Review And Mixed Methods Study

Evaluate the literature review conducted for this research article

Discuss about the Transformational Leadership And Employee Psychological Well-Being.

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This section will be discussed for making the proper evaluation on the literature review of the given article. The article suggests and focuses on the effects of leadership coaching on the several leaders. It has highlighted on the various facts of providing the proper coaching to the leaders, managers and the people who hold the executive ranks within the organization (Robertson 2016). This article has put its light on the effectiveness of the leadership methods and collaboration between the leaders and the subordinate members of the team. It has become quite clear from the particular study that the leaders will have to provide the proper training so they can work according to the needs of the organization and its objectives (Robertson 2016).

The commitment of the employees will have to be judged by the leaders and design the action plan properly (Lee 2017). The study also says that the leaders will have to interact with the subordinates and approachable to them. This will increase the trust of the subordinates on the leaders. It is very clear from the study that the leaders have to practice the self-efficacy and this will be highly important for the organization to get the best from the leaders (Lee 2017).

The factor of the return on investment has been very high from the financial perspective as well. The use of the 360 degree feedback and the systematic coaching system has been very much important for the growth of the leadership capabilities of the people. The presence of the self-awareness among the leaders is indeed a huge ask (Ladegard and Gjerde 2014). This is why the leaders have to be always ready on how they can enhance their skills and provide their organizations with a better chance to guide their team towards the organizational success (Lee 2017). The study has revealed the fact that all the managers and leaders who have worked with the respective coaches have always made improvements in their quest to be the successful managers.

The impact of the training on the leaders and managers has been so high that the organizational productivity has risen as well. The purpose of the study has been to find out if the coaching on the managers can yield better outcomes for the organization in particular (Ladegard and Gjerde 2014). The coaching sessions for the managers have been really effective in building the self-awareness and self-efficacy of the managers. The leadership development is indeed a very interesting issue and the leadership coaching process has really been an effective tool for handling these issues (Adams 2016).

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This article uses mixed methods. Describe the characteristics of this research design and evaluate its appropriateness.

The study has suggested that the leaders should go through the self-development programs so they can encourage and motivate their subordinates for the better outcomes in the organizations (Adams 2016). The initial goals and objectives of the organization should be achieved so they can go forward in this aspect. The leaders should always support the inclusion of the coaching and training programs so they can upgrade their strategies and learn new things as well. This literature review has been perfectly designed to effectively implement to them who are much interested about developing their research capabilities.

Mixed method is the systematic technique of using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis tools for finding the result of research issue. Oriani et al. (2014) opined that while dealing with the researcher issues of several variables the researcher has to collect data based on both close ended questionnaires and open ended questionnaires. In this very specific study the research variables are as follows:

  • The impact of leadership coaching in enhancing self-efficacy of a leader
  • Impact of leadership coaching in enhancing leadership trust
  • Importance of leadership coaching for increasing subordinates’ psychological empowerment
  • Facilitative coach behavior in affecting the role of a leader

In order to collect necessary data and information based on four major research variables the author needs to use both qualitative form of data collection technique and quantitative form of data collection technique. In quantitative form of data collection technique the author has made effective survey method by forming several questionnaires (Skoglund, Hermansson and Beck 2015). Based on those questionnaires the author has collected immediate response from the participants. In addition, while gathering data the researcher has involved the participants anonymously so that respondents do not hesitate in providing their response. As a result, the researcher has collected unbiased response from the participants. While making quantitative data analysis the researcher was able to involve the employees directly within data collection method in order to acquire their response (Pholdee and Bureerat 2015). The researcher wanted to know on how organizational employees believe that leaders should go through a proper development session or training process for grooming them up.

Moreover, the purpose of using qualitative data collection technique is completely different. With the help of making qualitative data collection method the researcher is able to make direct interaction with the participants (Denniff and Spooner 2014). Direct interaction is effective enough in collecting sufficient data and information regarding the research issue. In addition, after collecting necessary information on the importance of leadership coaching for increasing subordinates’ psychological empowerment the researcher would be able to evaluate data from different perspectives (Bryman 2017). As a result, the data analysis procedure not be restricted with one specific tools. Both qualitative as well as quantitative data collection procedure would be effective enough in gathering appropriate information on the impact of leadership coaching in enhancing self-efficacy of a leader.

Are the methods used to collect data (e.g. focus group and questionnaires) sufficiently justified and described?

This section also discusses about the justifications on data collection process. In this article the data collection that have been used are the focus group and the questionnaires. It can be said that the questionnaires have helped the respondents to provide the needed feedback from the people on whom the research work was being done (Krosnick 2018). This feedback would be highly important to know about the opinions of the respondents i.e. the leaders or the managers here. The different leaders and managers have different choices and opinions.

This is why the questionnaire process has been selected indeed. The use of this process is very well justified since the data collection through questionnaire process has been very quick enough (Hawkins 2017). All the respondents of the research on the leadership coaching training have got the proper chance of giving the feedback to the assessors. The several leaders feel different things regarding the leadership coaching. These leaders have expressed their views on this topic whether they are comfortable with it or not. These things will be very important for the success of the organizations from the larger aspects. The study has evaluated that the use of the 360 degree feedback and the systematic coaching system has been very much important for the growth of the leadership capabilities of the people. The presence of the self-awareness among the leaders is indeed a huge ask. At the same time, another justification can be given in this context is the fact that the feedbacks have been anonymous and identity of the leaders have been kept hidden (Hawkins 2017).

This is why the leaders have expressed their views through the open ended questionnaires. Thus the aspect of honesty has been kept in this matter as well. Some leaders have opined that this kind of leadership coaching will surely develop the leadership skills and spread the needed motivation among the subordinates (Braun et al. 2013). These leaders believe that this leadership coaching will bring new dimensions in the realm of the leadership practice. The focus group is the leaders and managers of the reputed organizations who have opined in favor of or against the practice of the leadership coaching (Kelloway et al. 2012).

The leaders who believe that the leadership coaching is good have expressed that their skills of leading the teams would be enhanced by this. They have also suggested that the opinion of the leaders should be taken in consideration and the various weak areas of the leaders should be improved one by one (Krosnick 2018). The weak areas can be taken as the lack of capacity in urging the subordinates to work harder, having full trust and faith on the subordinates, gaining the self awareness and many more (Kelloway et al. 2012). These training sessions should be arranged for the leaders in accordance to the answers given by them for the questionnaires being set. The leaders have been quite motivated when they have gone on to fill up the questionnaire on the leadership coaching. The respondents have understood what questions are being asked to them indeed. The handing of data in an ethical manner should be followed indeed (Pholdee and Bureerat 2015). The important legislations should be followed for the better outcomes indeed.

As emphasized by Treiman (2014) sampling technique is the way of acquiring necessary data and information from a specific group of people amongst large number of population. Sampling technique is primarily constituted with two major factors including probability sampling technique and non-probability sampling technique. Probability sampling technique has enabled the researchers in collecting necessary responses randomly (Hawkins 2017). On the other hand, Non-probability sampling technique selects the participants in a specific way. The researcher likes to involve those participants who are directly associated with the research issue. In this very specific study around 100 sampling size is collected from organizations in order to know the importance of leadership coaching (Lewis 2015). The participants who are involved within the data collection method are from organizational employees as well as leaders both. Employees gave their feedback whether leadership coaching and development program is effective enough in developing the competency level of a leader. On the other hand, same response is collected on behalf of the leaders as well in order to know whether they have enhanced their confidence and professional skills after receiving an effective and development session or coaching for managing a team towards meeting business target (Bryman 2017). However, with the help of non-probability sampling method the researcher has involved very selective participants for gathering reliable and valid data resources (Treiman 2014). If the researcher could have selected in choosing random sampling technique, the researcher might not maintain data reliability.

Reference List:

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