Understanding Family Violence In Canada: Factors, Research Questions, And Recommendations

Prevalence of Family Violence in Canada

Of all the violent crimes that were reported in Canada in 2016, more than one quarter (26%), was as a result of family violence. According to statistics, 67% of the people reported to be abused in the family violence occurrences were women and girls (Government of Canada, 2018). Family violence occurs when someone decides to use abusive behavior to harm or control a member of their family, or an individual with whom they are in a relationship with. Over the years, reports of family violence in Canada have been emerging, and the law enforcement team has always tried to do their part in ensuring that people that commit these crimes are apprehended (Department of Justice, 2017). However, despite the many arrests and charges, the issue of family violence in Canada has always posed a serious challenge to the law enforcers since more people continue to engage in this behavior. Over the decade, research has been conducted on family violence in Canada, but none has been able to give recommendations that would help tackle this issue for good as the cases still arise. Understanding the reason why family violence occurs, the types of family violence often happening and victims could help shed some light on the matter in the attempt to find a lasting solution. To do this, more research will be conducted on this subject and presented in this paper as well as recommendations for addressing the vice.

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Research Questions

  1. Does the social-economic status of a family influence family violence?
  2. Does educational background influence domestic or family violence patterns?
  3. Do the government policies regarding family violence fail to curb the problem?

According to the first question, social-economic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person’s work experience and of an individual’s or family’s economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation. Understanding the social economic status influence on the research is important in coming up with a possible solution for the problem (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, & Perrin, 2015). The research question help one have a clear understanding on how the family’s economic status may lead to violent incidences in the family. The research involves the analysis of the different reported cases and a review of the family economic status of these cases.  

As compared to the second question, Education plays an important role in the civilization of a person’s understanding, before the growth of education within the society, domestic violence was associated with primitivity but this seems to still be the case, the research question helps one understand the reason as to why with all the education and the informative nature of the population, The question will help us understand the significant role the judiciary system of the country lays in ensuring family violence is controlled. It leaves one wondering if it is the responsibility of the government to show the magnitude of this situation by imposing strict measures to ensure that the victims of these cases get justice. The research question also helps in the formulation of appropriate punishment measure towards the offenders of such hideous crimes.

Impact of Family Violence on Victims

Research questions help us understand the research area more and help us in the problem solution formation. With the provided research question, we are able to look at family violence in their distinct ways that can help us understand why family violence is a growing issue in the country. The social economic state of the family as the first concern, does the poverty levels of the country have any significant impact to the family violence experienced in the country. For the research, data gathered can revolve around different areas in the country where poverty-stricken areas and the well-off areas a survey is carried out to capture the intensity of family violent related cases in both areas (Feindler, Rathus, & Silver, 2013). Incase there is a variation in the gathered information then it is evident that probably the social economic status of a society may impact the family violent related cases. With this it is evident that the gathered information will disclose some sensitive information regarding the social economic statues of the families. The chosen participants will contribute a lot in identifying why there are variations in the gathered information. With this information, it is possible for the research to come up with possible solutions to control family violent cases that are connected to the social economic status of the family Management” href=”https://#”>family Management.

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The next question addresses the education of the society. Contrast to most of the people’s expectations that an educated community would have less family violence, it has been evident that the community in contrary to this theory, the family violence cases seem to increase. Is there a connection between the rise of these cases and the increased levels of education? This research question introduces the researches into multiple avenues where they try to understand the relationship between the education level of the country and the rise in family violent cases (Straus, 2017). With this in mind a comparison of the family violent cases before the rapid growth of education in the society and the current situation, this will need the intensive research by the research team into previously recorded family violence cases and help them deduce information relevant to the current case. Understanding the changes in the family violence cases in respect to the educational system of the country. It is also important in the formulation of possible solutions that may help completely resolve the family violence cases that have persistently increased (Straus, & Smith, 2017). With this understanding of the changes introduced by educational system in the country, it is possible to also identify a few possible connections between the two subjects. The participants need to meet some of these educational requirements before they are selected for the research study.

Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement Agencies

The third question introduces the government policies that monitor crime rates in the country. The question helps in the analysis of the government’s judicial system and the efforts that the government has taken to curb family violence. The question takes a look at the previously handled family violence cases and with what magnitude was the case handled. It is important to identify all the bodies that are concerned with the control of this crime. With the increased growth of family violence cases, all measures to control the crimes needs to be taken (Roberson, & Wallace, 2016). Through the question analysis of possible reforms within the concerned body may be shared or new approaches to approach the crimes may be formulated hence the need to effectively answer the question. In several occasion, the government may have failed the family setup and indirectly led to the rise of these cases due to less strict actions directed to the violator or the other way around where the violators are punished but this does not curb the rise of family violence cases (Finkelhor, Gelles, Hotaling, & Strauss, 2013).  The question gives room for the research to inclusively cover the judicial system as well. These questions specifically narrow down the research areas that will yield possible solutions that may curb the rise of family violence cases in the country.

Several methods will be utilized to help extensively answer the research questions. The chosen methods are based on the nature of the questions and the needed information. The research question will utilize methods such as interviews, questionnaires, research from secondary sources and observation. The participants for the research will be selected from different social economic classes, educational background and different government representatives from the legal system as well. The participants need t meet the needed criteria to qualify to participate in the research (Gelles, 2017). The criteria will be based on the first-hand experience of family violence and the related connection to such cases. With this in mind, the gathered data will be used to help provide answers to the research questions. Participants will be inclusive of the crime offenders that have been involved in family violence and also the victims of the cases will be involved. Interviews will be carried out where data relating to family violence will be gathered and after the analysis of this information, one will comfortably be in a position to answer these questions. On the other hand, questionnaires will also be circulated among the patricians and their personal information protected under the ethical code of conduct of confidentiality while conducting a research (Johnson, 2016). For the secondary information gathering approach, the researchers will gather all the previously gathered information regarding family violence and try to identify the changes in the patterns of family violence over the years (Anderson, 2017). This is the most suitable source of such information. These records can be retrieved from the national libraries or over the internet but this information will significantly impact the research content credibility Management. Government representatives will also be involved in the research and they will help share government take on the matter and the policies in place for handling these cases. With the application and implementation of these methods the research questions will be responded to effectively.


Anderson, K. L. (2017). Gender, status, and domestic violence: An integration of feminist and family violence approaches. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 655-669.

Barnett, O., Miller-Perrin, C. L., & Perrin, R. D. (2015). Family violence across the lifespan: An introduction. Sage Publications, Inc.

Department of Justice. (2017, July 26). About Family Violence. Retrieved from Government of Canada: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/fv-vf/about-apropos.html 

Feindler, E. L., Rathus, J. H., & Silver, L. B. (2013). Assessment of family violence: A handbook for researchers and practitioners. American Psychological Association.

Finkelhor, D., Gelles, R. J., Hotaling, G. T., & Strauss, M. A. (Eds.). (2013). The dark side of families: Current family violence research. Sage.

Gelles, R. J. (2017). Methodological issues in the study of family violence. In Physical violence in American families (pp. 17-28). Routledge.

Governemnt of Canada. (2018). Family Violence Initiative. Retrieved from Government of Canada: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/fv-vf/about-apropos.html 

Johnson, M. P. (2016). Con? ict and Control: Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence. In Couples in conflict (pp. 125-134). Routledge.

Roberson, C., & Wallace, P. H. (2016). Family violence: Legal, medical, and social perspectives. Routledge.

Straus, M. A., & Smith, C. (2017). Family patterns and primary prevention of family violence. In Physical violence in American families (pp. 507-526). Routledge.

Straus, M. A. (2017). The national family violence surveys. In Physical violence in American families (pp. 3-16). Routledge.