Use Of Technology To Gain Competitive Advantage

About Celestica Inc.

Discuss about the use of technology to gain competitive advantage. 

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Information systems are the key elements of an organization. In the era or competitive market organizations are trying to get a competitive advantage in order to survive in the market (Kaplan, & Maxwell, 2005). Information system is used in different activities practices within an organization as, management information systems, HR systems, and Transaction processing systems. Two major companies working in Canada, Bell Mobility and Celestica, former one is a wireless service provider and later one is a multinational electronic manufacturing service provide. This report includes a brief description as well as a comparison of different information systems used in both the organizations. This report on system information refers to a brief study of systems used by these two Canadian companies in context of network of hardware and software, these organizations and people working in are using to collet, filter, and distribute the information.

Celestica Inc. is a multinational electronic manufacturing service providing company. Company’s headquarter is located in Toronto, Ontario. Company comprises of 33 different locations in 14 different countries of Europe, America, and Asia. Major business of the company is to deliver solutions through end-to-end products lifecycle. In addition to the manufacturing of end products, global services of the company include system assembling, design and engineering, after-market services, and supply chain services. 

Whole business of Celestica comprise of different services. Main business of Celestica comprises of manufacturing end products and providing different services to the companies around the world. These services Celestica provides are

  • Design and engineering,
  • Design and manufacturing,
  • Precision machining,
  • Logistics and fulfilment,
  • Supply chain services,
  • After-marketing services (Celestica, 2018).

Celestica uses and innovates latest technology to make its products better every time. Company’s business depends on its communication system.

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Bell Mobility is a division of Bell Canada providing wireless services based on LTE and HSPA+ across Canada. In the third quarter of 2017, Bell Mobility and its affiliated get 9.008 million subscribers and listed as second largest carrier of wireless in Canada. Bell Mobility owns Virgin Mobile Canada and Loblaws a prepaid PC Telecom, both of these companies operate on the network provided by the Bell Mobility.

Bell Mobility, being the largest company of Canada provides its consumers with the solution of all communication needs for wireless connectivity. Main products of Bell Mobility are,

  • 4G LTE wireless
  • Bell Internet
  • Bell Fibe TV  and Bell Satellite TV (national)
  • Bell Home Phone, local and long distance (Ontario, Québec, Atlantic Canada and Manitoba)
  • Broadband communications technology and connectivity solutions including data hosting and cloud computing
  • Bell offers industry-leading wholesale solutions to Canadian and international service providers
  • Conventional, pay and specialty television; national radio; digital media; and out-of-home advertising (Bell, 2018).

Data analysis method to study and compare information system analysis of any organization can be classified into two major categories as,

Qualitative methodology

Quantitative methodology

Qualitative method: This method is used to make a quality analysis with authentic sources and a deep study of the data available to the organization. In this method main focus of the management is on quality rather than quantity Crane, & Matten, 2016). Sometimes this method may give best results of the data available but lack of data may cause less preciseness of the results. Also this method is complex and time consuming. 

About Bell Mobility

Quantitative method: This method is adopted when there is a plenty of data available to the organization and a more precise result is required (Salehi, Rostami, & Mogadam, 2010). In this method data is analysed with less attentiveness compared to that in the previous method (Laudon, & Laudon, 2011). This makes the results more precise but less descriptive and also the method is less time consuming compared to qualitative method.

Information system of an organization is defined as an organised system used to collect, organize, filter, store, and utilise the information for the development of the organization (Reed, 2008). In other words it is a network of people and organization used to manage its information for different purposes (Cella, Yount,  Rothrock, Gershon, Cook, Reeve, & Rose, 2007). In terms of academic study it is a reference to the contemporary network of organization hardware and software used by the people to manage their information (Kaplan, & Maxwell, 2005). Both the Canadian companies, Celestica and Bell Mobility, selected for this report use different information systems. Former one uses Labour and Ethics management system and later one uses Environmental management system.

Celestica looks after its employees and ensures that employees of the organization are treated with respect and dignity. Also company ensures that the employees are provided with a safe and favourable environment to work with high efficiency. To ensure all this, company has developed this Labour and Ethics Management system. Main motive of this system design is to ensure the compliances of rights with applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements. These customer requirements compliances are related to the company operations and its products. For this assurance company collect the required data from Celestica’s Business Conduct Governance Policy (BCG) and Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) the code of conduct (Celestics, 2015). This management of the company includes the following elements 

Company commitment

Legal and customer requirements

Risk assessment and management


Corrective action process

This is an integrated tool of the company that identifies various problems or opportunities, mitigates risks, and also ensures a continuous enhancement of the company performance (Wangpipatwong, Chutimaskul, & Papasratorn, 2005). Legal monitoring is also an integral part of the system. This system revises and approves annually. In this plan details are discussed as the environmental activities to be undertaken by the organization and its subsidiaries (Melville, 2010). This environmental management system of the company defines a set of programmes mitigating all the environmental issues of the organization. This system also defines objectives for each activity to ensure its achievement of meeting its goal (BCE, 2016). Other control point made by the company to ensure the effectiveness of the management system and its programmes are as following

Methodology Description

Legal and GAP analysis

Risk evaluation to evaluate the performance of the system

Internal and external audits

Implementation approach of Celestica for this management system includes following sequence

Company sets its objectives and targets in the first quarter of every year.

Development of different measurements to monitor and improve the performance of the system

Develop an effective action plan for the implementation of the system

Execution of the plan as per its innovative design

This action plan designing requires a lot of data related to the previous system plans and other information influencing the output of the system. This data collection and analysis is the primary stage of this system. At this stages data is collected from all the business units of the organization and then as a result of this analysis this new system for every year is designed. 

Both the Labour and Ethics environment system and Environment management system are similar in to in some context up-to a significant extend. Organizations use these systems have similarities in following aspects

Legal concern

In terms of legal measurement of the systems both the systems take legal advices from the legal advised of the organization or sometimes from an external source too if needed (Peffers, Tuunanen, Rothenberger, & Chatterjee, 2007). This makes both the systems legally valid and also shows the organization’s concern for the right things to be done along complying with the preservation of rights of people working for the organization.

Workplace concern

Both the systems are concern for the workplace environment equally. Labour and ethics system as well as the environment management system are used to make a better workplace environment to show their concern for their employees (Pirot, Jadoul, Roscam, O’connell, & McDermott, 2005). This concern for the employees ultimately enhances the productivity of the organization.


The above report concludes that information systems are very important for any organization and these are systems are the most integral part of an organization in making it successful. Information systems, Labour and Ethics management and Environment management, are used by Celestica Inc. and Bell Mobility respectively are most beneficial tools of the organizations. Both the systems are different but have some similarities too. These similarities are in terms of employee benefits that ensure the employee satisfaction and also enhance the productivity of the organization. 


BCE. (2016). Bell Canada Environmental Management System. Retrieved from:

Bell. (2018). Bell Enterprises. Retrieved from:

Celestica. (2018). Manufacturing Services. Retrieved from:

Celestics. (2015). Sustainability at Celestica. Retrieved from:

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