Use Case And Benefits Of Mobile Applications In Organizations

Introduction to Use Case of External Actors in Software Systems

This provides a brief summary of the details of the system and the users and how the two are interacting together. This requires a set of some more specialized connectors and the symbols.  Use case diagram represents a scenario in which the system application is interacting with people and the whole organization at large. The scope and the goals are also well explained here ( Seidl, Scholz, Huemer and Kappel, 2015).

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Figure 1 Use Case Diagram

Characterizing necessities to set up details of the information system is the initial phase in the advancement of an embedded framework. Be that as it may, as a rule, insufficient consideration is taken in building up adjust prerequisites in advance. This causes issues when ambiguities in prerequisites surface later in the existence cycle, and additional time and cash is spent in settling these ambiguities. Subsequently, it is vital that prerequisites are set up efficiently to guarantee their exactness and culmination, yet this isn’t generally a simple errand. This trouble in building up great prerequisites frequently makes it a greater amount of a workmanship than a science. The advancement of tried and true inserted frameworks requires considerably more confused prerequisites since the embedded framework communicates together with outside world and the product itself. Through this, setting up of the great prerequisites is of much importance when it comes to the installation of the considerate noteworthy frameworks (Gezelius, 2017).

The use of a mobile phone in an organization comes along with a lot of benefits to the realization of the business objectives and the stated goals. The fact that the usage comes with advantages, a sample of interest is the portability and the wireless connectivity factors. These allows all the users to communicate at all instance, this is facilitated by the intense competition among the mobile phones manufacturers.

The business is also benefiting from the use of a mobile application through then awareness in that the logo used in the mobile application create an awareness to the users and this promotes the brand of the business hence promoting it (Cornelia and Repanovici,  2017). Apart from this, the mobile application will be allowing the customers feedback hence facilitating the customer support feature. The fact that the application is cost effective, all the businesses will be able to meet the requirements within the budget limit. The mobile phones have come along with many features which have affected the native websites. The design of an application has promoted the companies in that there is faster access at any given place without the need of installing huge hardware devices. Again the mobile application has promoted the companies by providing the faster time for loading of the page apart from the optimized user interfaces which adds the functionalities of the mobile applications. Generally, an increased number of people are seen using the mobile phones to access important information compared to the access using the websites.

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The company may also choose to use the mobile application from the fact that it is very compatible. This paper brings out the issue of compatibility in which the application can be well utilized by a huge number of people and over a wide range. Once an application is fully developed, it covers all its requirements without the need of regular updates.

Mobile Applications in Organizations

Another factor in which the mobile applications have benefited the company is the fact that they can be easily shared among the peers. This sharing will create a platform where the company name reaches more and more people. A business advert in this manner could be made possible just by a click on a link that could be shared either through the simple text message or even an email.

 The perception of the business professionals on the use of the mobile phones application in the work place is of importance when it comes to the design of the system design. To clearly have an understanding of this, a research survey needs to be conducted.  There was a need to conduct an online survey in the social media groups to reach all the business people and again during the business meetings. The main target of the survey was the owners of the mobile smartphones. Since it was a direct survey majority of the respondents were able to tell that the applications will be of importance since their phones will be providing all the services at once and this appeared to be simple. Similar research done on the customer satisfaction on the use of the phones in that it solves the problem of emergencies especially when the personnel is held up. Majority of the people considered use of phones as effective.

Mobile phones are facilitated by the service providers according to Quash and Sahu (2009). Given that the phones are reliable in terms of the network, this provided a platform in which the development of the mobile application could be easily considered better than the website.

Abstract standards assume that people take after the conduct of individuals that are imperative to them, regardless of whether the individual does not feel that the results of following that conduct are especially ideal. Because of social weights to embrace the new innovation, a person’s view of handiness coordinated to that innovation would fortify (Khan, 2015). Willfulness is characterized as the level of which an individual trust they have the opportunity to receive another innovation, in other words; is the reception of this new innovation obligatory or non-compulsory. The level of intentionality of receiving another innovation will impact abstract standards, however have no immediate effect on PU. At long last, picture alludes to how helpful an innovation is in lifting a person’s social position inside the gathering, if another innovation can enormously enhance a person’s social standing then the PU of the innovation will increment.

This defines the user requirements for the accomplishment of a project. The project tools are organized together in a series of multiple levels which are displayed in a graphical manner, (Harrison, Frederick, and Dennis, 2017).

Figure 2: Work Break Down Structure

From the above work break down structure, the system development of the android application has been considered in different stages, the initial stage of planning of the design of the system followed by the gatherings of the requirements. All the systems documents are brought together into one platform where the system designer can easily reach. After the collection of the requirements files, the designer goes ahead to design the user interface. The interface should be easily understood by the user hence attracting for more usage. Once the designer has a layout of the application both in mind and in a written document, the process of coding begins. At this stage, the designer will be dealing with the application code in java language and connecting to the database for data storage (Bartel et al., 2015).

Once the overall coding has been accomplished, the mobile application is now subjected to the testing and lastly final deployment. At the testing stage, the application is carried through a series of test including the unit test, integration test, acceptance test and the system test. In the unit test, a system is tested as a small module and is ensured that it fits its overall functionality. Each of the modules are tested individually till and approved if they meet the required objective. Once this is done, an integration test is done on the combined units. This is to ensure that the units are working in an associative manner with other units (Buede and Miller, 2016). Through the integration test, a user will be able to understand the failures that could be arising in case the whole units are brought up together as an overall system.

The overall system is now tested to acquire the actual functionality. This ensures that the stated objectives are set to meet the solution to the problem in question. Finally, user acceptance test is carried out to ascertain the desired qualities.


In this study, perceptions of business professionals towards use of mobile phone in the workplace as well as at the business meeting settings were analyzed. Findings of the study indicate the fact that, mobile phone usage at work is positively welcomed in general by most of the professionals. Professionals especially appreciate “the flexibility” and “the ability of doing a better job” through accessing corporate emails and other business apps outside official working hours and they strongly believe that “mobile phone usage at work is necessary”. However, they slightly believe that their colleagues inappropriately use mobile phone at workplace. The use of mobile phone in formal meetings is questioned as well. To some extent, it is acceptable for professionals to bring phone to the meeting, excusing oneself to take a call and checking time. However, checking a social media account, taking a call without excuse and browsing Internet due to boredom are regarded as inappropriate in formal business meetings.


Buede, D.M. and Miller, W.D., 2016. The engineering design of systems: models and methods. John Wiley & Sons.

Cornelia, A.M. and Repanovici, A., 2017. Legal Information Management Using QR Codes. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 4(2), pp.381-397.

Gezelius, S.S., 2017. Considerate Exchange: Exploring Social Exchange on Family Farms. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 38(1), pp.18-32.

Harrison, Frederick, and Dennis Lock. Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge, 2017.

Khan, A.A., 2015. Investigating the contribution of leadership “transformational and transactional” to innovation in technology sector in Ireland (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin Business School).

Li, L., Bartel, A., Bissyandé, T.F., Klein, J., Le Traon, Y., Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Bodden, E., Octeau, D. and McDaniel, P., 2015, May. Iccta: Detecting inter-component privacy leaks in android apps. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering-Volume 1 (pp. 280-291). IEEE Press.

Seidl, M., Scholz, M., Huemer, C. and Kappel, G., 2015. The Use Case Diagram. In [email protected] Classroom (pp. 23-47). Springer, Cham.