Urinary Catheter Infections: PICO Components And Effective Research Strategies

The Scope of the Problem/Issue

The initial find true evidence is to look for the keywords that are suitable to develop questions that are required.  It helps to find out the answers quickly. Moreover, it helps to identify problems faced by the caregivers during their Medicare practices.  For example, if the question is regarding the attachment of the risk factors for the adults or the care settings, the keywords could be Medicare, injury, care facilities and emergency injury management.  The focus must be on the accurate concept when the medical terms are used. It must be well recognized and need to depict an overall process (Buccheri & Sharifi, 2017). For example- the word Intervention is used to demonstrate the entire activities that are conducted for the healthcare development of a patient. In addition, another keyword that may include is Adult Health Care. It generally depicts the overall health developmental process of an adult in a healthcare home.  Some related keywords related to adult health care are medication for the adults and adult health developmental equipment.  Child healthcare can be another keyword and interventional keyow2rd for childe healthcare can be baby care, baby health care, and baby health. For the urinary tract infections associated with Foley catheter, the keywords like urinary tract, infections, Foley catheter will be used.  The effectiveness of using medical keywords are:

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  • The keywords describe the all the important information using only one or two words
  • It helps the process to answer the EBP questions
  • The collected information has the authenticity and reliability
  • Demonstrates the whole health developmental strategy
  • Evaluates the results that are gathered from different sources.

Out of these three types of database systematic review database is suitable for the Medicare services.  It has integrity that quickly stores and analyzes any difficult medical term. Psychotherapy Evidence Base database is the most updated database to store the medical information for the patients.  It generally contains over 33000 records regarding the trials, patient review, treatment review and clinical informative guideline (Konno & Makimoto, 2014). The database related to the nursing practice, especially associated with urinary tract infections associated with Foley catheter will be helpful to search proper research article.   

Strategic question for article search:

 What is the appropriate use of Foley catheter for urinary tract infections and what are the benefits and drawbacks of the use of Foley catheter for urinary tract infections?

The strategies must be aligned with the selected database system. The strategy must be developed through the process as follows:

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  • Converting the healthcare questions into concepts
  • Select the keywords from the database
  • Rephrase the described concept
  • Identify the appropriate term and
  • Control the vocabulary

By following these steps a well-developed strategy can be made. Boolean operators must be used to include or exclude the concept. It is necessary to be careful about the inappropriate spelling of words.  The keywords must be combined accordingly so that it can be a meaningful concept. It is the most necessary task to develop an appropriate strategy (Unimelb, 2018).

What are the PICO Components?

The steps to develop appropriate strategy are:

  • Vocabulary control: Vocabulary must be controlled with specific terms that can develop a meaningful sentence.  It is important because it ensures to provide a meaningful outcome whenever search tools are used. Moreover, appropriate vocabulary provides relevant meaning and the concept becomes easily understandable (Twycross, 2011).  
  • Using Boolean Operation; Use of Boolean operations like AND, OR and NOT makes the phrase easy understandable. Moreover, it is helpful to search more than one concept at a time by using Boolean Operation.
  • Using alternative spelling:  Alternative spelling method helps to demonstrate the key concepts that are required. There are variations in accent in the UK English and USA English. Thus, alternative spelling must be remembered to get the desired result.
  • Using limits: Most of the database has an unlimited page. Thus, it becomes impossible to understand the desired concept that is required. PubMed and CINAHL make the use of a database process easy by segregating the information according to age, gender, publication date and language (Cutcliffe & Ward, 2014).
  • Researches revise the revision of the last stage of the appropriate research strategy. The information must be revised accordingly. It includes grammatical errors, spelling errors, inappropriate spelling, and vocabulary.  

Hence, their following steps are to be followed to develop an effective research strategy for the medical students (Poe & White, 2010).  

The level, validity, and quality of the evidence can be gathered from various review systems.  Systematic review system, a meta-analysis review system, and meta-synthesis are the most suitable types of review systems by which the level, validity, and quality of the record can be identified (Newman, 2006).  

Systematic review: Systematic review database generally analyzes and evaluates the research questions and list the source information. The documents that the systematic review provides are comprehensive, rigorous and transparent. The healthcare evidence-based practitioners rely much on the systematic review. It provides them technically advanced research results and methodological accurate.  Moreover, the Systematic review is interchangeable. Thus, information can be manipulated (Saberi, 2016).

The features of systematic review system are :

  • It employs comprehensive quality records that evaluate the reproductive strategies
  • It can be used in both experimental and nonexperimental studies for information enquire

Meta-analysis review:  The Meta-analysis review system is integrated with the effective Medicare decision making power.  It combines all the study results and increases the power of probability to analyze and discuss the information (Huls et al., 2018).

The key features of the meta-analysis review are :

  • It qualifies the validity of the evidence in a statistical procedure
  • It is an experimental review process where the validity of the information mostly stays loyal to the information
  • It estimates the all over quality and validity of the evidence

Meta-Synthesis review: Meta-synthesis review is a qualitative research base database that records information collecting from rich and narrative resources.  It interprets data instead of aggregating this. Moreover, it stores the information with scientific techniques (Mabbott, 2013).

The key features of meta-synthesis review are :

  • It has a limitation to qualify the validity and authenticity of the resources
  • It generally qualifies the key information not the overall information (Flemming, 2007).

After analyzing the records and strategy it is necessary to keep a record of the strategy and results.

The ways to keep the record are

  • Keeping multiple duplicates of the record copies
  • It can be emailed to the self-email id
  • It can be saved as the word document with authentic password
  • It can also be saved in software programmers like EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero (Philbrick, 2013).


Buccheri, R., & Sharifi, C. (2017). Critical Appraisal Tools and Reporting Guidelines for Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews On Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(6), 463-472.

Cutcliffe, J., & Ward, M. (2014). Critiquing nursing research. Luton: Andrews UK.

Flemming, K. (2007). The synthesis of qualitative research and evidence-based nursing. Evidence-Based Nursing, 10(3), pp.68-71.

Huls, H., Abdulahad, S., Mackus, M., van de Loo, A., Roehrs, T., Roth, T., & Verster, J. (2018). Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria of Clinical Trials for Insomnia. Journal Of Clinical Medicine, 7(8), 206.

Konno, R., & Makimoto, K. (2014). A systematic review of the best pain assessment strategies for people with dementia. International Journal Of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 12(3), 169.

Mabbott, I. (2013). The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence – Seventh editionThe Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence – Seventh edition. Nursing Standard, 27(31), 30-30.

Newman, M. (2006). Helping practitioners understand the contribution of qualitative research to evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Nursing, 9(1), pp.4-7.

Philbrick, V. (2013). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, 2nd Edition. AORN Journal, 97(1), 157-158.

Poe, S. & White, K. (2010). John Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Saberi, M. (2016). Choosing the Best Glasses for Clinical Practice: Evidence- Based Medicine Versus Other Alternative Approaches. Annals Of Anesthesiology And Critical Care, 1(1).

Twycross, A. (2011). Using research findings in nursing practice. Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), pp.63-63.

Unimelb. (2018). LibGuides: Systematic Reviews: Tab 5: Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Retrieved from https://unimelb.libguides.com/c.php?g=492361&p=3368110