Wireless LAN Replacement At GV Health: IT Project Management Principles And Operations

Project Deliverables

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The following project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is an IT project based on the development of improved WLAN network connection. The implementation of the new network structure would help in easing the management of the network access in the GV health. The inclusion of the wireless access would be helpful for the development of the network access in the organization (Wang et al. 2016). The project would involve the use of technological development tools and principles for the alignment of the operations. The inclusion of the improved network would be helpful for the development of the operations in the organization.

The project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is based on the IT project management principles and operations. The implication of the effective project management would help in forming the final project deliverable. The project development is largely based on the implication of the operations. The final deliverable of the project includes,

Wireless Local Area Network: The GV Health would get a new WLAN structure installed in their operational structure. The project would finally get the wireless local area network implemented for GV health and their operations would be improved. The migration of the existing network to the wireless would help them in the formation of the successive and effective operations.

Documents: The project plan documents including the project schedule and cost estimation is one of the major deliverable for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health. The documents made would serve the purpose of future project developments. The documentation is also helpful for checking whether the project is going in the scheduled plane.

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The project is developed for ensuring that wireless connection of the LAN network can be implied in GV health. The usage of the new system structure would help in facilitating the administration of the system access in the GV health. The incorporation of the remote access would be useful for the advancement of the system access in the association (Chen, Dai and Cui 2017). The undertaking would include the utilization of mechanical improvement apparatuses and standards for the arrangement of the tasks. The incorporation of the enhanced system would be useful for the improvement of the activities in the association. The main benefit of implementing the project lies in the fact that the implementation would be helpful for the implementation of the improved communication and network access with the help of WLAN cloud access.

Benefits of Implementation

The implementation of the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health would be based on the development of the operations and formation of the successive development operations (Oscar 2017). The various risk factors that can impact on the project are the design problems, component failures, cost overrun, and delay in completion. These risk factors would form the major impact in the completion of the project operations. These risk factors would result in causing the issues in completion of the project and alignment of the operations. The risk factors would tend to cause the hindrances in the completion of the project.

The schedule for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is given below,


Task Name






Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health

59 days

Mon 4/9/18

Thu 6/28/18



   Initiation Phase

12 days

Mon 4/9/18

Tue 4/24/18



      Analysis of the requirements

2 days

Mon 4/9/18

Tue 4/10/18



      Project Initiation Documentation

4 days

Wed 4/11/18

Mon 4/16/18



      Project Charter Document is made

4 days

Tue 4/17/18

Fri 4/20/18



      Documents are submitted

1 day

Mon 4/23/18

Mon 4/23/18



      Sign off

1 day

Tue 4/24/18

Tue 4/24/18



      Project Kick off

0 days

Tue 4/24/18

Tue 4/24/18



   Planning Phase

6 days

Wed 4/25/18

Wed 5/2/18



      Plan outline is made

2 days

Wed 4/25/18

Thu 4/26/18



      Plan is reviewed

1 day

Fri 4/27/18

Fri 4/27/18



      Schedule plan is made

3 days

Mon 4/30/18

Wed 5/2/18



      Cost Estimation

3 days

Mon 4/30/18

Wed 5/2/18



      Communication Planning

3 days

Mon 4/30/18

Wed 5/2/18



      Plan Approval

0 days

Wed 5/2/18

Wed 5/2/18



   Design Phase

14 days

Thu 5/3/18

Tue 5/22/18



      WLAN Replacement Design requirements are analyzed

2 days

Thu 5/3/18

Fri 5/4/18



      Basic Network Topology is formed

2 days

Mon 5/7/18

Tue 5/8/18



      Client, Router, Access points, and Gateways are identified

2 days

Wed 5/9/18

Thu 5/10/18



      Network Connections are analyzed

2 days

Thu 5/3/18

Fri 5/4/18



      New Design is Made

5 days

Fri 5/11/18

Thu 5/17/18



      Design Simulation

3 days

Fri 5/18/18

Tue 5/22/18



      Design Approval

0 days

Tue 5/22/18

Tue 5/22/18



   Execution Phase

32 days

Wed 5/9/18

Thu 6/21/18



      Capacity of the network is calculated

2 days

Wed 5/9/18

Thu 5/10/18



      Network Standards are set

3 days

Fri 5/11/18

Tue 5/15/18



      Security Functions are aligned

4 days

Wed 5/16/18

Mon 5/21/18



      Preparation of the network design implementation

2 days

Wed 5/23/18

Thu 5/24/18



      Testing in the existing office

2 days

Fri 5/25/18

Mon 5/28/18



      Scheduling for network moving

1 day

Tue 5/29/18

Tue 5/29/18



      Network Migration to WLAN

3 days

Wed 5/30/18

Fri 6/1/18



      Network is taken down

2 days

Tue 5/29/18

Wed 5/30/18



      Existing Switches are replaced

3 days

Thu 5/31/18

Mon 6/4/18



      VPN configuration

4 days

Tue 6/5/18

Fri 6/8/18



      WLAN set up is completed

7 days

Mon 6/11/18

Tue 6/19/18



      New Network is developed

2 days

Wed 6/20/18

Thu 6/21/18



      Access to the new network is developed

0 days

Thu 6/21/18

Thu 6/21/18



   Final Documentation and Closure

5 days

Fri 6/22/18

Thu 6/28/18



      Final documents are made

3 days

Fri 6/22/18

Tue 6/26/18



      Submission of final documents

1 day

Wed 6/27/18

Wed 6/27/18



      Sign off

1 day

Thu 6/28/18

Thu 6/28/18



      Project is Closed

0 days

Thu 6/28/18

Thu 6/28/18


Table 1: Project Schedule in table format

(Source: Created by the author)

The complete project is divided into 5 phases namely initiation phase, planning phase, design phase, execution phase, and closure phase. The initiation phase involves the use of the initial information for making initial documents for submission. The planning phase would be based on the development of a plan that would be helpful for the development of the final project report. The design phase is characterized by the development of the improved operation and development. The execution phase would involve the deployment of the improved functions for the alignment of the operations that would help in listing the development of the operations for the project (Ergu et al. 2014). The closure phase involves the development of final project closure and the final documents that would be helpful for forming project completion. The timeline for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is shown below,

The work breakdown structure for the project would show the involvement of the specific work packages represented by the complete project development. The work breakdown structure for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is shown below,

The project phases can be considered as the work packages and they would combine to form the work breakdown structure for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health. The work breakdown structure can be explained as the summation of the project phase development (Gemünden 2015). The work packages would be helpful for the deployment of the effective integration of the operations. The deployment of the operations would be helpful for the alignment of the effective development model. The active work packages for the project were Project Initiation, Project Planning, Project Designing, Project Execution, and Project Closure. The combination of all these phases would be helpful for the formation of the improved operation development. The operational development would be helpful for the alignment of the successive development model (Lientz and Rea 2016). The initiation work package comprises of analysis of the requirements, project initiation documentation, project charter document is made, documents are submitted, sign off, and project kick off. The project kick off would act as the final milestone of the project. The planning work package would comprise of plan outline is made, plan is reviewed, schedule plan is made, cost estimation, communication planning, and plan approval. The plan approval would act as the milestone for the planning phase. The design work package would comprise of WLAN replacement design requirements are analysed, basic network topology is formed, client, router, access points, and gateways are identified, network connections are analysed, new design is made, design simulation, and design approval (JOSEPH. PHILLIPS et al. 2018). The execution work package comprise of capacity of the network is calculated, network standards are set, security functions are aligned, preparation of the network design implementation, testing in the existing office, scheduling for network moving, network migration to WLAN, network is taken down, existing switches are replaced, VPN configuration, WLAN set up is completed, new network is developed, and access to the new network is developed. The final documentation and closure work package comprises of final documents are made, submission of final documents, sign off, and project is closed (Binder 2016). The project is closed is the final milestone of the project. The project completion would be helpful for the deployment of the final WLAN network connection and the alignment of the effective operations.

Project Risks

The questionnaire survey is helpful for developing the final requirement analysis for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health and it would also help in ensuring that the quality standards of the project are met (Schwalbe 2015). The questionnaire would be helpful for the alignment of the successive and appropriate development of the operations and the alignment of the improved operational development. The questions and the reason for asking the question is listed in the table below,


Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health

Serial No


Justification of the Question


What are the requirements of the project clear?

This questions deals with the major expected deliverable for the project and the client would be able to convey clearly the requirements of the final project deliverable. The question would provide short overview of the final deliverable for the project.


Why the WLAN migration crucial in the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health?

The question would help in conveying the major expectations of the client in terms of requirements and final deliverable. The client would convey whether the main reason for migration would be cost reduction, increased efficiency of access, security, or all.


Have some standards been set for WLAN connection?

Wireless network access is dependent on the base of the some protocols and standards. The use of the effective standards would help in ensuring that the connections are being aligned successfully.


What are the security considerations of the new network connection?

The question would help in easing the understanding of the level of security required in the project. It would help in forming the major network security considerations for the project.


What is the expected scope trio from the project final deliverable?

The question would help in judging the final project deliverable on the basis of the scope trio constraints. The scope trio constraints include the cost, time, and quality. The question would signify the final project deliverable from the WLAN network project.

The project is developed by following waterfall methodology and the alignment of the operations had been based on the integration of the traditional waterfall methodology implementation (Fernandez et al. 2015). The implementation of the waterfall methodology would be helpful for the alignment of the successive development operations. The traditional waterfall methodology would be helpful for the continuation of the effective and operations. The step by step project development would be helpful for the continuation of the final project deliverable. The methodology of the project is explained below,

Methodology Phase

Activities Involved

Initiation Phase

Analysis of the requirements

Project Initiation Documentation

Project Charter Document is made

Documents are submitted

Sign off

Project Kick off

Planning Phase

Plan outline is made

Plan is reviewed

Schedule plan is made

Cost Estimation

Communication Planning

Plan Approval

Design Phase

WLAN Replacement Design requirements are analysed

Basic Network Topology is formed

Client, Router, Access points, and Gateways are identified

Network Connections are analysed

New Design is Made

Design Simulation

Design Approval

Execution Phase

Capacity of the network is calculated

Network Standards are set

Security Functions are aligned

Preparation of the network design implementation

Testing in the existing office

Scheduling for network moving

Network Migration to WLAN

Network is taken down

Existing Switches are replaced

VPN configuration

WLAN set up is completed

New Network is developed

Access to the new network is developed

Final Documentation and Closure

Final documents are made

Submission of final documents

Sign off

Project is Closed

The start work bundle involves examination of the prerequisites, project start documentation, project sanction record is made, archives are submitted, close down, and project commence. The undertaking kick off would go about as the last point of reference of the task (Model 2015). The arranging work bundle would include design diagram is made, design is evaluated, plan design is made, taken a toll estimation, correspondence arranging, and plan endorsement. The arrangement endorsement would go about as the breakthrough for the arranging stage. The plan work bundle would contain WLAN substitution outline prerequisites are investigated, fundamental system topology is shaped, customer, switch, get to focuses, and passages are recognized, arrange associations are dissected, new outline is made, plan re-enactment, and outline endorsement. The execution work bundle include limit of the system is computed, arrange norms are set, security capacities are adjusted, planning of the system outline usage, testing in the current office, booking for organize moving, arrange relocation to WLAN, organize is brought down, existing switches are supplanted, VPN setup, WLAN set up is finished, new system is created, and access to the new system is produced (Madgunda et al. 2015). The last documentation and conclusion work bundle contains last archives are made, accommodation of definite reports, close down, and project is shut. The project is shut is the last development of the undertaking.

Each of the phases of the project comprise of some issues and problems that would tend to form the major issues in the integration of the final project deliverable. The project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is largely dependent on the execution phase and the various issues identified in the project are,

Project Schedule

Lack of initial information: The lack of initial documentation is the primary issue of the project and it would tend to form the major issue in the development of the final project deliverable. The initial documentation is largely responsible for the development of the final project deliverable (Miller and Baker 2015). The initial documentation would require the prior information processing and analysis. The lack of initial documentation information would tend to delay the information required for project progress and might even result in forming problem for the final project deliverable.

Delay in plan approval: The approval of the plan is a crucial element for the kick off the project execution phase. The main activities of the project would be dependent on the alignment of the final project deliverable. The delay in approval of the plan would tend to form the issues in the initiation of the WLAN transfer works.

Design Issues: The design development is a major factor for the deployment of the final project development. The lack of the design integrity would tend to form the major integration of the final project deliverable (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The issues in design might also result in the formation of the system development problems. Without the integrated design of the system, the final project deliverable of WLAN would not be achieved.

Inferior Components: The various routers, switches, wires, and other components for the WLAN development would result in forming the migration efficient (Lakemond, Bengtsson, Laursen and Tell 2016). However, the inferior quality of the components would tend to form the major issues in the development of the project. The degraded quality would result in forming the major setback of the development of the WLAN network for Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health.

The project tender bid submission strategy is largely dependent on the alignment of the final project deliverable. The allowance for the bid is based on the development of the final project deliverable and the alignment of the successive bid development (Alshamrani and Bahattab 2015). The expected project bid strategy for the project of WLAN network for Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health includes Understanding of the client’s requirements, Learning from past experience, market analysis, and development of final plan. The bid strategy is made for ensuring that the project proposal tender is made in such a way that the final project deliverable is achieved. The alignment of the final project deliverable would be based on the development of the effective plan development (Hwang and Kim 2016). The bid submission strategy would be helpful for the alignment of the operations.

Project Phases

Understanding of the client’s requirements: The understanding of the client’s requirements would be helpful for the development of the final project deliverable and the alignment of the successive and improved project final operations (Eberhard and Naude 2016). The major expectations of the client in terms of requirements and final deliverable should be pre-acknowledged. The client would convey whether the main reason for migration would be cost reduction, increased efficiency of access, security, or all. It would help in achievement of the expected deliverable for the project and the client would be able to convey clearly the requirements of the final project deliverable.

Learning from past experience: The lack of previous information is the primary issue of the project and it would tend to form the major issue in the development of the final project deliverable. The learning from the past experience is largely responsible for the development of the final project deliverable (Hwang and Kim 2016). The previous information would tend to help in effective gathering of the information required for project progress and might even result in forming faster progress for the final project deliverable.

Market Analysis: The market analysis would help in making estimation of the project final deliverable. The analysis would also help in forming the improved final deliverable that would help in estimating the cost and the expenses that would be required for the final project deliverable (Schwartz, Ruiz-Nunez and Chelsky 2014). The market analysis would help in judging the final project deliverable on the basis of the scope trio constraints. The scope trio constraints include the cost, time, and quality. The WLAN network project is based on the alignment of the final project deliverable and the formation of the improved functional development.

Development of final tender plan: The final tender plan would involve the listing of the major project deliverables, all milestones, and approximate calculation of the project costs, and the utilization of the smart project deliverable (Nojoumian and Stinson 2014). The final tender document is based on the alignment of the successive plan development and the formation would be helpful for the formation of the effective project plan documentation. A sample project tender document for the project of Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health is given below,

Project Name

Wireless LAN replacement at GV Health

Document name

Project Tender Document




1st April, 2018

Created By:

Christie Jones

Project Start Date:

Monday, 9th April, 2018

Project End Date:

Thursday, 28th June, 2018


60 days

Cost Estimated:




Task Name





Project Kick off

0 days

Tue 4/24/18

Tue 4/24/18


Plan Approval

0 days

Wed 5/2/18

Wed 5/2/18


Design Approval

0 days

Tue 5/22/18

Tue 5/22/18


Access to the new network is developed

0 days

Thu 6/21/18

Thu 6/21/18


Project is Closed

0 days

Thu 6/28/18

Thu 6/28/18


a)      Wireless Local Area Network

b)      project plan document

c)      project schedule and cost estimation


a)      Development of the WLAN migration

b)      New Design Development

c)      Final Project Report

Sign off:

<<name of the student>>

Project Manager

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