Use Of English On Social Networking Sites: Analyzing The Impact On Language Learning And Communication

Respondents’ Social Networking Activities and Preferences


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Discuss About The Use Of English On Social Networking Sites?

In order to analyse the research subject, the questionnaire survey has been taken with 400 respondents. Among the 400 respondents, about 66.8% are female. Besides, majority of the respondents (284 out of 400) are belonging to age group of 18 to 21 years. About 103 respondents fall within age group of 22 to 25 years. Concerning academic year, majority of the respondents (144 out of 400) have completed first year. About 94 respondents have completed the second year. The number of respondents who are in first year and fourth year are 67 and 70 respectively. With respect to the major taken by the respondents, it can be observed that 228 have science major and the rest 172 respondents has human as major in the college. 

In order to understand about the social networking activities of respondents, they are asked about the primary method of using internet. From the findings it can be observed that about 87.5% of respondents use smartphone to access internet. Only 10.8% and 1.8% have found to use laptop and PCs for accessing internet, indicating the prevalence of smartphone usage among the college students.

For understanding the popularity of social networking, the respondents are asked about the mots used social networking sites. Expectedly Facebook has obtained highest ranking where 75% of respondents have found to use this site. Apart from WhatsApp and Snap Chat is also used by considerable number of respondents (70% and 55% respectively). About 50% respondents have found to use Instagram. This signifies that Facebook is the most influencing social media for the purpose of communication and hence learning English language.

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Most of the respondents (about 37%) have also mentioned that they spend about two to four hours on social networking sites every day. Besides, 22% and 21% respondents have stated that they spend about five to six hours and more than six hours respectively in the social networking sites. This indicates that social networking sites play vital part to learn and use English language as considerable amount of time is spent on them. Female respondents have found to use the social networking sites more in comparison with the male. This indicates that social networking sites have more influence on language capability of female than male.

From the findings, it can be observed that majority of respondents (265 out of 400) are using social networking sites for more than three years. About 97 respondents have found to use the social networking sites for one to three years. This indicate that the respondents have become habituated for using social networking for so long and therefore social networking has become a part of regular routine for them for communication.

English Usage on Social Networking Sites

With respect to the use of languages on social networking sites, 74% of respondents mentioned that they use both English and Arabic. Since, social networking is used by people throughout the world and English is the most prevalent language among most of the world people and also accepted worldwide, the respondents are bound to use English apart from their native language. Only 15% have found to use only Arabic language in social networking. Besides, it can also be observed that the use of English in social networking sites is higher among the female (267 out of 400) than male (133 out of 400).  

In order to understand to what extent English is used for communication or commenting or interacting in English in social networking, series of question has been asked to the respondents. On the basis of findings, it can be observed that the mean value is more than 3 for respondents who communicate with English speakers, who read news and other information in English, who email friends in English, who comment on posts in English and who communicate with companies and business in English. This signify that to a large extent respondents agreed to use English in social media website, specifically in Facebook and WhatsApp. The value of σ is observed as more than 0.80 for each variable, which indicate that there is much difference between the reactions of respondents.   

The next question was asked in order to understand how and in what context tertiary EFL students in Jordan use English and social networking. The mean value of the analysis is observed as more than 4 which indicate that majority of respondents have agreed behaviour on the statements. In this context, most of the respondents have stated that Facebook and WhatsApp have made it simpler to access the instructional materials in the internet. Besides these applications also helps to strengthen discussion between the learners and the teachers in English (Ynuus, 2016). The students are able to freely ask questions through these applications and exchange knowledge and expertise. Facebook and WhatsApp also help to establish specific educational network. Facebook also has tools such as like and comment which assist in obtaining the feedback of students regarding English Curriculum. Therefore, through these applications, the teachers are able to understand the requirements and effectiveness of students learning about English language (Brick, 2012). Finally, most of the respondents have also mentioned that through Facebook and WhatsApp, the teachers can share their blog post to the students. This function acts as a key aspect of English learning procedure (Facer, 2011). The σ of the analysis is observed as more than 0.70 which indicate that there is low level of similarity between the reactions of respondents. 

Opinions on the Use of Social Networking Sites as Teaching Instruments

The fourteenth question was asked in order to understand the attitudes and beliefs of students in using English as foreign language in the social networking sites. The mean value of the reactions is observed as more than 3.5, signifying agreeing attitudes among the respondents. In this context, most of the respondents are agreed with the fact that they practice writing, reading, listening, and speaking in English via social networking sites. This signifies that social networking sites are great communication tools for increasing the proficiency in English (Chartrand, 2012). Majority of the respondents have also agreed with the fact that social networking sites have enhanced the English communication abilities and motivation to read English materials. Through constant communication with different students, the social networking sites also assisted in correcting the mistakes of using English language. Communication with different people also assisted in learning new words and therefore social media also enhanced the English vocabulary of people (Rogers, 2007). The respondents also agreed with the fact that using social networking enhanced the confidence to communicate by using English. This finding signify that with continuous exposure of using English, the students’ knowledge on English has increased, they have understood their mistakes and lacking which makes them self assured to talk with other by using English (Yunus, 2013). The respondents have also mentioned that social networking sites have made English language learning much interesting, collaborating and coexistent. The value of σ is observed as more than 0.7, indicating that most of the respondents’ reaction differs from mean value. 

The fifteenth question was asked in order to understand the opinion of students and teachers regarding the utilisation of social networking sites as teaching instruments for EFL pedagogy (Recker, 2004). Most of the respondents have mentioned that the social networking sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snap Chat, Google+ and Instagram among others should be utilised for learning purposes in English language classroom. These tools have proven to be effective in learning in better way than the traditional methods (Yang, 2009). It provides motivation and confidence to the students in learning English in positive manner.

In order to understand the relationship between communicating in English and reading, emailing and commenting on social networking sites, correlation analysis has been undertaken (see following table).

From the above analysis, it can be observed that the value of correlation coefficient between the variables is positive. However, the values are not much closer to 1. Therefore, it can be mentioned that there is positive but weak relationship between communicating in English and reading, emailing and commenting in the social networking sites. However, no relationship has been found with respect to communicating with English speakers and communicating with companies and business persons in English as the correlation value is much closer to zero.

Correlation Analysis

Furthermore, correlation analysis is also undertaken in order to understand the connection between easy accessibility of instruction materials in internet and interaction between students and teachers, utilisation of social networking tools, encouragement of discussion with English speakers and establishment of educational network (see following table).

From the analysis, it can be observed that easy accessibility of instruction materials in internet has no relationship with the interaction between students and teachers, utilisation of social networking tools, encouragement of discussion with English speakers, and establishment of educational network as the values of respective correlation coefficients are much less than 1.

Correlation analysis is also undertaken in order to assess the relationship between learning new words in English through social network and utilising social network for enhancing motivation for English communication, using social network for enhancing English communication mistakes, practicing English through social networking, using social networking for making English learning simpler (see following figure).

From the analysis, it can be observed that the value of correlation coefficient between the variables is positive. Therefore, it can be mentioned that positive relationship exists between them

In order to evaluate the reliability of the analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha method has been used. For each correlation analysis, the alpha value is measured (see following tables).

From the above analysis, it can be observed that the value of α coefficient for each three correlation is 0.763, 0.761 and 0.856 respectively. In a typical analysis, α value of 7 is regarded as reliable. In this context, it can be observed that in all three questions, α value is more than 7. Therefore, it can be stated that the outcomes has satisfactory level of internal consistency and that the research is reliable.    

The research findings illustrate the information regarding online social networking site utilised by the students, their online social network communications and their learning style preferences. The research findings indicate that the students’ most popular online social networking site is Facebook and they spend considerable time on conversing through this channel. This recommends the likelihood for the educators to mix the traditional classroom learning environment with online social networking functions, such as conversations and knowledge sharing. This finding must be considered while planning the English learning function by the online social network.

The research also explored the relation between utilisation of social networking sites and their leering English environment. The outcomes are presented in two sections. The first section comprises descriptive information which contains respondents’ gender, age group, language use and time utilisation of social networking sites. On the other hand, the second section is classified into two aspects. The first aspect defines if social networking sites can act as online learning environment which facilitate learning of English language. The outcome signify that social networking sites can have positive influence on the aspects of students’ communication with the teachers and other students. Social network also assist in sharing learning resources, course materials and exchanging expertise. In university, the teachers are required to communicate with the students through only English, comprising every kind of interactions such as writing or speaking. In this context social networking help to enriching English learning through constant conversation with English native speakers. Therefore, tis media is encouraging students to become more confident and inspired in learning English settings.

Reliability Evaluation

The second aspect discusses of social networking sites posit valuable and enjoyable atmosphere for learning English. According to findings social network enhances English learning through encouragement of group discussion, creation of blog posts, commenting on posts and interacting with people. Through social networking students can find similar group who share similar understanding, knowledge and interests. They can express individuality and imagination. Being active and reflective in social networking impact on the way students can utilise chat and messaging service and the way they monitor learning page in order to claim learning information.    

To conclude, the research findings recommend the potentials and trends for the future of combined learning between traditional type classroom environment and learning functions on online social environment. The findings explored that social media play vital part in interacting with the teachers outside the classroom, in connecting with classmates, in giving knowledge and feedback and in exchanging course information. This signifies that social media will open a new door for methods and styles of learning for students, specifically English language. Utilising social networking sites will augment the prospects for the students to overcome the hindrances of classroom environment and inspire social communication which can result in additional learning opportunities and also will inspire involvement in face to face communication in classroom. Therefore, social networking technology can assist in developing a positive learning community and healthy atmosphere for improving students’ learning English language while they are exploring their accounts.


Brick, B. (2012).The Role of Social Networking Sites for Language Learning in UK Higher Education: The Views of Learners and Practitioners. International Journal of ComputerAssisted Language Learning and Teaching, 2(3): 35-53.

Chartrand, R. (2012). Social networking for language learners: Creating meaningful output with Web 2.0 tools. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 4(1), 97-101.

Facer, B. R. (2011).Academic podcasting and mobile assisted language learning: Applications and outcomes.IGI Global.

Rogers, P. C. (2007). A Web 2.0 learning platform: Harnessing collective intelligence. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(3), 16–33.

Recker, M. M. (2004).Discovery and use of online learning resources: Case study findings. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 7(2), 93–104.

Yang, S. H. (2009).Using blogs to enhance critical reflection and community of practice.Educational Technology & Society, 12(2), 11-21.

Yunus, M. M. (2013). The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching ESL writing skills. English Language Teaching, 6(7), 1-8.

Ynuus, M. M. (2016). Activities and Suggestions for Using Social Networking in Teaching Esl Writing. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 84(2), 170-182.