Understanding Consumer Behavior In HP Laptop Purchase

Product Overview

HP produces laptops that are trusted by many people all over the world. This is evidenced by its performance and ratings from people HP ranked first in the manufacturing world in the year 2007, though it was later on overtaken by Lenovo laptop. Currently, a standard HP laptop is portable and lightweight for easy carriage from one place to the other (Jeremy, 2012). The laptop usually comes with its battery and thus can operate for some time using battery power. The laptop has a standard processing speed and RAM, together with a storage memory. HP laptop usually comes in with different robust capabilities depending on the HP model, targeted usage and pricing.

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Currently, HP also deals in various products of information technology. It has specialized in developing and manufacturing computing equipment, different data storages and also networking hardware. The company also produces software and delivers various IT services to its customers. It sells products and offers services at the personal level, enterprise and industry level. This has helped the company to diversify in many goods and services thus getting a bigger market share. HP has contributed significantly towards improving the computing world (Malone, 2007, pp. 39-41). However, HP laptop remains to be one of the fit products that the company has ever produced. The company has many branches spread across the globe that have helped it to reach many HP laptop customers from different parts of the world (Jeremy, 2012).

Before going for a given laptop, HP customers undergoes various stages in deciding to buy. The customers who go for HP laptops are not different but also undergoes through the same stages before buying the product (Chacon and Mason, 2011, pp. 271-290). This starts from need for laptop identification, information collection on the laptops available in the market, and evaluation of all laptop alternatives available in the market. This is followed by the actual purchase of the laptop and post-purchasing evaluation activities on the laptop that was bought. It is, therefore, important to understand the decision-making process for HP laptops customers so that to find where to improve and attract more people to buy HP laptops.

Need Identification:. This is the first step in the process of buying a laptop. HP laptop customers usually develop the necessity of a laptop in their lives. In most cases, people are faced with needs for laptop, and thus this acts as initiation factor for the purchase process. Marketers should always capitalize on this stage by convincing people to see the need for the HP laptops and therefore, decide to buy the products (Yang et al., 2010).

Information Collection:. After identifying the need and establishing that they need laptop, the customer goes ahead to seek information and understanding about the market available laptops in the market that can solve their needs. Customers can get information about the various available laptops in the market internally from their experience or externally through advertising media such as radio, television, newspapers and many other channels that present a variety of laptops and their information. Advertising usually convinces customers at this stage (Baker, 2008).

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Critical Analysis of HP’s Consumer Behaviour

Alternative evaluation:. When the customer has identified the need and gathered sufficient information about the available laptops in the market, the HP customer will then go ahead to choose from the available laptop options available in the market. In this case, the client compares the HP laptop with other laptop brands available in the market and thus accepts what seems to be more appropriate to them. A customer is then able to decide on the best laptop product to go for in the market.

Purchasing:. This is the actual HP laptop buying where the customers decide to get the real laptop product for their use. This process is usually stimulated with how pressing the laptop need is to the client. Those who have pressing needs, and are convinced from the information gathered to buy a HP laptop are likely to purchase the product factor than those who are not pressed. It is a critical stage for HP since there is the transfer of ownership from company to the customer and thus should be done carefully to satisfy the customers.

Post purchasing evaluation:. This is the last stage in the procurement process where the customer evaluates the extent to which the HP laptop product has satisfied their needs. If customers find satisfaction from the HP laptop, they are likely to come back to the company when they have a need for the laptop in future. Again, a satisfied customer is likely to refer another customer to buy the HP laptop. To increase sustainability, HP should consider post-purchase activities because they help get the customer back to buy again (Edelman and Singer, 2015, pp. 88-100).

There are various personal factors that influence the purchase of HP products. These include the age, gender, personal likes, economic status, and personality among many others. These factors influence the HP laptop purchase in many different ways. For example, regarding gender, according to the survey conducted using monkey survey tool, there are some laptop shapes and colors that women like but at the same time men don’t feel comfortable to own them. Regarding economic status, different people purchase different HP laptop models depending on their financial ability to buy them. This also goes along with the lifestyle and status of people thus affecting the products that they buy. Some will go for luxurious, powerful HP laptops while others will opt to for cheaper models (Lynn and Pierre, 2012).

Many psychological factors affect the purchase behaviour of HP laptop customers. Some of these factors include perception, motivation, learning, attitudes, and beliefs. Most of the HP laptop customers buy HP laptop brands depending on these influential psychological factors thus go for different product colors, shapes and other laptop elements. Psychological factors most often influence the perception of the client of the product. Learning about the HP product also bring about differences in HP laptop brand that they purchase (Doyle, 2011). Some clients may fail to buy the HP laptop just because of the lack knowledge about them. Therefore, it is important for the HP Company to reach most of its customers and ensure that they get sufficient information about the product and thus are likely to buy them.

Factors affecting consumer Behaviour

Cultural factors are HP customer’s values attributed to the religion, beliefs and cultural practices among other factors that directly or indirectly affect their buying of laptops. Various aspects of culture have different influences on the HP laptop brand purchased. For example, there are religions and cultural beliefs that prevent people from buying and using laptops. Some HP laptop customers usually make product purchase decisions depending on the family and society expectations. HP should understand the cultures of their clients and then respond to them appropriately (Wilkie et al., 2015).

Various societal factors affect the purchase behaviour of the HP laptop customers. For example, there are some societal laws and regulations that prohibit the purchase and usage of certain HP products in the market. Also, people’s position in the society can influence the brand of HP laptop they purchase. Some society leaders prefer certain products while non-leaders may not feel restrictions (Kotler et al., 2009).

Marketing communication refers to how HP sends out its laptop information to its customers. This has been an important aspect for the success of sales of HP laptops since it has enlightened the potential HP customers about their laptops (Belch, 2012). Usually, the main aims for marketing communications are to promote, inform, remind and persuade the customers to buy the product. HP uses various methods of marketing communications. These include the Public Relations activities, sponsorships, branding, broadcast media, print media, online activities and many other methods to communicate to its customers.  These have played a significant role to reach many people of the world who are potential customers to the company (Haleblian et al., 2012, pp. 1037–1052).

Marketing strategies are important for HP in marketing their products. HP has shown a lot of efforts towards adopting the best marketing strategies for its profitability. HP has applied various marketing strategies for its success in increasing the sales of its laptops. The marketing mix strategies have played a critical role in improving the sales of the company. The organization has made emphasis on the product, place (location), promotion and the people. Besides, it has also embraced the STP (Segmentation, Targeting and positioning). The company has worked towards improving its brand by reaching many consumers with information (Klever, 2009). Further, HP has segmented in laptop market into various segments based on location, gender, product tastes, economic status and many other factors. It has gone ahead to give satisfaction to the different sections depending on their needs (Fill, 2013).

Currently, winning the customers requires a close contact. HP has experienced a problem of losing the previous clients. A customer is critical to the business of HP and thus must be considered for its success. It is important for the company to come up with strategies to reach customers in person and develop a relationship with them. This will help the company to get more customers who are returning.

According to the survey conducted, 46% were satisfied, 33% were somewhat satisfied while 20% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. HP is in a better position to improve the satisfaction level of its customers especially those who are somewhat satisfied and those dissatisfied. Creating a personal contact can be a perfect way to improve the customer’s satisfaction and thus come up with new requirements depending on their needs. Therefore, if HP extends its current strategies and target to establish a person customer relationship, it is likely to get a bigger market share (Laszlo and Zhexembayeva, 2011).

Psychological factors

Diversification of the modes of order processing and payment methods is likely to attract more customers to buy HP laptops. Currently, many people are busy and cannot manage to be walk-in customers. HP has shown efforts of diversification through its online order processing method, but it should make it more robust to serve many people. The branches should also ensure that they diversify in their sales modes to attract more customers. The company should continue integrating various payment modes especially those that are target country specific and thus improved robustness. Adoption of these methods is likely to save time and transportation costs for the customers thus attracting more of them. This is likely to give HP more profit and also give it a competitive advantage (Teixeira et al., 2012, pp. 69-81).

As a strategic recommendation, HP Company should put a lot of emphasis on the HP laptop, make it as robust as possible. The company should carefully gather the customer requirements and ensure that the laptop is made fit and satisfies the needs of the clients fully. The exercise should be continuous to handle the changing requirements of the customers and thus ensure their satisfaction (Raciti, 2010, pp. 32-34).

According to the survey conducted, results indicated that 46.6% were extremely satisfied, 33.3% were satisfied while 20.0% were somewhat satisfied. To increase the customer satisfaction in their respective level, HP should increase quality and uniqueness in its laptop products. Ongoing consideration of the client needs brings about innovation, and thus the company is likely to offer unique products that the competitors don’t have. With more attention on the product, the company is likely to win more customers and gain the more competitive advantage over other businesses

To feature loyal clients in the company’s content is one of the most robust ways of effective marketing. The customers will fill appreciated and recognized. The customers feel motivated and happy to be associated with the HP brand thus are likely to return to buy. Therefore, they are likely to talk positively about the HP laptops and thus help the company to win more customers. HP should make more efforts to reach their loyal clients and consider they feature in their content. Customers can be achieved through various ways such the Facebook pages, Blogging and Twitter handles among many others.

As a recommendation, it is important for HP Company to give attention the customers. HP runs to satisfy the client’s laptop needs. Thus, customer’s advice is critical for their satisfaction. It is the customer who decides the next move in the market. HP should establish a transparent system that will help it get the opinions, views, wishes, and desires of customers, then carefully evaluate them to deliver the best product that suits them. Customer’s feedback can help HP to get good lucrative market ideas that will profit the business. 


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