The Impact Of Electronic Health Record Systems In Improving Patient Care And Reducing Costs

Overview of the research problem

  • What are the advantages of the Electronic Health Record System in comparison to systems which do not have the electronic health record in place?
  • What are the various areas in which electronic Health Record System can increase the efficiency of the performance and efficiency of the healthcare organisation?
  • What are the major concern areas where extra emphasis should be given before final design and implementation of the Electronic Health Record System?
  • To what extent can be the various departments of the healthcare organisation be integrated in order to give better performance through the implementation of Electronic Health Record System?

Theoretical Approach

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            Various themes and concepts have been identified that would help in getting better insights of the problem areas and the various sections of the healthcare organisations that will be brought under the purview of the electronic medical record system.

            The safety concerns that are unique to the electronic health record system are more efficient than the dependency on human agents, because though a human may commit a mistake in record keeping the software would not. However there may be safety issues because of the human operators of these systems who may commit mistakes in entering the values or data. There are existing examples of many errors that have threatened the treatment of serious patients due to malfunctioning of the software systems. These have to be theoretically and practically removed and better programs with errorless sequence of service must be implemented.

            There have been many programs of evaluation in the existing systems of electronic healthcare system and this research would be endeavouring in addressing many of these errors and flaws.

Methodology or Framework

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            The existing literatures and the various researches have been studied in details and in this case the secondary research will be followed to understand the existing situation of electronic health record system (Bradley, Curry & Devers, 2007). However in the next stage survey will be done among various medical staffs to understand what the existing needs in this regards are, and also what their expectations are. In this case the primary research will be conducted.

            The research design will be descriptive. Descriptive research design is the process of detailing the research problems and research areas in detailed description along with extensive literature review on the subject (Gale et al., 2013). The research will be dealing with the existing gaps and failures and will build upon those to create a better system of electronic health record system.

            The research will have deductive approach, deductive approach is the process of deducing various conclusions from the review of existing literatures and researches and understanding the needs of the sector. Electronic health record system needs to be an intelligent system with predictive capabilities, and least number of errors. 


Bradley, E. H., Curry, L. A., & Devers, K. J. (2007). Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory. Health services research, 42(4), 1758-1772.

Gale, N. K., Heath, G., Cameron, E., Rashid, S., & Redwood, S. (2013). Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 117.