Importance Of Total Quality Management In Organizations – Kaizen And Six Sigma Approach

Overview of Total Quality Management

Choose any good Industry of your own Event. kaizen theory or sigma theory to be use for this assignment.  Justified the link between the two theory and total Quality Concept. please give example of what TQC is all about , give definition of TQM and who started TQM.

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Total Quality Management (TQM) is considered as a managerial approach that deals with the long-term success of an organisation. This is done through customer satisfaction based on the quality of a product, services and the process used for manufacturing a product (Dale 2015, p.55). Total Quality Management installs a sense of continuous improvement among the employees in order to manufacture good quality products that satisfy customers. Scholars such as Edward Deming, Joseph Juran, Kaoru Ishikawa and Philip Crosby are associated with the development of the concept. They are known as the TQM gurus as the concept had been coined and analysed by these people.

The concept came to the attention of the public in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. However, with time, it was overshadowed by the use of ISO 9000, Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma concept. The assignment deals with the importance of Total Quality Management in organisations. The concept of Kaizen theory and six sigma theory is discussed in the assignment. The link between the theories and the concept of total management is also highlighted in the assignment. The assignment takes into account an event organisation that uses TQM effectively. The organisation in focus is Penguins event agency that helps in the development of creative events in the UK ( 2017).

Total Quality Management is a concept that involves the implication of customer satisfaction. In this regard, several theories can be implemented in order to ensure that the quality of the product and services does not get compromised. The application of sigma concept and Kaizen can help in ensuring that the quality of the products and services of an organisation are maintained in a proper manner. It has been seen that the theories related to the Total Quality Management are more or less linked with the concept (Fu et al. 2015, p.123). The fact that both the theories relate to maintaining the quality of products provides a clear sign that the use of either of the concept at a workplace can help it to gain success. The Kaizen approach provides for improving the quality of the products and services by maintaining discipline in the organisation. Total Quality Management also focuses on maintaining discipline at the workplace in order to gain the involvement of the employees. The process thinking approach of Total Quality Management indicates the fact that theories involved in sigma are similar to the calculation process of the organisation.

Kaizen Theory and Total Quality Management

However, Monroe (2016, p.125) identified a difference in the approaches saying that Total Quality Management is different than the theories. The main focus of the difference is the fact that the timeline of the approaches is different from one another. The concepts of Kaizen, as well as sigma, are modern concepts that take into consideration every problem that an employee may face while maintaining a quality of products. This is absent in Total Quality Management as the concept is old and modern day problems related to maintaining the quality did not exist. Furthermore, Total Quality Management also includes the use of benchmarking techniques that may help in identifying the results of different organisations. Such an approach can be used by Penguins in order to improve the quality of events that are staged by the company. Six Sigma and Kaizen makes small changes that are required for a perfect quality of product and services. This is an improvement to the Total Quality Management as the concept focuses on changing a production and service as a whole. For example, in the case of setting up conferences, Penguins can implement changes that can help in setting up a good conference for the client. However, in the case of small mistakes that may take place during the conference, the use of Kaizen or six sigma methods can be applied. Hence, the perfect conference that the organisation and the clients were seeking can be attained.

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Pyzdek and Keller (2014, p.25) stated that in terms of complexity of the theories in relation to Total Quality Management, it is seen that six sigma consists of a more complex approach than Kaizen or Total Quality Management. This is mainly because of the fact that the use of statistical approach requires proper calculation of the resources and the manner in which quality can be maintained. Any mistake can lead to further problems as it may create problems in the products. The application of these theories in Penguins may help the company get the desired result of customer satisfaction. Employees using six sigma are often categorised that may create a division in an organisation. According to Evans and Lindsay (2014, p.64), the division is mainly because of the fact that six sigma require minute analysis of a product or service that needs to be delivered in time to the customers. In the case of Penguins, the service provided includes managing the events that may lead to a success for the clients. The application of sigma is helpful for any organisation mainly due to the reduction of errors. Total Quality Management and Kaizen provide the cleanliness to the workplace without minimising the chances of error.

Six Sigma Theory and Total Quality Management

Kaizen involves the continuous improvement of all function of an organisation. It is considered as a long-term approach that deals with the systematic improvement and changes that are required in order to improve the quality of the work performance and the product. According to Chadler (2017, p.40), the application of Kaizen technique in an organisation results in an increased responsibility of an employee. Every employee is accountable for maintaining the product of an organisation and improving continuously in achieving the quality of work. The philosophy involved in the application of Kaizen theory can be broadly credited to Edward Deming. Kaizen technique creates a purpose of continuously improving the manufacturing the products and services. It helps an organisation to remain competitive in the business world and ensure that it provides jobs to the local people. As stated by Sallis (2014, p.78) constant improvement of products and services lowers the cost of production. Kaizen can also be broken down into four steps that are collectively called the PDCA cycle. This includes proper planning for the change, execute out the plan, check the results and act to implement the changes

PDCA Cycle

(Source: Sallis 2014, p.78)

Guptil and Jackson (2014, p.22) observed that apart from the PDCA cycle, the use of 5S can also be used by organisations in order to make improvements in the workplace. The 5S technique focuses on having an order to maintain cleanliness and standardisation in an organisation. The 5S programme produces results that include improvement in profitability, efficiency, service and safety of an organisation. The 5S include sort, set in order, shine, standardise and sustain. Each of the elements of the 5S techniques stands for the benefit of an organisation. The application of 5S approach starts with the removal of unnecessary items from the place of work. This can be done by creating a specific location for the discarded items and of the items that require being used. Albliwi et al. (2014, p.1012) stated that the best way to differentiate between unnecessary items and required items includes proper cleaning of the workplace. Analysis of various techniques that can help in improving the quality of work in an organisation needs to be done. The best practice needs to be standardised within an organisation in order to ensure that the products and service quality does not get compromised. However, the most important factor that needs to be maintained is that organisations cannot retrace the steps back to the old times.

5S Framework

Difference between Total Quality Management and Kaizen/Six Sigma

(Source: Albliwi et al. 2014, p.1012)

In this regard, the application of Kaizen approach in Penguins can be analysed in order to understand the ways by which it can satisfy the customers. The organisation is devoted to organising events that help for the satisfaction of the customers. The company organises events that involve conferences, awards, exhibitions and launch of products. The aim of Penguins is to organise the best events so that customers remain inspired by the organisation. This accounts for the planning of an event based on the requirement provided by the client. The application of PDCA cycle involves in the organisation can be done based on the contract that Penguins receive. After planning the events, the organisation executes the plans in order to satisfy the client. The checking of the plan involves analysing the results of the event based on which actions are taken in order to incorporate the changes.

Similarly, Penguins need to implement the 5S model in order to identify the items that are required for organising a successful event. This may include removal of employees not good enough to uphold the aim of the organisation. Penguins need to sort these items and ensure that these are kept away from the useful items. Oakland (2014, p.45) stated that it may be wise for organisations to store these items for future use. The important part of the event organisation is to clean up the area after the event has been organised. This helps in maintaining the sustainability practice that most organisations perform in order to remain competitive in the market. Thus, the application of the 5S and PDCA approach can help Penguins to remain competitive in the events industry and continue to improve the services of the customers.

Six Sigma theory

According to Conger (2015, p.127), the six sigma concept is a set of skills and tools that are required for improvement process in an organisation. The aim of the theory is to increase the output quality of a process. It removes any qualities that may be defective in a product and make suitable replacement of the products. Most organisations use the concept in order to attain near perfection of that helps in improving the falling standard of that organisation. It is also a systematic and methodical approach in order to eliminate defects by using statistical methods. The implementation of statistics in the manufacturing of products helps in analysing the scientific manner in which a process is being conducted. The objectives of sigma are to implement a measurement-based strategy that focuses on the improvement of the product in an organisation. Goetsch and Davis (2014, p.99) stated that the reason behind the success of sigma in an organisational context is the fact that it takes into account the statistical factor along with managerial factors like leadership. This helps in gaining the support of the process and makes clear decisions without any assumed theory. In this regard, the benefits of sigma can be analysed.

Importance of Benchmarking Techniques

One of the most important benefits includes reducing the errors in an organisation. The systematic and statistical approach that six sigma implement in the manufacturing of products helps in reducing any errors in terms of quality of the products. It has been seen that the evolution of the sigma concept from one to six has led to a high percentage of error reduction. Gimenez-Espin et al. (2013, p.678) observed that six sigma certification leads to the occurrence of only 3.4 units of errors per production. The improvement of business process and the improvement of service are also conducted by the use of sigma approach. Attaining sigma certification helps in improving the knowledge of the manufacturing unit in the organisation. The ability to obtain sustainable quality improvement can be monitored closely without any deviation from the mean target. The biggest benefit of sigma concept is the fact that it can be applied in every industry. The flexibility of the concept makes it useful to be implemented in engineering industries as well as manufacturing industries. It leads to the improvement of more job opportunities and an increase in salary of the employees. Oakland and Morris (2013, p.99) opined that the tests conducted before the application of sigma approach are not easy as the managers undergo intense scrutiny of the manufacturing process. It also helps to enhance the managerial and leadership abilities.

The application of sigma concept in Penguins can be attributed keeping in mind the effective application of the approach. The statistical manner in which the sigma concept is used can help in reducing any type of errors in the company. The statistical concept helps in the application of calculating the different stages that are required for setting up an event. Penguins deal with organising events that may require the use of entertainment in order to attract customers (Assarlind, Gremyr and Bäckman 2013, p.387). Hence, the placing of lights and other props required for making the event attractive is based on the statistical calculation of the products. The ability to lead a group of members in organising an event can help the potential leaders of the organisation to achieve success in a global arena.

It has also been seen that the application of sigma approach increases the salary of an organisation. This is because the quality of work is maintained and due to the application of a scientific and systematic approach errors are reduced that helps in providing a perfect service to the clients. Moreover, the inexperienced employees of Penguins can gain firsthand experience of the manner to maintain quality in an organisation. Hence, six sigma theories can help in the proper analysis of the quality of service provided by Penguins. Penguins can develop the business in a way so that it can be characterised based on the measurement of the services provided, improvement of the service, quality of the service and so on. A Clear commitment to the decisions that are required for conducting the event can be analysed by the application of this concept. Hence, a link can be established that highlights the implementation of the theories in the concept of total quality management.

The 5S Technique


Thus, it can be concluded that the use of Total Quality Management can help an organisation to ensure customer satisfaction. The manner in which products and services can be controlled in an organisation can be analysed by using the different theories needed for maintaining the quality. Kaizen and Sigma provide different approaches to organisations in terms of maintaining the quality as well as gaining positive feedback from the customers. In an organisation such as Penguins, the application of these theories can help in organising quality events that can be essential for improving the reputation of the company. The link between the theories with the quality management can be attributed both positively as well as in a negative manner. The fact that the theories such as Kaizen and sigma are modern concepts provides them with an edge over the application of quality management. The application of sigma can help in reducing the errors in an organisation like Penguins. However, the application needs to be done based on certain considerations that the managers need to keep in mind. Hence, recommendations can be made based on the application of sigma principle in the organisation.

Based on the analyses of the effectiveness of the theories related to total quality management, it can be said that the application of sigma can help in the benefit of Penguins. Hence, Penguins need to ensure that the employees are skilled in terms of making statistical calculations based on the application of the concept. The use of sigma can also help in identifying the small errors that may be seen after checking the progress of the events that are organised. During the application of the changes, the organisation requires employees that are skilful enough to identify the flaws. Proper resources are also required in order to ensure that the events are organised in a proper manner. This is the initial requirement before the implication of any of the theories related to Total Quality Management. Penguins can also apply the 5s Kaizen strategy in order to remain disciplined. This can be done by implementing personnel capable to manage the sustainability of the organisation. Thus, the suggestions can help Penguins to establish itself firmly in the events industry in the United Kingdom.

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